

11 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

My reply to that topic was not about IFHE or armor value mechanics - it’s was a comment describing how OVERPEN mechanics have changed very little.

The poster in question asserted that Wargaming was rigging the RNG on his Musashi against him for monetary gain. He claimed that he used to get lots of citadels in his Musashi, but about two years ago he got fewer. This led him to accuse the company of rigging the RNG against him.

I assert once again that the RNG is not rigged against him, or anyone for that matter. The likelihood is that more light cruiser lines have enterted the game since the time the OP asserted he was getting more citadels. The Mushashi is more likely to overpen light cruisers than more “standard” heavy cruisers, so the OP was more likely to encounter overpens as time went on, but it has to do with the ship population, not a cabal against him or anyone else.

The RNG has been rigged against only one person, ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll see what I can do when I get to the office in the morning

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ships with SAP and no HE do just fine :)
And yes, that's why we have testing - to see if it works or if it needs adjustment!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can compare the HE dpm of both ships if you want, but pragmatically you should be comparing the potential DPM of the ship's primary shell type: HE for Atlanta and SAP for SD.
It's like saying the Petropavlovsk is worse than Moskva because it has worse HE dpm...
When balancing you have to consider first what a ship CAN do. With MBRB an SD can shoot 5 volleys of SAP in 10 seconds. That's a massive amount of damage in a short period of time.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Primary Shell types for each of these ships is almost certainly:
HE for Atlanta
SAP for SD
Those are the comparisons you're going to want to make in terms of practical damage application.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Atlanta has extremely high HE dpm, but that capability does not translate into insane damage numbers. The reason is because they are destroyer guns with 21mm HE pen standard, 25 if you take IFHE (just enough to pen most cruisers she's going to see).
San Diego has SAP shells with 36mm base pen. Her shells will do more damage more often to more varied targets. Nearly any cruiser T8-T10 that isn't Russian or Napoli will be penned on the deck by the San Diego's SAP.
There is such a thing as Raw DPM and practical DPM.
Again... maybe it needs to be tested to see how it performs.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Fair enough - looks like I missed the P-Bag when I was comparing.
My point still stands. Saying that the "AA is not good" is an opinion in this case, not a fact. Not one I agree with, either. I have every right to contend with your opinions and it is not disrespectful to do so.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are listening. We wouldn't 'be here talking in this thread if we weren't listening.
Listening does not automatically mean we agree. You cannot conflate those two things.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are equating your opinion that she "doesn't have good AA" with fact. It is not. It is not disrespectful, nor personal.
San Diego, as is current, has:

HIGHEST long-range DPM of cruisers for it's tier.

HIGHEST flak damage per puff for cruisers it's tier.

HIGHEST number of flak spawns for cruisers of it's tier.

Those are facts. How they play out in terms of practical use, that's up to interpretation, but trying to say that people disagreeing with you is disrespectful is absurd and I'm tired of it.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not agreeing with Mouse's opinion about the qualities and stats of a ship that's not out yet is not disrespecting her. C'mon, Chobi you know that...

10 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's one thing to be upset about getting a lot of overpenetrations. It's another thing to accuse the game of conspiring to curse your RNG to magically bilk people out of money.
You're playing a Musashi. It has terrible accuracy because that balances the fact that it's a Yamato at T9. You also have massive shells, which means you overmatch things that few other things can but you also overpenetrate things that others don't. There are plenty of Community Contributors, Twitch Streamers, and other folks out there who can help you identify what will help you get fewer overpens, but this is getting silly now.
Time to be done.
P.S. - I will even spend some time showing you where and how to aim with 460mm guns if you like. DM me and we'll set up a time.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you actually accusing the company of manipulating your RNG in order to take money from you?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not getting fired just to tell you whether or not I'm having immense fun playing the USS Hornet

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am under NDA while discussing the test ships and how they play, so bare with me that I cannot go into too much detail about the ships still in testing.
The IT DD's having gun-range reduced and increased is actually not necessary a nerf or a buff. Currently, the extremely short short on the IT DD guns is by design because it allows them to literally go permanently dark and disengage extremely fast by getting outside their own gun-range. It's not intuitive because few other ships currently in the game possess this quality, but once you try them I believe you will see how that plays out .

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sometimes they need nerfs

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hahaha! I'm not the fire brigade, but I am interested in making sure people know the process and don't assume that literally the FIRST thing you see on it is set in stone.

As for Lert's reminder that ballistics are different - clearly they are. The too have the same setup in terms of tools, shell types, and likely will be similar in playstylel.
There will always be differences, especially across tiers. Try and focus on the core of what a ship is :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Where's the fun in that?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not literally. Make an effort, here please. The theme and profile are the same. The stats are different because they are ... different tiers.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's an Austin at T8 on an Atlanta Hull. Is Austin workable?