

04 Mar


Originally posted by dmg04

Hey! The rally banner is FREE in the witch queen campaign. Just wanted to let you know.

I didn't know this until reading this post. Was just placing them assuming it used up my reserve.

23 Feb


Can't wait to see how you all celebrate your weapon's birthdays.

17 Feb


Originally posted by MrDexterReddit

No, just that it is easier for the trailing team to catch up.

Correct. Once you have a Primeval there is no going back.

10 Feb


We wont be removing any Xur rep you have accumulated when Season of the Risen launches. It’s currently a one-and-done system consisting of 5 full rank resets. If that ever changes, we will let you know.


Where TWAB on reddit?

08 Feb


Originally posted by FuzzyCollie2000

Did they show of literally anything beyond the glaive for hunters? I can't be the only one apprehensive about that....

Don't worry fellow Hunters, we didn't forget to put cool Hunter things in the game. We will have more to share.

27 Jan


Originally posted by throwaway136913691

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23

Posting this again for visibility. As far as I’m aware, it has not been acknowledged by Bungie.

Is the team aware that Peregrine Greaves isn’t working consistently? It seems to be using the old shoulder charge activation timer. The result is that you can hit an in-air shoulder charge and it ends up doing the base, non-lethal damage. This typically results in the user dying. Feels pretty bad given the level of investment required and risk associated with the ability. Example provided at the timestamp below. This happens very frequently, unfortunately. Has been like this since the 30th anniversary update dropped.

We will have someone look into it. Thanks for the report!

03 Jan


Appreciate the report. We have sent this issue over to the team to look into. Hopefully we can make new lights first interaction with the fantastic horse a more positive one.

07 Dec


Originally posted by Pikesmakker

the virgin BXR exploiter vs. the chad full-auto infinite ammo sniper rifle cheater

Someone just fired a train at me.

06 Dec



Are we going to have an awkward 10 year reunion next year?

02 Dec


Originally posted by ColinMcC135

Another thing with the Anniversary collection, will the Dungeon launch on the 7th with the beginning of the Anni, or will it be a weekend drop like how most recent raids have been? Been holding out hope a weekend release so I can go in 100% blind

Dungeon will launch along with 30th on 12/7.


Edit 2: Twab is out. I SAVED THIS GAME

Thank you.

18 Nov


Originally posted by Blupoisen

So Titans can just go fu** themselves huh?

No reason to actually buy BL since Behemoth is still garbage

Let us know what all you don't like about the Behemoth changes and we will pass along that feedback.

11 Nov


Originally posted by t_moneyzz


That is all

Gotta keep pumping those numbers up.

09 Nov


Hey, I can confirm this is legit and feel free to sign up if you want to participate.

If you keep getting errors, let me know and I will pass that along to the team to see what is going on.

02 Nov


Hey there, Guardians. We’re on the hunt for some Destiny 2 hero stories from the community for an upcoming Bungie project. These could be big, epic moments, or smaller things that you always appreciate; things you always go out of your way to do, or something you can count on a friend for.

Did you go flawless in Trials? Defeat Taniks nanoseconds before he wiped you? Solo a Nightfall? Did you watch someone dodge the final blow of a Dungeon boss to rez their whole fireteam? Do you always show Kinderguardians in the wild how to trigger a heroic public event? Or lead them through a Raid, showing them where all the secret chests are? When you visit the Tower, do you make sure you summon the giant ball and bring the fireworks? Or maybe you’re the first to lead a dance party or answer someone’s nagging lore question? Even the little things can stand out for your fireteam (and even strangers). So whatever they are, we’d love to hear your stories and opinions on what can make someon...

Read more External link →

24 Oct


Originally posted by trustmeimaengineer

The one where you camped under the platform on the left with icebreaker? At least that’s how I remember doing it on release haha.

I remember being up on a rock.

19 Oct


Originally posted by retartarder

i know it's not your fault, but you're going to get eviscerated here

It happens, just wanted to make sure there wasn't any ambiguity and everyone had the correct info.


Hey everyone. We’ve seen some debate around the new dungeon content and wanted to clarify how it will be delivered next year.

If you get the Digital Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen you will receive the expansion, all four Seasons for the next year, and the two Dungeons. If you get the Standard Edition, you can still upgrade to the Deluxe Edition to get the dungeons later. We will also be offering a separate way for you to purchase the Dungeons in the future, but they will not be included in the Season passes.

We will share more info on this closer to when this content is set to go live.


Making the taken blight public event heroic is random.