

18 Jan


Originally posted by Exodus_R

Well look into this. Thanks.

17 Jan


Originally posted by Asterias19

Bug is still outstanding...fix any time soon?

It should read Mythic. If you are referring to the quest not progressing correcting for some players that should be fixed in the next update.


Originally posted by OrcaLyf

Is there anyway the funds raised for Australia could be better distributed? Both organisations are great and worthy, however, they only represent one state, New South Wales (NSW). As I understand WIRES legally cannot act outside of NSW. While many koalas have been harmed there, the safety net population on kangaroo island in South Australia (SA) was also hit hard. So far the bulk of the funding has gone to WIRES and not organisations based in SA or Victoria (Vic). Each state also has their own fire service. The RFS represents NSW, CFA represent la Vic and the CFS represents SA.

I believed that this agreement has already been finalized but I will give this feedback to our team. Thanks.

16 Jan


Originally posted by Keyastis

Any fix planned for the green with envy quest? @u/cozmo

Currently planned to be fixed in the next update.


Originally posted by Bhu124

Telesto now downgrades your Windows to Vista.

Windows Millenium Edition


Thanks for supporting a great cause! I look forward to seeing these shirts at future events to identify my fellow Guardians.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Animeye

As more and more end-game content REQUIRES fireteams due to lack of matchmaking (legendary sundial, high end ordeal, high end nightmare hunts), the fact that this STILL isn't fixed is a major issue.

Fixing this bug either needs to be a top priority, or these activities need to include matchmaking.

And please, don't say "add clan mates to your friends list" or "use external LFG". The existence of external tools doesn't absolve the game's broken functionality.

We're working on a fix.


Looks great! Love the color.


I've always played invis builds since the beginning of Destiny. Remember when all you had to do was crouch for a few seconds as a Blade Dancer?

I'll definitely pass along everyone's feedback. Seems like there are players voicing opinions on both sides of the argument and bringing up that giving up a super with a lot of slaying potential is a big tradeoff.


Originally posted by ralamus

Hey Cozmo, any chance that a Quickplay 4v4 will happen? 3v3 has been perfect for comp games but 6v6 has really felt like a clusterf**k on almost every map.

Edit: I'm not saying 6v6 should go away, just add a 4v4 option for it. The maps are too small for 6v6.

Seems like the overall community feedback was 6v6 was better than 4v4 when we made the switch in Y1. Happy to hear everyone's thoughts though.


We made some minor changes to the spawning of Dead Cliffs. You can read the full patch notes on what changes where made to the maps the returned here. Doesn't appear it was enough to prevent spawn trapping though. I'll put in a request to remove it from the Control playlist based on feedback here. I know it's still a popular map in some other modes.

I'll also give feedback on removing Gambler's Run. Let me know if anyone disagrees with anything I've taken away from this thread or if you have any other related feedback. Thanks!

11 Jan


Originally posted by DeerTrivia

Thank you! :)

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, I mean whether or not the change to Resilience was intended. I know leaving them off the patch notes would never be intended, I just remember a few times when stuff was missed and you guys edited it into the notes as soon as you found it.

Spoke with the team and it looks like this was a side effect of the changes to make resilence affect class ability cool downs and resulted in a .5% difference in vitality for tiers 4-9.

I am told that Thorn should have always required 6 resilience to survive 2 headshots and 1 body shot. We currently don't have plans to change resilence back to how it was before. If you have any feedback, feel free to share and I will pass it on to the team. Thanks!

10 Jan


Originally posted by domster83

With all due respect, there’s tons of stuff that changes that never makes the patch notes. The director showing how many fire team members you can take at each destination for one recent example. Don’t recall ever seeing this in the patch notes.

Yes. Some changes get missed. Some aren't included if they aren't super impactful like minor icon or localization changes.

If it's something with matchmaking or sandbox we will always call out changes.


Originally posted by DeerTrivia

Paging /u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04. I know sometimes stuff gets left off the patch notes by mistake. Can you guys confirm if this was intended?

I'll check. We definitely never leave patch notes out on purpose.


Originally posted by gleepot

There was also conflicting information of people with screenshots of bungie accounts saying it was intentional, hence some confusion. I think we all figured it was broken though.

Can you send me these screenshots?


Originally posted by HiddnAce

Glad you got it, sorry it took so long.

We have been working on a change to make getting the rare bounties less of a pain. Currently planned for an upcoming update later this month.

Come on, man! What about those still hunting Y1 raid catalysts, raid weapons, and cosmetics like the sparrow, emote, and ghost shell??? I'm 106 sparrow chests deep. :(

I'll pass along your feedback that you would like drop rates increased for y1 raid catalysts, raid weapons, and raid cosmetics. Thanks.

09 Jan


Originally posted by j_dirty

Hey /u/dmg04 any word on the glitched Green With Envy quest where the enemies % just doesn't increase?

Still working on that one. Didn't make it in this hotfix but should be in the next update later this month.


Originally posted by brianxbang

Hold up. Is this the first TWAB that doesn't start with "This Week At Bungie??

That's what I said.


Originally posted by SoulReaver717

I'll let the team know your feedback that you would like the color to be able to be changed.


Originally posted by MizterF

The problem (not mentioned by Cozmo) is the very real threat of AFK/idle players farming XP in playlists (if it becomes a profitable source) and ruining the experience for everyone they are match made with. Sure, this wouldn't affect the raid, but it would for strikes, crucible, gambit, menagerie, sundial, etc...

I know we have done some work to combat idling and will continue to work to prevent it. Are you still seeing a lot of players AFK/idling and claiming it's profitable?