01 Jun


Originally posted by Mimbles_WW2

Can we have a radius around resupply stations where you can’t place AP mines please. Especially health stations. It doesn’t take any skill to place an AP mine down in an area that someone who is probably low on health is going to go to heal.

We could make it happen if the coming up changes aren't enough :)

31 May


Ah that's why I don't post on Discord channels too often ;p

Jokes aside, there are more adjustments coming to AP mines, not only "nerfs", more in the line of adding counter-plays or a window of reaction... :)

26 May


Seems like that description update made it in the patch earlier than expected ;) Let's say there are changes to the AP mines coming in a future patch... :)

24 May


Originally posted by GT500_Mustangs

Ah, I gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. I rarely use with snipers with a scope, so I completely forgot that holding your breath was a mechanic lmao

It's not doing a whole lot for sure, our snipers don't have crazy sway :)


Originally posted by Motomadness708

Where would you advise putting the steady scope on an Xbox controller if leaning is mapped to l3 r3

If that was up to me... I would say R2, same key as Zoom. ;)


Originally posted by N1cknamed

Hey, I really like manual leaning but the obvious pc keybinds (Q and E) are already taken. However, since leaning only works while ADS, I would love to get the option to use Q and W for leaning while ADS, and for their normal uses while not ADS.

That is how I thought it would work, but I was really disappointed when it didn't work.

I suppose you mean Q and E (not W). As i explained in another thread, we've made some exceptions to filter out an action while ADS, that's the case for melee for instance which will not work only in ADS if leaning is assigned to the same key.

However, this is really not easy to do and we do it case by case (i know it's not ideal but that's how it works, /u/_jjju_ can probably explain this better than me). I can't promise anything but if we get back to it, we could filter out some more actions.


Originally posted by GT500_Mustangs

Why wouldn’t it have been put in from the start like that? The way it is right now literally makes no sense lmao

Because we don't want to mess with existing player bindings. L3 has Hold Breath in ADS that is assigned to that key binding. It's probably a non-issue for a lot of players but that's still not something we want to mess with.


Originally posted by Stevenm4496

As a core gameplay designer did you want this to be the default?

You can trust manual leaning much more than contextual leaning, it's more consistent so it would probably have been a good default feature but we also have a lot of other features already assigned on existing key bindings, which we don't really want to mess with to not annoy players :)


Originally posted by Xazh

The default is click and hold the right stick, and lean with with left. It's not the best.. But it works.

You can use a custom mapping to have Lean Left on L3 (left stick) and Lean Right on R3 (Right stick), it's probably the best like this :)


8/10   - Overall a good performance but could use a landing roll to avoid fall damage here!


I think you may be pressing the "Activate Strafe to Lean While Zooming" at the same time. You can unassign the feature it in Key Bindings > Soldier and this should help.

Additionally, it could be that Lean Left and Lean Right are also assigned to keys you already use. In that case, i also recommend that you either unassign those inputs or move them somewhere else.


Originally posted by turtleslikemetoo

So if a teammate is healed by the aura from my medic crate, I won’t receive points?

Not in this patch I'm afraid, the aura might be giving you score when holding the crate around though (not deploying it)

23 May


Originally posted by jaokait

Will this be a hotfix?

I doubt, since this isn't really a critical issue.


Thanks for reporting, it looks like Manual leaning isn't functional in Firestorm sadly. We're working on a fix.


Originally posted by BringBackLaneKiffin

Oh wow I have completely misread this thread. Different question then, will an ammo crate aura be tested at some point or is it reliant on the player response to the medic crates having one?

If this is seen as a good addition, we will surely expand on that and bring that consistency over to the ammo crate :)


Originally posted by BringBackLaneKiffin

Does the aura replenish gadgets and grenades as well as ammo?

There is currently no aura on the ammo crate.


Originally posted by Sturmtrupp13

I have a feeling its gonna be too close and everyone will be blocking one another making multi kills even easier for mmg gunners.

The radius is something we're open to tweak for sure but we didn't want to go "all in" before making sure this change is a right direction :)


Originally posted by galaxion

I love the idea of it to be honest, it's very hard to spot medical crates on the ground. When I did run with crates I never seemed to get points from it, so I've nearly always opted for the pouches.

UI / HUD icons will certainly help a little more with this. Scoring with healing aura is not in this update though but we're looking at it.