Hi Cozmo!
Along the lines of a vendor refresh, I would love to see Ikora’s frame system from Undying brought to the Vanguard’s weapon pool. Playlist strikes are nearly pointless to run at this point, but making all of the vanguard weapons have a completable frame might bring some people back to them.
The intentional grind of Ikora’s frames were very well done, in my opinion. I think these supposed “vanguard frames” could be purchased with vanguard tokens. I just think having Ikora do nothing seems to be wasted potential, as she is an important character in the destiny universe. I also think these frames would go very well with a vendor refresh, as it would incentivize the completion of playlist strikes. I won’t speak for anyone else, but new weapons are very exciting to me. And it’s something we haven’t had from the vanguard (or crucible) in a long time. I remember TTK vendor refresh, and I think part of the reason it was such a successful expansion is because of ...