

04 Aug


Originally posted by N7Varren

Community additions to the game is sick, but I think more preliminary voting would be better personally. Like,

Step 1: the community all votes for their favorite exotic weapon, out of all exotic weapons available.

Step 2: the top 3 voted exotic weapons are given to the artist for sketching/idea phase.

Step 3: the community votes on the new ornament they want to see in game.

Either that or take the 3 exotic weapons that haven't gotten an ornament in the longest time and put them up for the vote.

Thanks for the feedback. This is our first go at something like this so we can definitely look at the possibility of expanding the voting(maybe not ALL of the weapons) if we get to do it again in the future.

27 Jul


This is a bug and not an intended change, we think it may be related to our fix for the stasis glow that was the wrong color. Thanks for reporting it, we are currently investigating.

16 Jun


Originally posted by engineeeeer7

Just to clarify, the exotic perk (ingition on kill as described in updated description) breaks too. Both things lose functionality with the explosion of the proximity knife which is most of the damage.

If the exotic is off all functionality works with the explosion or knife hit. Let me know if you need more specifics. I've been obsessed with this one.

Just checked and yea they are also aware of Ignition not working properly and we are looking in to fixing it as well.


Originally posted by Abulsaad

Also caliban's bugged state still not acknowledged

Apologies, I thought we had called this one out.

Team is aware that defeating targets while Radiant with the Knock 'em Down aspect is not refunding melee energy when used with Caliban's Hand. We are currently working on a fix for a future update.

09 Jun


Originally posted by ColdAsHeaven

Alright, I'll make the call.

/u/Cozmo23 or /u/Dmg04 can either of you guys pass this bug along to get looked into?

Post has the numbers broken down for easy replication of bug and what exactly is not working as intended

Sure thing, passing this to the team now.

25 May


Not the time to lose one’s head.

19 May


Originally posted by Aborkle

That was a lot of words to ultimately say that event cosmetics will no longer be available via Bright Dust

There will still be event related cosmetics on the Eververse store for both Silver and Bright Dust (such as this year's Solstice universal ornaments). The additional cosmetics on the Event Card will not be available for Bright Dust during the event.

05 May


My favorite core value of Bungie is "We create worlds that inspire friendship."

Love to see evidence of this out in the world. Wish you two all of the best.


Originally posted by Keric28

Welcome back sports fans! The Guardian Games have commenced, and Hunters Warlocks have taken the lead. But it's still early in this three-week competition and it’s anyone’s game.


Is this you proving that the games are not rigged? Hunters Warlocks have taken the lead?

They are definitely not rigged. I assumed Hunters would win the first couple of days like last year when drafting this. Then I struck through them and put Warlocks. Then I forgot to add the strikethrough formatting when moving everything into the CMS. Should be fixed now!


Originally posted by sunder_and_flame

Image Linkimgur * Key: 

   Grounded, crit: your aim assist cone overlaps the head, but you're not aimed right at it, you get a crit.     Airborne, 0 stat, body shot: your aim assist cone overlaps the head, but the center of your reticle is not on the head, you get a body shot.     Airborne, 60 stat, body shot: your aim assist cone overlaps the head, your precision aim cone does not overlap the head, you get a body shot.     Airborne, 60 stat, crit: your aim assist cone overlaps the head, your precision aim cone overlaps the head, you get a crit. 

This sort of detail is extremely useful, thanks for detailing this.

Thanks, I accidently broke the key when moving the formatting over. It's fixed now if you want to update this post. :)

28 Apr


Originally posted by HappyJaguar

Words spent on explaining glaive perk interactions: 0.


21 Apr


Originally posted by nmed8275

More like The Book of Bungie

Where BOB?

14 Apr


Originally posted by NinStarRune

TWAB number 2 of saying this waiting for a response.

While I'm glad that Child of the Old Gods is getting tweaking to make it more consistent, is there any word on the same love being applied to Quickfall which sorely needs it considering that it can fail to proc while consuming your melee charge? I have additional documentation here in greater detail but to my knowledge it isn't on the list of known bugs at all. Considering Void Hunter's class identity is "go invisible," that an avenue to do so is so inconsistent is frustrating. u/dmg04 u/Dirtyeffinhippy u/cozmo23

Thanks for the info, videos always help. We sent it over to the team to take a look.

01 Apr


Originally posted by possiblythepresident

Still no word on the VRAM leak affecting PC players :(

Just checked and we are tracking this issue and working on a fix. I'm obviously not a rocket surgeon, but these type of issues look complex to investigate. Sorry about the wait.

25 Mar


I just checked and we have a bug logged on this and are investigating.

24 Mar


Originally posted by Kryxxuss

u/cozmo23 and u/dmg04 doubt this will get a response but,

Is there any chance at all that S3 IB ornaments will return? Really would like to see them return and incentivize playing IB more by returning a favorite

No current plans, but we will pass along the feedback that you would like to see them made available again.

21 Mar


Originally posted by Mercules904

Would never have gotten to Bungie if it weren’t for the DtG Reddit community. I basically only got my foot in the door years back as a Gameplay Specialist because someone at Bungie had seen my breakdowns posted here and recommended me.

I know I haven’t been super present posting-wise on here lately, but I read it and the crucible guidebook sub daily and I’ll forever be appreciative of this place being my first home in the destiny community.

Paraphrasing Bane here, but when people ask about the sub, I like to say that I was born in it, and molded by it. Hope to do you guys proud and show that, even without direct game dev experience, if youre driven (and lucky) enough you can still make the dream to work on your favorite game happen!

I think it's pretty cool that this subreddit helped you get a job at Bungie. Congrats!

12 Mar


Originally posted by SomeRandomDude004

They have not been on record saying it was a mistake. They have not said anything at all about it. u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 can we get literally anything at all from you guys? At least acknowledge what were are saying. Is it a bug or is it intentional and that info was left out of the twab.

Thanks for the report. Sorry we haven’t responded yet as I didn’t see this until now and it’s Saturday. We will make sure this is being investigated on Monday.

10 Mar


Originally posted by Hazywater

  • Fixed an issue where the Ikelos SMG received an unintentional 40% damage buff.

I don't see a fix for imperial needle.

Missed a note on this, adding it in.

"Fixed an issue where the Imperial Needle bow was getting an unintended 40% damage buff and could detonate enemies debuffed by Ticuu's Divination."


Originally posted by drakzilla

Wait, why shouldn't Golden Tricorn proc on ranged melee? Is that not an elemental melee kill?

This was a typo, I'm fixing it, should read:

"Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk would not activate on ranged melee kills. "