Yes! Once the bounty list is chosen they will all be given a link to the Bounty Discord
Yes! Once the bounty list is chosen they will all be given a link to the Bounty Discord
You got it!
Look again please - it's under "Visual Effects and Improvements"
That's because the tokens are in this article:
Thread is now unlocked for questions and chat! PLEASE NOTE! To register you must use the link in the Original post!!!!!
Leaving a comment here saying, "Sign me up" is not enough to sign you up!
Signup link / Rules for Rogues are here in the post:
Looking forward to as many of you as possible participating!
What will be your ship of choice when you're a bounty? Tell me! I think we all know I'll be playing the Tier 9 Agir during the "All Tiers" sections.
Some ships are used as a test-bed. You may recall the Werner Voss was a test ship used to test skip-bombers. It did not make it into the game but was instead replaced by Max Immelmann.
It will make resetting lines for Research Bureau MUCH faster.
This is the exact same image style in-game for any other commander that you can earn.
Halsey and Yamamoto are both depicted in this way. There is no confusion there. The commander is what you get and the name Jurua is there to let you know what he is automatically trained for.
If we did not do that, I suspect there would be complaints of, "You give us a commander for this ship and he's not even trained for it!?!?!"
@tm63au I appreciate the creativity of the post!
Nice pic you got there of the unfinished hulls. That was a good touch
The purpose of this Bounty Event is not to distribute the Benham. The purpose is to have a fun activity to spice up a weekend in the theme of the Savage Battles / Rogue Wave game mode that's returning in 0.11.2.
I got a few Benhams available for raffle specifically to thank the volunteers who make the event possible.
I understand completely that people worked hard for Benham and that seeing it "come back" is irritating - so I just ask that you remember that we're talking about a maximum of 4 Benhams total ASSUMING that 300 volunteers each play 60 games - which is unlikely
Please do! I'll be happy to help if I can.
Grant you tell the tale exactly correct.
I was 1 mission away from earning a Benham and the event ended while I was in-game. Dark Times.
I appreciate you coming forth to tell the tale!
Abreu is a clone, yes.
I believe that Jurua is slightly different the way that Ragnarok and Viribus Unitus are slightly different than Amagi
EDIT - nope! You are correct about Jurua. It's a Gallant as well :)
Maybe - but I didn't have many to give away and I wanted them to be available to the folks who put in the work as volunteers
The folks doing the hunting already get rewards just for sinking them! :)
In the first iteration of the Rogue Wave Event (the game mode, not the Bounty Event), the USS Benham was available for "Fuel Tokens" that were obtainable through combat missions or by purchasing bundles, but yes - you could earn the Benham for free at the time by playing enough. Sadly, I didn't get mine in time back then.
The bounty event is Rogue-Wave themed, but it is not Rogue Wave. I have been wanting to bring back the bounty events since Hapa_Fodder left the NA team and I'm just now comfortable enough to the point where I felt like I could.
So did I!
I hear you, man - we all wanted a Benham the first time around.
I'm afraid I can't just make it open-season on Benhams, but I WAS able to secure a few to give away to some lucky winners. It's actually only the second time we've been able to give away rare ships from a bounty event - so I figured that people would be stoked even if the odds were low.
I am glad you think it's cool! This was one of my favorite community events when I started playing the game!
They're not exactly clones - even though they are very similar to others. Ship Smasha is a direct clone of the Fenyang, for example, but Nueve de Julio is somewhat different than Boise or Helena.