

10 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It really isn't, though...
I've been on the player side, the CC side, and the WG side long enough now to know when something on paper doesn't speak to it's in-game capabilities.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Keep up with the devblogs and you'll see that boats in testing are altered frequently. Atlantico has been adjusted over 4 times now. Hornet is being balanced properly. IT DD's have had several tunings to them.
I'm sorry, but this is borderlining on panic over something that has yet to even begin the process.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There's some great news that should take care of all of this. The ship has not even entered public testing yet.
It's literally the initial design and has yet to be tested by Supertesters, Community Contributors, Privateers, even the Wiki Editors (or me for that matter). By all means share your opinions on how you feel the ship should be adjusted based off the paper-stats, but let's keep the pitchforks down until people get their hands on it and some real gameplay can be tested.
*Side Note - please be respectful to each other in this thread when debating this.

09 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@WCM1314 - Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I just heard from CS that they'd like you to create an anonymous ticket at this link:
If that doesn't work, let me know!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Captains, Heroes, and Seafaring Swabbies of all kinds!
Join us this evening on the Official Twitch Channel as we talk the new ships, answer questions, and play clan battles as clan [WG]! We may need a substitute if a certain Ev1n cannot join us, so get a Tier 10 ready just in case!

March 9th - 5pm Central Time -

See you there!

08 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please throw me a ping myself and Ahskance a ping when you drop a new one in. We will adjust them when we can.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Done! All collated in one topic.
Pinned to the top.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It shouldn't change workload at all - we can make you a Master Thread and I will even pin it for you. You can either edit the Master and add a new ship when you want or I can combine them for you. Happy to do so. This should add zero extra work.

And my eyes are on it - I am looking through each of your posts and taking notes!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Respectfully, I'm just concerned that the Bug Section of the forum may get overloaded with topics of the same nature that differ only in the specific ship when a list will do the same.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can I ask you to combine these posts into a list, Mouse?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cleveland's Citadel is very low in the water. A battleship firing has a small area to score a citadel, and may even need to risk firing slightly into the water to hit it. That's not easy.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not a bad suggestion!
Now that the game is over 6 years old, I suspect there are more than just the Blys who's descriptions have been "power-crept" by the influx of new ships with new characteristics.
Thanks for the heads-up, Mouse!

07 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The mechanics have changed very little.
The enormous shells on Musashi / Yamato are going to overpen light cruisers frequently. There are a LOT more light cruisers in the game now than there were when Musashi came out.
As a battleship with 460mm guns, you should be aiming at mostly cruisers that possess 30mm decks / upper hulls. Those will be your bread/butter. If you can reliably hit the nose of other battleships, go for it, but that's hard. Otherwise slam any BB that shows you it's broadside and profit.
Give us some more info before you convince us the game is broken

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've contacted CS - waiting on their response.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oof - I got locked out of Facebook by my own 2-factor Authentication.
I'll contact Customer Support myself and see what can be done. Give me a day.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Carriers are here to stay, folks.
Respectfully to the OP, I'm going to lock this thread as I really don't see it going anywhere positive.

05 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Being the person you're referring to here...

If you ask us why a ship is the way it is, there will be a reason, and we will give you that reason the best we understand it. Forrest Sherman is a DPM gunboat like Harugumo. They are somewhat fragile, non-healing, high DPM gunboats with smoke.

Ahskance and I are both extremely skilled players. We played competitively for two years each before joining the company. You can choose to dismiss our explanations of the ships characteristics as "attempting to justify" - but it's possible we might just know something.

04 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You got it!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's 30rpm TOTAL, not per gun. He states in that same sentence that worst case scenario is 210rpm after a loss of 30rpm for all three guns.