

05 May


Originally posted by ToysnapZ

So I take the source, dropped it at his feet and I’m like “BOOM you lookin for this?”

EDIT: “...BOOM are you looking— why do I even talk to you guys everyone else that story kills.”

I understood that reference. 10/10 joke.


Originally posted by Mo_Salah_

In my experience it is only Battlefront. Almost every other EA game I play works fine, Battlefront 1 included.

Our teams have confirmed multiple games are affected, though that doesn’t mean every game is affected in the same way for every player. Stay tuned for further details! We’re working on it.


Originally posted by omnipotentbandito

Yeah no response, three game breaking errors. 720, 2093, and 1017. No communication at all? u/F8RGE u/EA_Charlemagne

EA Help is working on it. It’s not just Battlefront. They’ll provide updates on the situation as it unfolds.

04 May


Originally posted by F8RGE

May the Fourth*

Nuh-uh. I checked the official brand tags. They changed it for this year.

Source: https://www.starwars.com/news/the-official-star-wars-hashtag-holocron



Originally posted by xNathanx27

Is that accurate to a restored version of it? Or is this just a guess by them?

That's solely their take on the hilt, not an official replica or something we worked with them on.

Hey, everyone. Happy Star Wars Day! Sourced from Guillaume's Twitter, here are some of the changes we're looking at making to heroes this month.


  • Yoda's running/movement speed up
  • Health Regen for blasters up
  • Boba and Chewie health up
  • Luke saber damage up
  • Obi Mind trick length up
  • Unrelenting advance damage up + fix
  • Dot reticle for Boba
  • In air reco...
Read more External link →

30 Apr

Incoming transmission!

As mentioned in the recent release notes Community Transmission for the April update, we’re having an in-game event in Battlefront™ II to celebrate Star Wars™ Day!

The prize of this event is the iconic A New Hope appearance for Leia Organa: Princess! Here’s how you can unlock this appearance.

Objective: Capture the command posts!

Collectively, 4 million command posts need to be captured in Capital Supremacy. If you capture more than one...

Read more External link →

This is what peak performance looks like. You can deny it all you want, but that droid has the fastest, “Roger, roger,” on this side of the Rishi Maze.


Originally posted by rickreckt

wait, that's illegal..

I will make it legal.


Originally posted by AlphatheAlpaca

Let's just say you could pick Anakin in HvV and I would still wreck you!

I could ban you.


Originally posted by AlphatheAlpaca

Cool. I'll flag it.

Do you want to fight?


Originally posted by AlphatheAlpaca

I assume it was flagged before today.

Yeah, it has been. Just resurfacing.

29 Apr


Originally posted by DeathsticksAreCool

Really? The only time I’ve ever heard about it was in early March from Ben. And that was saying it was a small oversight.

It’s so funny that the most OP hero is bugged to be cheap in OT. Hmmmmmmmmm.

No worries. We've mainly just said it in replies like this. And yeah...any other hero and it wouldn't be as bad, but here we are. I guess that's just how the Force works.


Thanks. I'll send this to the team.


Originally posted by KibsterIXI

Had this issue practically since launch, contacted help.ea.com that gave me a bunch of step by steps to go through and that didn't help. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix.

Contact them again and ask them to manually unlock it for you. They should be able to do that.


Originally posted by Heavyweighsthecrown

risking downvotes for tagging the dudes but

/u/ea_charlemagne and /u/f8rge pls

Who distrubs my slum— oh, yeah. I totally agree. I'll flag it.


Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

Ok now what about Anakin/Dooku who have exploits that completely break games?

We've also said we're working on this. They're a bit more of an immediate concern, though.


We never said that was coming in the next update, just something we were looking at.


Originally posted by ChuchiTheBest

I don't think i have ever seen a dev response on this subject. so please at least take a look at this u/F8RGE and u/EA_Charlemagne

I can flag it.


Originally posted by TheMightyBoushh

Anakin still being 4K BP in the OT is a prime example of why people get pissed off with the DEVs. We know they can change the price of hero costs in live, as they've done it in the past. Surely through the dozens of messages sent them on the forums, Reddit, Twitter etc they would have read about this. Yet nothing's been done. It's like they want the most OP hero to be easily selectable on 2/3 of the maps. u/F8RGE u/EA_Charlemagne can we please get this resolved?

As we've said a few times, actually, Anakin's specific BP is bugged and we're working on a client-side fix for that. He's not supposed to be cheaper in the OT.