

13 Feb


Originally posted by Likeadize

you will have to every couple of seasons. Since each armor will only cover 3 seasons.

I may have read it wrong.

I read it right.

You were right the first time. Sorry for the confusion, I thought the example covered it, but see how it could still be open-ended.

Armor will able to have 3 Seasons of mods used in its seasonal slot. The current season, the previous season, and the upcoming season.

12 Feb

11 Feb


We understand and agree that the current introduction to Destiny 2 can be overwhelming for new players. We have a team working to expand it and finding ways to spend more time introducing players to Destiny's important concepts and features in the game. As you’ve all mentioned, it’s a massive world with many activities and systems to dive into.

Nothing else to share at this time as the team is still working through this, but we’ll let you know as soon as we have more details to share before we roll out any changes. Thanks for posting your feedback!


Originally posted by GuardianNovator

The one thing I will give Shadowkeep over any other expansions was the feeling of turning that corner and seeing the pyramid ship.

I had the privilege of standing behind Byf when he turned that corner. :)

29 Jan


I’ll let them know there are still reports it’s not working correctly. If you have any more info or videos feel free to share them in the comments. Thanks.

28 Jan


Currently investigating this now. We are looking at player accounts and working on determining the cause. Keep an eye on @BungieHelp for updates.

27 Jan


It’s a known issue. I’ll check on the fix being worked on tomorrow.

25 Jan


Got a patch note for this that didn't make it into the previews. It should be fixed in the update that is currently scheduled for next week.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Warlocks from using Blink after switching weapons or cancelling sprint

24 Jan


Originally posted by Pso2redditor

When will Dynamo & Distribution be looked into?

They work fine but their Text Descriptions are way too vague & need to be updated badly.

How it works:

  • You need to use your Class ability NEAR enemies to get any energy back. If you are not near anything you get nothing.

What the Mods say:


Legendary / Armor Perk

Reduces Super cooldown when using your class ability.

Requires 3 VOID energy


Basic / Class Item Armor Mod

Reduces all ability cooldowns when using your class ability.

Requires 4 of ANY energy

Nothing about being near an enemy anywhere. They changed it to require enemies way over a YEAR ago now.


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I spoke with the team and they are updating the description in a future update. Thanks for the post!


Originally posted by nudeldenbaer

u/Cozmo23 u/dmg04 please forward this feedback ASAP. This is amazing and fixes so many things at once!

Will do, thanks.


That's a cool UI mockup. Improving Ghosts is something we're looking into. No promises yet, but we're glad to see feedback on this topic.

23 Jan


We took a look at this and it's setup correctly in content. Looking at some of the community testing, I'm not noticing anything weird.

If anyone has any additional evidence of something not working correctly, please feel free to send it to me. Thanks!


Originally posted by laundry_dumper

While I understand that it's a sensitive topic, is there any timeline where we might get a response regarding the community's concerns with Eververse?

No timeline to share, but I promise we'll give you more info as soon as we can.


Originally posted by theoryyylol

But Cozmo, you guys don't say anything to US about Eververse... you guys are radio silent.

Don't have any info to share yet. As soon as we do we'll let everyone know.

22 Jan


I checked into this. Looks like there was an issue and it didn't show up in the store. We will add it back for bright dust in a future update.


Originally posted by Duwang-

FOMO and eververse. Do you just leave out the main issues people have with the game?

MY list was referring to the OPs post. I don't remember reading anything specific about FOMO or Eververse in it, but I apologize if I missed it. That said, I'm definitely aware of the community's concerns with these topics and continue to discuss them with the dev team.


Originally posted by Hermaeus-Moron

Hi Cozmo!

Along the lines of a vendor refresh, I would love to see Ikora’s frame system from Undying brought to the Vanguard’s weapon pool. Playlist strikes are nearly pointless to run at this point, but making all of the vanguard weapons have a completable frame might bring some people back to them.

The intentional grind of Ikora’s frames were very well done, in my opinion. I think these supposed “vanguard frames” could be purchased with vanguard tokens. I just think having Ikora do nothing seems to be wasted potential, as she is an important character in the destiny universe. I also think these frames would go very well with a vendor refresh, as it would incentivize the completion of playlist strikes. I won’t speak for anyone else, but new weapons are very exciting to me. And it’s something we haven’t had from the vanguard (or crucible) in a long time. I remember TTK vendor refresh, and I think part of the reason it was such a successful expansion is because of ...

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So something like this would have the purpose of giving a little reward determination to the Vanguard and Crucible factions?

Sounds like a cool idea, I'll share it with the team.


Sorry your not enjoying the seasons. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I went through your post and took some key takeaways to pass on.

  • Vendor Resets
  • More loot
  • Bring back Post game reward screen
  • Bring back Trials
  • Better Exotics
  • Extra RNG stats on drops

Is that a good summary of your feedback?

The extra stats seems like it could be a fun idea, but would add another layer of RNG on each drop and create the potential for even more "less optimal" drops. I'd love to hear what others think about it as well.

As well as this, most of these vendors would refresh their gear every week I believe? Bringing in new rolls on gear and rotating the gear available.

We rotated the rolls on gear towards the end of D1's Year 3. It was kind of done as a last hurrah since we would be moving on to Destiny 2 in the short term. I can pass along feedback that you woul...

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