

18 Dec


We are currently investigating this. Looks like there are some work-arounds you can try while we work on a fix.

17 Dec


Originally posted by PalebloodCoconut

Just had to play against one of those cheaters. Do they get perma-banned when enough 'evidence' has been collected?

They absolutely ruin the game for all other players. I'm usually an avid pvp'er, but will definitely not step back in this season because of this. Out of 5 matches had to go against 3 cheaters. Seems like there are a lot more of those idiots with Destiny going free to play.

And I mean obvious cheating; teleporting, infinite ammo, dying without costing lives, etc.

As far as I'm concerned perma-ban is the only solution. Please let the community know how/what you're doing on your end.


Yes, we issue permanent bans for cheating.


Originally posted by imavakay

Can y'all let us know when a cheater (or anyone else) we've reported has been banned? It'd go a long way towards making players think that the report feature is more than just a button to ignore.

I can give that feedback. The only issue is that doing the work to build that feature would take away from work being done to combat cheating or something else we want to implement in the game.

It would definitely be nice to have, but hard to justify prioritizing.


Originally posted by WhyDoYouCaree

Bruh imagine having a community manager reply to your comment. Never happening for me.



Originally posted by [deleted]


Our security team is hunting down cheaters every day and swinging the ban hammer. If you see anyone cheating please report them in-game or you can use our cheater submission form here.


Originally posted by MayKinBaykin

I think they fall under "and all other impacted rewards" at least I hope

Should be. Let me know if it's not fixed.


Originally posted by cka_viking

While at it, Symmetry stops shooting when pressing trigger and holding

We are investigating. Having a hard time reproducing this internally at the moment, but they are looking into it.


Originally posted by CodeMonkeyMark

I run the game off of floppy disks, and I’m swapping as fast as I can!

Please insert disk 11.


Originally posted by CynicallyMe

Telesto does something gamers can use, gets commented on immediately.

Warlocks blink breaks in season of dawn, still no official response about it being addressed.

We're also investigating the issue with switching weapons and sprinting affecting Blink.


Originally posted by Eldestwolf

How will this work? Will there be a way to claim a new rocket launcher, or will the fix change the perk for ones that have already been claimed? Thanks!

It should change the perks for any you have already pulled out. Let us know if it doesn't.

16 Dec


Originally posted by GoodZi11a

I think I know when this started occurring and why.
In patch 2.6.1 (Oct 29 2019) we got the following change: "Fixed an issue that increased loading times for gear preview while in space flight". For some reason I noticed this at the time and immediately had my first black screen after this patch - at the time I put 2 and 2 together and assumed the black screen was part of this change. If you notice when you're in the black "waiting room" as it were you can freely examine weapons, change shaders etc.

My theory - instead of having us spend longer looking at our ships flying in, at which time the game seemed to struggle to display gear and allow us to tinker, we are instead shown the black screen once our console / PC loads in to the game while we wait for everyone else in the lobby to load in and synchronize. This makes sense when you consider most players experiencing this are using an SSD and therefore load significantly faster than the rest of the lobby.


Read more

Your theory is pretty accurate! We are definitely NOT sending players to a black screen in order to improve load times. Additionally, the black screen is not a sign of increased load times. Here is the gist of what is going on.

In 2.6.1, we introduced a bug that let players leave space flight earlier than intended. The players that leave space flight early still need to wait for every other player to finish loading before playing the intro cinematic, so they see the black screen which understandably feels like something is wrong. We are still working on the fix and it will be deployed in a future update.

Prior to 2.6.1, you remained in space flight while waiting for other players to finish loading. Once every player was loaded, all players would proceed to the black screen at the same time, followed by the intro cinematic.

We're still working on the fix and it will be deployed in a future update.


Originally posted by Manuel_omar

"I am inevitable."

-Telesto, probably.

"Where did that bring you... back to me." -Telesto, definitely.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes, we have programmers.


Telesto... Telesto never changes.

We're investigating.


This is a bug. We will switch out the perk in an upcoming update. Thanks!

14 Dec


Originally posted by optimus_kray

How bout you guys first fix the frustrating bug where graphics settings are getting reset every time a person closes out then reopens the game??

That'd be much more appreciated than patching and unlimited infusion bug or whatever!

Working on that one too.


Weird. We’ll look and see if something is messed up with progression during JIP games.

13 Dec


Originally posted by theciaskaelie

Its because they exist in two timelines.

We are going to be fixing one of the timelines. Enjoy the discounted infusion in the meantime. :)


Originally posted by Mavvington

No comment on EP chest not dropping armor for us folks who got it all in Y1?

We are currently investigating.