Chobi reached out and mentioned it to me. If that design were to win, obviously we would make sure it did not violate copyrights.
Chobi reached out and mentioned it to me. If that design were to win, obviously we would make sure it did not violate copyrights.
I was thinking the same thing myself
These nice folk have done a great job of explaining many of the finer details of Siegfried. I will add a few specifics about the matchup between Atlantico and Sieg:
Siegfried's bow/stern armor is 27mm. This means your guns must be 406mm or bigger to overmatch
Siegfried's Deck armor is 30mm. This means your guns must be 431mm or higher to overmatch
Siegfried's upper hull is 90mm. Nothing overmatches that, so the Siegfried will bounce AP shells of any caliber if she's angled enough.
Siegfried is classified as a "Large Cruiser" in WoWs-Speak and will burn like a battleship for a full 60 seconds.
Atlantico has 381mm guns. This will overmatch 26mm, but not 27mm. Atlantico's AP shells will bounce off the bow and deck of Siegfried if she is angled.
Atlantico's 234mm secondaries WILL penetrate the dock, bow, stern, and superstructure of a Siegfried at any...
I'm just now recovering from covid and I feel like a zombie, but that's nothing compared to this nearly 7 years old thread rising from the grave.
I am truly astounded!
That's quite alright. We appreciate your patience here.
I am hoping that we will have something more we can say this coming week
Hi there!
Please write a ticket to Customer Support, inform them of the error made, and see if they can perform an account reset for you. Just be aware that an account reset to a point before your error will reset everything back to that point.
Hi, folks!
Collab camos cannot be re-released outside of active collaborations for licensing purposes. Not something in our control I'm afraid
Regarding some of the older camos, we removed them for a reason as we began to standardize the permanent camos by tier. Sure, there are a few special ones for Ranked / Clan tokens that provide awesome bonuses like the Black or the Flint, but overall those were removed quite a while ago on purpose and we don't intend to bring them back with those bonuses as far as I know.
You're absolutely right. We should have some info coming out for you very soon, so hang tight
Which ship did you purchase?
Howdy, Heroes!
Tonight Boggzy will try his hand at drawing a Huron Camo for the contest on-stream while he and Ahskance share some news about the exterior separation before a new devblog drops!
5 - 7pm Central!
Ah, I get what you mean here.
If the survey is asking how likely you are to recommend and your response of "Not likely" leads to the survey ending, people will feel as though their specific reasoning is not important, which makes it feel like a "wrong" answer because "right" answers lead to further questions.
I get that! Surveys are targeted, so it could be that the person was looking for "what are we doing right?" specifically rather than a broad-scale, "How do you feel about the game?" kind of survey. I can see why people would begin to infer things from that. Broadly speaking, the forums are most often a place where people come to air their grievances and give critical feedback, so I see where a survey on good things would be wanted and an in-game survey is a good way to do that.
How can you have a “wrong answer” on a survey?
I see folks make this claim frequently about the surveys closing when a “wrong answer” is given. There are surveys that are looking to find out answers and opinions to specific questions or subjects, so answering in a way that indicates little to no interest or experience in the subject may just end the survey.
”Wrong answer” would imply that there is a “right answer”. That’s not what a survey does - that’s what a test or quiz does.
Hello, @crazyrom!
Thanks for bringing this up! It had not even occurred to me that the camo could either be stretched or applied the the entire hull.
I will discuss the matter with the Art Department folks and see about asking the winning user whether they prefer a waterline or a full-hull situation for their camo design.
When you put a skin or style on a ship like "Made of Steel", "Infernal", or "Bionic" - it will override the gun sounds to whatever the skin has. This is why the "Master of Waterworld" DD camos have the special sounds as well.
If you put a "Made of Steel" camo on the Incomparable or Shiki it will override the sweet 20-inch gun sounds. The same will happen for the GK's 420's if you put a skin or style on, but not an expendable camo.
Hello, Diison! Nice to see you in the forums too!
Superships are credit-intensive by design. As we talked about in the waterline (, T10 was always intended to be the credit-intensive tier that you fueled by playing lower tiers, but the T10 became too profitable over time. Because of this, we decided to make Superships be weighted heavily by economics towards maintenance costs.
I encourage you to not think about "breaking even" in a supership credit-wise. The Supership is something to be worked towards the way that the Research Bureau ships require large amounts of gameplay and / or resources to earn - same with Supers but in a different way.
I understand that - but the same exact situation has been in this game previously through powerful Steel ships like FDR / Stalingrad / Bourgogne, or powerful Research Bureau ships like Ohio. Only people who have put many hours and lots of effort into the game are able to field those ships that do well in competitive depending on season / format.
Credits are a far more accessible resource than Steel or RB, so while I do see your point that the inclusion of Superships will cause a sort of "bottleneck" for this season, I respectfully feel that this won't be the kind of ceiling that people are making it out to be. The Clan Battle Season format of having 2x Superships has been known for weeks now and people have had ample time to save credits and work towards buying a Supership to have ready for their clan. When I joined a competitive clan in Jan.2020 I had 2x T10's available that didn't work for Clan Battles, so I worked hard and ground out a Moskva so that I would ...
Read moreSo I'm seeing a number of folks here commenting that having Superships in Clan Battles is a sign of "greed" or even "avarice" because it requires people to spend credits on a powerful ship that didn't exist before to stay competitive.
Credits are the easiest resource in the game to acquire. You can earn them quickly by playing mid-tiers or premium ships and credit boosting flags are plentiful. You can sell any extra camos / signals / upgrades / modules / ships that are laying around not being useful for credits. Of all the resources to choose when trying to make a "cash-grab", credits has got to be the worst choice.
The matchmaker is not trying actively to keep you near the 50/50 mark.
The matchmaker looks only at ship class, ship type, divisions, and tier. It doesn't care about your winrate, it doesn't care about your ELO rating from a third-party site, and it doesn't care about which ships you consider to be overpowered. It attempts to match a division of 3 against another division of 3 regardless of skill-level. If there are 6 Des Moines in a match it will attempt to split them evenly.
"Steamrolls" are not a factor of the matchmaker.
We do have plans to restart our offline events, but I cannot give you a timeline for when that would happen as we are juggling an enormous amount right now.
I can say that we are hoping to have offline events restart within the 2022 year, but I cannot promise that so don't hold me to it
Thank you for asking!
We will be performing maintenance to our servers and several game features will be temporarily unavailable.
Dates: 23:00 UTC on May 23rd – 00:30 UTC on May 24,
EU, ASIA, NA: Clan Missions and Clan Battles tabs will be unavailable EU: In-game Shop will be unavailable
Thank you for your understanding!