

04 Mar

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Hello, Heroes!

Public Test Server Version 0.11.2 needs your help! Please leave feedback below!

Patch notes here:


Any bugs you encounter in the PTS can be reported in the Bug Report thread:

Thank you!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


If you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.11.1 pt2 Session, feel free to report it in this thread.

Please follow this template for submitting bugs.

Description: Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

How to reproduce: Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue Example: Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped. Go in battle. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

Result: What's the result of the issue. Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.

Thank you!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is nothing wrong with telling people a "Big surprise" is coming on a certain date. As long as he is not saying something like, "On Friday the 10th I have a Big, battleship-sized surprise that may or may not have airplanes (Kearsarge) to reveal at 11am".
That would be violating NDA.
What Carlito is doing here is generally fine.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you see the foot in my mouth?

03 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You know - I realized that the gun-stats of the California and New Mexico are almost identical, except that the Cali has 1.9 Sigma over the New Mex's 1.5. That's a BIG difference. The armor layout, AA, and torp protection on the Cali are vastly improved over NM as well. Shell-wise, reload-wise, ballistics-wise, they are exactly the same. Accuracy is significantly better on California though.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Flamu, PotatoQuality, Malta, and Hapa are all highly experienced players. If you're sitting on 195 battles, their instruction may be hard to interpret.
It took me 1000 battles before I was even remotely ready to be considered "decent" .

Don't lose heart! The biggest lesson in this game is knowing when to shoot and when to not shoot. That's all the difference in the world. DD's generally need to capture points and torpedo things. Cruisers need to find an island and make love to it while shooting the DD's. Battleships need to stay close enough to land shots on cruisers but not so close that they cannot get away when they start taking fire.
That's a dance! It takes a while to learn how to tango!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there!
So I lifted this image from ShipTool -

These are almost all of the T78 BB's and how their main batteries stack up. You can see that yes, California does have the worst reload by about 0.7s over Florida and 1.2 seconds over the Sinop. Sinop has 406mm guns compared to the 356's of the Cali, so comparisons should be made elsewhere.

You can see that the dispersion at 16km (seems pretty standard engagement range to me) is actually pretty consistent within 199-220m vertical. That's not a walloping difference. The AP salvo weight is also tied for second best with Ash*taka behind only Lyon. The Sigma is a respectable 1.9.
And yet the Cali FEELS inaccurate, doesn't it? Part of this is because the AP shells don't overmatch much and the penetration wains at long range - meaning lots of bounces. Sinop may have atrocious accuracy, but 406's...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep! DolphinPrincess is correct on this one.
You got unlucky and ran into their Gale league rating. Load size: "OOF"

02 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It really highlights the difference between the two types of gunboats:
The Brawler: (Smaland / Daring / Kleber / Marceau / Druid / Groz)

Heal / HP



The Farmer: (Harugumo / F.Sherman / Vampire 2 / Elbing)





Then you've got some odds one like Ragnar / Khaba / Delny, which technically can do both, but aren't always the best at either.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Captains (and Heroes)!

Join us for Community Time with Boggzy and Ahskance today on the Official Stream Channel! No guests, no gimmicks, just the NA team playing games, answering questions, and taking your ship suggestions! We'll have the viewers vote on which ships we play throughout the stream!

5pm - 7pm CST. See you there!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ships can't be good at EVERYTHING .
Forrest Sherman's layout makes her excellent for the same kind of work a Harugumo is: sit somewhere in smoke and rain down fiery doom on things that can't see you. It's not a torp-boat, although the torpedoes have extremely long range and often score hits that you don't expect. It's not a brawling gunboat because it has no heal. It can do massive, consistent damage even at long range due to the ballistics, so play to it's strengths!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of the lack of T6 US Premium Cruisers. The good news is that there are TONS of candidates :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The T5 Soviet cruisers have a long-range, open-water playstyle. You might also call them "Glass cannons". They share a lot of similarities so I'll list them here: Pros:

Excellent Range

Excellent Ballistics (shell speed, flat arcs)

Strong AP damage / penetration

Good speed


Paper-thin armor

Low HP

Relatively weak HE

These ships should be played at the longest range you can feasibly do so. Spam HE at the superstructure of Battleships to light fires, shoot AP when a cruiser or battleship gives you it's side (aim for upper-hull on BB's), and slap DD's around with your high-velocity HE rounds. A light breeze will citadel you, but Battleships with 380mm or higher guns will often overpen your citadel if you are broadside and not do that much damage. Play around with it and you'll see that the arm...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feedback and opinions for the balancing of a new ship is collected from Supertesters, Clan Supertesters, Community Contributors, Privateers, Staff, and even the Wiki Editors.
"The DD Community" is not a body that can be consulted properly for balancing input, but the closest thing is that feedback to the devblog posts is absolutely factored into balancing decisions.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Forrest Sherman definitely has her weaknesses. I am always pleased to see ships come out that have a strong balance of both!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have chosen to go full selfish gunboat on my F.Sherm. I have the skills set to play as an open-water, long-range damage dealer.

I may switch away from Fearless Brawler since the lack of heal and inclusion of awesome American smoke means that open-watering can be very hazardous.

01 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is always a chance you'll see her in the future!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, Folks!
General Discussion Heads up that the Community Contributor Application thread is currently open:

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We cannot confirm that it will be this week, but it has been slated for release "two weeks after the release of 11.1", which would mean some time this week

28 Feb

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep! I accidentally added '.com" to the end of