

24 May


Originally posted by XanPerez

O shid, didn't expect a response. How you doing?

Doing well, went to LA for a few days to show my daughter the beach. Back at it now getting ready for the next season.

How you doing?


Originally posted by BillehBear

What about your stance on the abundance of negative feedback on the nerfs?

I'm glad the community is invested in this game and willing to take the time to share their thoughts. I'll be taking the feedback and giving it to the dev team to consider when making future changes.


Originally posted by ask_you_anything_man

Where are :

  • New PvP maps,
  • New strikes,
  • Vendor refresh,
  • Faction rallies...

Did you abandon pvp?

Did you abandon pvp?

Nah. We'll talk more about Crucible changes this summer.


Originally posted by XanPerez

"T-they'll mention buffs next week, r-right guys?"



Originally posted by KILL3RSNAK3

I was hoping for details on next seasons Pinnacle Weapons

We'll get you the details next week.


Originally posted by PiceaSignum

Our only source of Bright Dust items is that single row at the bottom?

Seriously? We gave up the Prismatic Facet for this?

Edit: Praise RNGesus, I was wrong.

That is just a featured list. There will be an additional tab with more items available for Bright Dust.


Originally posted by OnnaJReverT

no compensating buffs mentioned at all?

bold move, Cotton

I'll get you info on the buffs next week along with a preview of the pinnacle weapons.

22 May


Can confirm - you can launch it from the director. We'll share more soon.

17 May


Originally posted by zTwiDashz

/u/cozmo23 /u/dmg04 Can’t be a conversation if you don’t take our feedback.

We’ll absolutely be taking all of the feedback to the team.


Originally posted by ShoreXShot

Right here with you on that one... Cozmo replied to my post last twab saying they were looking into it and then no word since...


Originally posted by Erraticmatt

Mate, I'm sorry you have to be the mouthpiece for this trash news.

No way was this ever going to be well received. They should make whoever is responsible for these decisions come onto reddit in your place to take the flak.

Whipping boy should not be part of a job description.

It's all good. We just wanted to make sure players got the info now rather than find out about it in patch notes.


Originally posted by thebonesinger

There's absolutely no need to wait for players to be able to test it out for themselves. I don't need to be punched in the nuts to know it's not going to be pleasant. Whisper is getting turned into Black Spindle. We all know how that handles. You don't need to let us 'test it out'. Ursa Furiosa is already crap in pve. You're making it worse. We don't need to 'test it' to see.

Seriously, this isn't a conversation. This is Bungie telling us what's happening and we have to just accept it. I'm sorry you have to be the one stuck here powerless to do anything but just take the beating.

This is just ridiculous though.

You don't have to wait to give feedback. Sometimes feedback changes between reading patch notes and testing out the change in game. Not always. We'll continue to monitor and report back to the team.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I like my job. Sorry if my response came across as sh*tty.

I fully understand that a lot of players are upset with these changes. I'm going to pass along everyone's feedback to the team.


Originally posted by Dumoney

Did you say in another comment that you'd be passing along feedback? Why are we having a discussion then if the decision has already been made?

Because there will continue to be changes to the game after the next update.


Originally posted by Goldenspacebiker

It really doesn’t seem like there’s a possibility of changes NOT going through. It feels like you say you’ll listen, but then the action is several months later if at all.

To be clear, these changes are definitely going into the next update. I'll be taking feedback from players who are responding to the changes on paper, and will continue to take feedback after players get the weapon/armor in their hands and are able to test it out for themselves.

16 May


Originally posted by ussfirefly

How about bring up the overwhelmingly negative response from the community regarding this entire list of nerfs before it goes live?

Yes, I'll be reporting back all feedback.


Originally posted by greensvoice

Why not have whisper pull ammo from reserves until it runs out at which point it regenerates ammo, requiring even more skill as you only get one infinite mag?

I'll bring up this suggestion.

15 May


How about just "Don't be rude to other Guardians just cause of a emblem they're wearing" :)


Glad you are enjoying it. Thanks for playing!