

20 Dec


Originally posted by Falconmcfalconface

Legit if i could i'd refund the damn coat right now.

I dont know if consumer protection laws can apply here but im genuinely starting to wonder if this could be perceived as a mild form of false advertising. We're shown one product and told there will be minor differences, yet this is quite a bit more than a minor difference.

Have you contacted anyone about a refund? The sleeve thing was our bad and we are offering a refund to anyone how wants one.


Originally posted by sharp-shooter299

u/dmg04 is the FOV being capped at 95 not a known issue?

We looked into this and couldn't reproduce it. If you are having issues delete your CVAR file and restart the game.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Hylette

Hey Cozmo, any chance that you can give us an update on the December shipments? It's getting colder than the hive on Mars where I live and I'd like to use my jacket to stay warm with style.

Contact Bungie Store Customer Service and ask for an update on your order.


Originally posted by ryubuxau

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04

Heya, just wanted to report the issue and have proof. Cheers

Thanks, I'll have the team look into it.


Originally posted by Drnathan31

But we are seeing a significant change in BD prices over the seasons. Dont pass on feedback that isnt true.

Can you point out which items you have seen have their Bright Dust costs significantly increase and which seasons you see the increase so I can look into it?


I loved Control. Thanks for helping him out!


Originally posted by SLAV33

I may have been wrong and the price hasn't been going up, but I do know that I get less of the eververse items. I think what I misconstrued as the price going up is the fact that I don't get most of the items randomly, and with the bright dust I accumulated from breaking down the stuff I didn't like bought the rest. The problem now is I can't accumulate enough bright dust to be able to just outright buy everything. Personally I don't want to go back to the randomly aquire stuff system, but with the current system I am not able to earn enough to out right buy all the stuff. Eververse is just an extremely frustrating experience overall.

Thanks, I wanted to make sure you weren't seeing a significant change in Bright Dust prices season over season.

I'm passing the feedback along on players wanting to earn more Bright Dust easier.


Originally posted by ComradePoolio

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23

This is a pretty big bug, mind passing it along?

Also affects sliding and other things.

It's being tracked and investigated. Thanks.


Originally posted by SLAV33

Feedback: Personally I don't think we should go back to the randomness that the store and bright dust was before, but they definitely need to give us more bright dust for the bounties and maybe more sources. It also doesn't help that as the seasons have gone on things have started to cost more and more dust. They did this very deliberately because they want to push more people into spending more money on the game than the $60-$80 a year that we already spend. They could and should make the bright dust economy way better I shouldn't have to spend more money maybe if I was a free player, but I have spent $60+ every year I shouldn't have to deal with this shit.

It also doesn't help that as the seasons have gone on things have started to cost more and more dust.

I appreciate the feedback. What items are you experiencing consistent Bright Dust cost increases season over season? I'll bring this up with the team. Thanks!

18 Dec


Originally posted by IM_JUST_THE_INTERN

Adding more guaranteed Bright Dust amounts to every X amount of levels in the season pass would go a long way. Not as level rewards, but say like every 10 levels you get 500 BD and every 100 levels you get 2000 or so.

I'll give this feedback. Thanks.


Originally posted by Asami97

Cozmo with the greatest respect a few extra weekly bounties that only award 200 Bright Dust isn't enough, and don't even get me started on the bounties that award 10 Bright Dust.

You know this isn't enough.

Here is what would actually make a difference to players.

Put Silver in the Season Pass ranks as rewards, all of your competitors are doing this. Fortnite, Rocket League, Apex...they all have premium currency in their Battle Pass. Why is Destiny the exception?

We don't need Bright Dust, we need Silver. This would be a huge win for you guys and it would be like throwing a massive bone to the community.

As always thanks for the work you guys do, but please pass this feedback along and consider it. This little thing would go a long way with your players.

Cozmo with the greatest respect a few extra weekly bounties that only award 200 Bright Dust isn't enough, and don't even get me started on the bounties that award 10 Bright Dust.

I'm not trying to tell you anyone it's enough. Just giving info on what has been done so far and that we will continue to give feedback to the team that players want the Bright Dust economy to be changed. There are a lot of suggestions on how to do that from increasing the yield to lowering the requirements. We'll continue to keep an eye out for suggestions and pass them along.


We added new Bright Dust acquisition sources to the Dawning to let players be able to earn more of the currency and be able to pick up some of their favorite items from the Eververse store.

I will definitely continue to pass on feedback on the Bright Dust economy and that you would like more sources of Bright Dust or to revert back to the old way of accruing Bright Dust by dismantling items.


Originally posted by Davidam777

Try testing with Xbox Elite v1 controller and short trigger stops. I have notice firing stopping problems with auto fire weapons (ex: Uriel's Gift) that have the Tap the Trigger perk on short triggers.

XBox Elite V2 short trigger stops are ok, probably because Microsoft changed how they work on the v2.

We were able to get one after going through several controllers. Thanks!


Originally posted by libastral

What about stupidly annoying Tess icon that never goes away? Or is it intended?

It's a bug, will be fixed in a future update.


Originally posted by SerPranksalot

Could you also please prioritize the bug that the Sunbreaker bottom tree melee sometimes does no damage at all? A red bar enemy that takes 2 uncharged melee hits to kill should never take 3 (three!) melee hits to kill when the first one was your charged melee ability that got used up but did no damage at all besides applying a low burn.

This leads to so many unnecessary deaths in all content because you can't count on your melee ability to actually do any damage.

I'll let the team know to check on this.


Originally posted by aq3e

Any word on Saint-14 not showing in the tower for the Sparrow Exotic Quest step?

It's not a bug.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry, not trying to portray any passive-aggressiveness. I find blinking icon bugs annoying as well.


Originally posted by DaBi5cu1t

Working as intended I presume?

Nope it’s a bug. I was hoping it would get fixed in the hot fix yesterday but we were hustling in a short window and prioritized other fixed like Dynamo, Resonate Stems, Forsaken campaign being blocked, etc.

Annoying blinking icon is annoying, we’ll fix it in a future update.