One hit knives are back!
Pretty insane.
One hit knives are back!
Pretty insane.
What we didn’t like? Can’t you guess by yourself just playing this thing ?
Sure. I can pass along my own opinions about things, but my job is to reach out and get the community's response.
Bungie HAS to know that this isn't new feedback. The loot chase is basically the whole point of the game. We have been asking for strike/activity specific loot literally since D2 released. To have what seems to be the main repeatable season long activity only have 4 primaries and a set of armor that was already given to us at level 1 of the season pass is kind of terrible.
Bungie seems to be pretty good at making content, but terrible at rewarding players for that content.
It's especially annoying when there is a garden themed ship and sparrow, but neither one of them drop in the raid or the vex offensive.
Same goes for the red keep. There is no strike specific drop, but there is a red keep sparrow in the eververse store.
It's insulting to be honest.
Bungie HAS to know that this isn't new feedback.
Yes, sorry for the confusion, I'm not trying to claim this is new feedback we haven't seen before. We try to reply to acknowledge comments to show we are reading these responses. The team is definitely aware that players want more unique loot.
It would have been great if it had some extra difficulty and a distinct unique drop, like an Imago Loop redux or something would have been great.
Heroic menagerie was pretty great because it had a couple unique drops as well as added difficulty, it felt like a mountain to climb after you'd already mastered the normal version.
Thanks for the suggestions. It's always great getting extra loot!
Sorry you found it disappointing. We'll pass along everyone's feedback to the team. Let us know what you liked, didn't like, and think could be improved upon in future seasons.
Any update on this u/Cozmo23? Pretty please?
I checked on it. Looks like it's not something we are going to be able to fix. Sorry about that.
Hey /u/dmg04 or /u/cozmo23
How are ya?
I know it's old news but I gotta ask: Is the triumph "Perfect Gambit" functioning as intended? The triumph text and the actual thing you need to do to unlock it don't match. The text reads as follows:
"As a fireteam, win a Gambit match 2–0 with 75 Motes deposited in each round and no player losing any Motes."
But what you actually need to do is win a Gambit match with exactly 75 motes each round (Which to be fair it does say) but with no player dying at all. Which means if you die, you still can't get the triumph even if you didn't lose any motes. Nobody can die while invading, being invaded, suicide, nada.
I'd appreciate some input on whether or not there's any plans to change/fix it or if it's working as intended before suffering through grinding for it.
Thanks a lot, you guys are great!
I just checked. It's getting fixed next Season and will work how the description reads and no longer fail if someone dies.
Give me the link to your forum post and I will look into it. Thanks!
I'll pass along this feedback. Thanks for sharing!
Welcome! Let us know what you think of Shadowkeep.
Thanks, we will look into it.
Edit: I spoke with the dev team and this is by design. We were trying to address the problem of when you have 1 shared life left and everyone dies at once through a Multikill, who gets to come back and use that last life for the Team?
When a Multikill happens, there is no simple way to understand who died first, so we don’t know who “deserves” to come back. Instead of being frustrated at the teammate who got magically chosen to be brought back in, we decided it was better to revive everyone. It is an infrequent edge case, and we felt it was a better team experience to not have to be angry at your teammates because they got in and you didn’t.
Feel free to give any feedback on this but that's the current thinking. Thanks!
Me and my friends have been experiencing long black screens at the start of crucible matches where the game just hangs. The text displaying the name of the map and the location stays on screen though. This only ever happened rarely before.
Going into weapon and armor details to do things like apply shaders or mods seems to bring with it severe fps drops until I leave the character menu and reopen it. I'm on a PS4 Pro with an SSD.
This is an issue we are aware of and tracking.
It acts out every once in a while for attention. We felt bad having to ground it.
We don't have any new info for you on either of these topics. The team is aware of the feedback for Trials to return and for either Factions to return permanently like in D1, some form of Factions Rallies to return, or for Faction gear to return. At least that is the feedback I have been seeing. Let me know if you have any different suggestions.
We'll let you know if we have anything new to share in the future.
It looks like some server weirdness with the time change.
We are tracking a performance issue related to opening Nostalgic Engrams. I'm seeing reports in the comments about the mods menu as well.
Let me know where else you are experiencing FPS drops and and what platform and I will pass it along to the dev team. Thanks!
Weakest twab of all time
I've had lighter TWABS.
We just issued a server-side fix to allow it to be picked up on all characters. Let me know if you are still having issues.