Yeah it's just way more competition/smurfs now.
My aim and game knowledge has been objectively improving however I am basically the same rank.
In the pre-game loading screen if players don't have a last season triangle expect them to be a smurf with good aim who plays over aggressively and doesn't use teamplay.
About 4% of all ranked players are above plat, about 7% of players are plat.
I've seen people say there are a "ton" of smurfs, when we investigate we see that players just have a good game. I've seen players with consistent 10 kill games, randomly, have a 30+ kill game for reference - these are players with less then 40% winrate as well.
Even if every single player above plat smurfed, they wouldn't even be able to fill half of all games that occur in plat - let alone all the ranks because they are only 4% of all players. Yes smurfing occurs, I'm not denying it, and we also have systems in place to try and reduce their frequency and how long they can sit in low ranks. I think it's just overblown, because in tac shooters players can have insanely good games. I am about Plat/Diamond, and play against immortal/radiant players every day in playtest - even I have games where I'm 20-30+kills in those games(against players way above my skill level).
That being said,...
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