

29 Apr


Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

u/ea_charlemagne what's the status on this? All that radio silence doesn't improve the situation

We've commented on this many times, actually, but no worries. I get that can be missed. It's a very tricky issue but we're working on a fix.

28 Apr


The #1 is the most Australian game I've ever seen.


Originally posted by A_Hideous_Beast

I'm sorry, this made me actually laugh out loud, just because of how "Oh, that worked?" this sounds.

Just so we're all clear, this was sarcasm, haha.


Originally posted by Emperor-Palpamemes

Hey sorry jay I didn’t mean to misinform people that the petition did it. I should have included the tweet you were responding to.

Haha, no worries. I think more people understood the joke than not. All good.


Originally posted by superjediplayer

the petition didn't actually lead to that

How unfortunate... that you are attempting to decieve me. You're only saying that to not have more of these reality-altering petitions with unlimited power. If not for the petition, i'm sure they would have all instead went to work at Domino's Pizza, like Pizza guy was planning before you recaptured him. /s

Please petition for me to get a raise.


Originally posted by artistoyykoa

Is this sarcasm or is he for real? u/ea_charlemagne

Both. DICE is hiring, as they often are, but the petition didn’t actually lead to that. Hiring processes take time, including to put up job postings. This is also not just for SW or something. Just some friendly sarcasm.

27 Apr


Originally posted by Darth-Sand

Need me to head down to Tosche Station to pick up some Power Converters?


26 Apr


Originally posted by WulfstanLee

I'll take a stab! I'm guessing 1,800 Minerals and 750 Vespene Gas.

We actually shifted to tibanna gas. It's much safer for the environment.


The game goes on sale very often, so keep an eye out. It goes down to $5 sometimes.


Since you seem to be the authority on this, how many "resources" do we have devoted to BII?


Originally posted by nwb04296

u/EA_Charlemagne - Was it intentional or is this another mishap? The chronological rotation we had for the last few months was very popular and easy to learn. I would very much like to know why it was changed.

Let me find out.


Originally posted by mostvaluable8243

Please don't nerf him into the ground. You have him in a good spot for HvV going against him is a lot less stressful now but retribution needs to lose its charge when he becomes target & it needs a indicator

We never want to make him useless, but we also want there to be less frustration (and the feeling that you have no chance no matter what) when facing him. He's still going to be strong when we're done with him, but balanced.


Originally posted by darthkyle25

Oh I apologize. Didn't realize you had commented on it. Hard to keep track with how active you and Ben are these days on reddit

Edit: and I mean thst in a good way :)

That's definitely not the worst problem to have, haha! Better than the alternative.


Originally posted by Countdown3

Leaving bugs, even if players like them, only hinders us there.

If the playerbase likes them, then maybe those aspects should have their "bug status" removed. Yoda was better and more fun/unique to play before, it seems to be universally agreed upon. So maybe it's a change the team should consider reverting? I rather have the extra 100HP with presence and be able to break block rather than Yoda being able to block light sabers. This change was for the worse.

I wouldn't say it was universally liked, but I get your point. The bug also wasn't 100%, either. It usually happened, but not always. If we wanted to actually do it, it would be built as a feature, not relying on a bug. Think of it like lightsaber blocking. There was a rare bug that made it similar to what it is now. We removed the bug and rebuilt it as a feature. That's a much safer way to develop games because it gives us more control over balancing and such.


Originally posted by alexaka1

For perspective, no other dash attack breaks blocks.

Rey's Dash Strike would like to have a few words with you on that.

Yeah, my bad. I was thinking of Luke and Maul. Rey's was designed to knock down opponents and it's a little but different than a regular dash (a bit more like Obi-Wan's Defensive Rush). It's sort of like how Dooku's ability has the word "shock" in it but it's more of a push/throw. Rey's says "Dash" but it's more of a charge/rush/advance.


Originally posted by Darth_Kyofu

One of the main problems with Retribution is how its pretty much impossible to prepare for, as you have no idea when he has it up or not. A visual indicator would be nice, like replacing the player's name with RETRIBUTION, as it happens when, for example, they're flashed and it says CONCUSSED.

We've taken this feedback into account and are looking at what we can do.


Originally posted by darthkyle25

I hate to bring this up because of conspiracy theories but there was a CT saying a while back that private matches were coming to HVV showdown,was swept under the rug when it didn't work and was never heard from again.

We've commented on this a number of times, but no worries. We ran into technical issues with the mode and put it on hiatus for now.


Originally posted by bushdid911-_-

Well if you ask me, the lightsaber combat rn is just a matter of hold the block button and wait until your opponent get's bored. More than 80% of hero abilities can be simply blocked. It is basically becoming a play style. If you give everyone a block breaker, lightsaber fights will be so much thrilling and strategic. You will have to think like "oh i should use the block to defend against his lightsaber attacks, but i also need to dodge or jump over his block-breaker." In conclusion, please don't make any negative changes to this game because of the star wars lore. Balance > lore

That's fair feedback. If we see degenerate/un-fun behaviour taking root, we'll do what we can to address it.


Originally posted by RTSUbiytsa

I understand that, I was just getting a bit frustrated by the lack of communication - but I definitely appreciate the response!

I've just been a part of way too many games where something is absolutely busted and the devs just... stay silent... and stay silent... and stay silent... and then "nerf" it without nerfing any of the parts that make it overpowered... and then stay silent.

Knowing that you guys have a plan makes me hopeful, though. Thanks!

No problem! Keep us accountable. So long as everyone is respectful of one another (which you were), this community will stay healthy on both fronts.


Originally posted by RTSUbiytsa

Since you're worried about players first - can we stop talking about the minor annoyance that are the Yoda changes, and talk about doing something about Anakin? Any word on upcoming nerfs? Fixes for/killswitching because of the Retribution exploit?

I'm a new player, and I love the game itself - except Anakin. If we go a week without any news on you guys really looking to fix him, and not just putting out nerfs for the sake of saying you nerfed him, I'm probably just gonna uninstall the game. He really does make things too unbalanced.

We have plans for Anakin. I'm just holding off on saying anything until they're locked in. It's one of those situations where we know exactly what we're going to do and have a plan, but we can't say anything until all the checks have been cleared. Just a reality of game development.