

07 Dec


Originally posted by VeshWolfe

I’m convinced now more than ever that there are a variety of egos at play in Bungie and none of them know what the others are doing or have planned which translates to the mixed messages and “We here you” responses we get.

Sorry for any mixed messages. Both times I’ve tried to convey that we know about the issue without promising a timeline on a fix until we know we can deliver.


Originally posted by Bhu124

So many Bungie fanboys called me a conspiracy theorist when I commented that Collection Rolls is 100% intentional (The "Bug" just happened to come up at the same time the game went F2P and launched on Steam) and they are lying to us, it isn't something that will take more than a few minutes for them to fix, they just don't want to because they don't want the massive influx of new players to get decent rolls of all these exotic armor pieces from Xur on a weekly basis.

A massive chunk of userbase of this sub is blinded by their fanboyism and loyalty for Bungie. It's insane. The fact that they even accept that it takes Bungie months to fix tiny issues (That's the excuse everyone replied to me) is insane to me.

No, there is no conspiracy where we are lying about this to keep players from getting an extra stat roll.

It’s not something that would take a few minutes to fix.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll let you know when we have a fix coming.

05 Dec


Originally posted by dmg04

Oh shit.

Oh sh*t.


Check out the TWAB because it's not a full 50 Power increase.

Powerful and Pinnacle Reward Caps

Powerful Cap: 960, up from 950

Pinnacle Cap: 970, up from 960

Let us know what you think.


/u/dmg04 and I have spoken to the team about this. We've mentioned that it's tough for players who prefer PVP to MW currently since the higher tier materials are not available in PVP activities. Nothing is set in stone, but they are aware of the request.


Real talk, I sent Jonathan To a crying emoji when I was plugging this in to go out on the site. So wholesome.

The narrative team did a great job on these - look forward to everyone getting to read the rest of them.

03 Dec


Originally posted by ScottFromScotland

Webpage for Season of Dawn is up

Whatever that scout rifle is, it looks sick.

Can confirm, sick.


We let the dev team know that there is still feedback on making Warlocks have the same speed between melees as the other classes.


Originally posted by TimeTroll


Hey cozmo, You know there is a major issue that is being reported on the front page and your community team hasn't even acknowledged that its been passed along as feedback yet right? Can you guys start actually putting in some effort to make it seem like you actually give a shit about the game? Go look at the GW2 Subreddit on how not to respond to feeback and then go look at the POE subreddit one what to actually do. Its actually a f**king travesty that an issue that has been in the game FOR 2 YEARS doesnt even get a yes "Yes acknowledged well pass it along to the team." but you responded 3 times to this f**king joke of a post. I know you dont' work on the issues of the game but you guys are the first responders for us to see that an issue has been acknowledged and at the moment it looks like the dev team gives literally 0 shits. Christ.

What was the issue you wanted to make sure I passed along?


This will be fixed next Tuesday in the next update with Season of Dawn.

  • Fixed a rare issue where the ?????? quest item from the mission "A Mysterious Disturbance" could get stuck in inventory; it has been removed from affected players

Originally posted by crypticfreak

We should all page them to increase the odds of them viewing the thread

/u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04

Please look at the OPs thread and help this poor guardian out.

We let Player Support know to look into it. Thanks.

02 Dec


Originally posted by ArtyBerg

I suppose you walk up the stairs to see Saladin too, don't you?

There are stairs??


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

I’m gonna need you to turn in your Not Forgotten, Cozmo.

Go ahead.

Hand it over chief.

I forgot where I put it.

28 Nov


Originally posted by DaftGank

I think Ive messaged them twice now and no reply at all. Sent them 12 hours apart, in case website was being weird and didnt send it. Is there really a refund on this thing?

Yes. There might be a delay because of the holiday in the US right now. I’ll check in with them when I get on Monday.

26 Nov


Originally posted by DooceBigalo

I would have preferred if it just said Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Sorry I missed this thread. I spoke with the Bungie store and there was a change made after the design render was posted.

For customers who would like to return their jacket due to this concern, the Bungie Store will issue a full refund. Please contact [email protected] with your request, including order number.

22 Nov


Originally posted by Darkmatza

The changes sound neat, but can you coordinate a show and tell? We have an idea of what these changes are, but having a gif of the new changes would be helpful. Like seeing the wind up of the throwing knife, or that new warlock melee, seeing these things (along with the other changes) would answer a lot of questions.

I'm not saying for now, but in a future TWAB before the new season begins.



Originally posted by ExcruciatinglyApt

Please tell me you're referencing this classic.


21 Nov


One more thing, Icarus Dash can now be activated twice before cool down.