

06 Jul


Originally posted by Takiopa

How is the ice pad after a couple months anyways? Wanted one but heard it might have some of the shidenkai problems. Ended up just getting the hien but really wanna try a shidenkai or ice pad

I've owned both the Shidenkai and Ice, I haven't noticed my ice wearing and I've had it for almost 6 months? There are areas where my wrist sit, or center circle where my mouse usually moves, that has slight discoloration but no noticeable drag differences. It has so far lasted longer than my Shidenkai. The Shidenkai definitely reminded me of a coating that wore away, and the Ice feels more like a surface(you can't really tell its coated).

That being said, I've been busy moving the past few months so I haven't used it as much as I normally would have been. I love the Ice and would probably just eat the 35$ every 6-12months if it does wear out, just because I enjoy it so much.


Originally posted by Method320

Silver should feel like "I made it to the middle of the pack"

The problem with balancing for population, is that it makes silver an enormous cesspool of varying skill. I was in silver briefly last act and managed to get out of it, but while I was in there, every game felt like a dice roll. Either my team would get destroyed, or my team would do the destroying. Some blame this on smurfs and maybe theres something to that but the bulk of it, I think, is because you guys put everyone in Silver. Even low gold has this problem. It wasn't till I was in gold 3/getting low-mid plats in my games that things started to feel more fair.

The forward-facing rank doesn't determine the matchmaking, or skill difference in your games.

We could make 80% of all players be silver, but you would still get matched against the same players around your skill. So the games feeling like a dice roll isn't due to the rank pools we chose.

I think it's actually a good thing that you started to define plat as "games felt fair". That means you are seeing a difference in skill when climbing ranks "Plat feels different then X rank" are statements we want to hear and why we balance distribution this way.

I think lower ranks can feel chaotic to some people who expect a certain way to play, and players are often very swingy in skill. I think this leads to believing there are smurfs, or you run into a cracked player, in lower ranks. Players in low ranks play in lots of weird ways, that throw players expecting a certain way to play the game out the window. Also some players only are good at X agent, or X map. There ar...

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I am a PC Peripheral ADDICT. I buy too many Mice, Keyboards, and Mouse Pads.

I really like the glorius mouse ice pad, I really like the hybrid coated mouse pads with low friction.



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Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Have Riot ever commented on why they choose to make Silver the average rank?

No, it is something I have brought up over the years in both the Valorant and League of Legends communities, but not garnered a dev response. There's not really an argument either way which is healthier, but it definitely would help to have commentary from someone like /u/EvrMoar who knows the ranked ladder better than anyone - perhaps he has an opinion as to whether Riot is happy with the current distribution curve compared to other games.

To start, we don't balance our ranked distribution based on what League is doing or their system. While I do talk with their designers, the Valorant team believes in the decisions from my team to do what we believe is the correct distribution for Valorant.

There are two outcomes I'd like to hit when setting our ranked distribution:

1.The community can start to paint a picture of skill related to that rank; "That was a Gold play", "That player has the crosshair placement of a Bronze player", etc.

2.Climbing ranks feels like you've increased in skill to get there, and by getting better at the game that rank increase feels meaningful. This prestige can also be seen in the population % of each rank, especially at the high ranks.

So with the above goals in mind you have to decide on 1 of 2 ways to balance your distribution:

1.You balance based on MMR, so every rank is even. For example; Iron = 500, Bronze = 600, Silver = 700, Gold = 800, etc. Beca...

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04 Jul


Originally posted by Gwyndolin3

Thank you for the explanation , It was indeed very informative and appreciated!

Just one question though , do you believe a system so advanced that it would not take wins/loses into account and would only consider ability usages and fragging capabilities as the only measurements for MMR adjustments could be made ? I know something like that seems like a daydream fantasy or straight up insanity , but do you think it's possible ?

Any system is just trying to measure your skill against someone else, because the first step of creating a match is being able to find two similar skilled opponents/teams. There are lots of systems that actually don't look at Win/Loss and only care about performance like KDA(just depends on the game).

A Matchmaker's goal is to find a way to measure player skill and ensure fair matchmaking. You do this by figuring out how to measure players(This is MMR in most systems), then have the match maker guess the outcome of a match(the higher MMR team should win). It doesn't matter if MMR is based on performance, or win/loss, or even total money earned, etc. You want to find the thing that will predict player skill, or the match outcome, the best.

If you were to just measure win/loss, and create a win/loss MMR, then you go back and check at how often a team with a higher Win/Loss MMR actually wins, this is how to measure if your MMR system is working. If you make a system wh...

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Originally posted by firestorm64

I'm pretty skeptical of Riots claim there. If they are accurately taking utility into account why wouldn't it be in your combat score?

I would love to see some data on it but currently it seems like Riot is heavily incentivizing selfish KDA play to rank up.

If you have good data scientists, and know the goals of what your system is supposed to do, it isn't too complicated. We have people who have dedicated their careers to match making and rating systems, or people who are just amazing mathematicians. Games have been working on match making for a while now, and you have systems like True Skill 2 which can detect way more than players even realize. Highly suggest watching a GDC talk by Josh Menke to learn more about this space if it interests you.

You can see a comment I made on this deeper in the thread: ...

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Originally posted by Gwyndolin3

a system so well designed that it could determine whether every flash , molly , smoke , wall , heal , reveal , nearsight or stun were viable or had no impact on the round is nearly impossible to make tbh.

small edit : even missed abilities can be regarded as impactful on some scenarios , no system is advanced enough to detect this.

TECHNICALLY if you wanted to try to calculate missed or faked ability usage:

You could bounce a couple traces around corners, or check to see if an ability was in the eyesight of an enemy player(so they looked at the ability means it effected their judgement), then look to see if they moved from that spot, were dealt damage, etc. There are some other ways as well, but our system does not take into account fake abilities because there would probably be a large false positive % to them.

All hypothetical, but it probably isn't worth the work in the long run to determine fake or missed abilities.

As for a system that can determine ability usage, that's pretty easy and our system does do this. You could look at any ability, how many people it hits, what it is doing, etc. and figure out its impact. I'm not going to talk about how we do this, or how the systems evaluate abilities, but every ability could technically have a measurable % it helps win a round or get a...

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30 Jun


Originally posted by seriouslymai

How did i place silver 2 as a gold 2 last act while going 5-0 in placements?? Plus 2 match MVPs

All ranks got squished, even previous radiants started Diamond 1. Soft resets push all ranks down, it helps prevent inflation or players who get boosted and sit higher than they belong.

We also made adjustments to how your MMR is calculated which caused movement in ranks and where people belonged. This is because we pulled out a system that weighted MMR based on number of games played.

Episodes are about 6 months, you'll have plenty of time to improve and get back to gold if you choose to.

29 Jun


Originally posted by criiisp2020

I linked both profiles. I surrendered 2 matches and lost 0:13 (first because VC was bugged for my entire team, second because we had a rage quit). I lost another game 1:13 and won one 13:1 (if I remember correctly).

In almost every game there is a player in a team who is doing terribly bad. In most of my games the enemies have at least 1 Diamond player while I am Gold 3 (now P1).

After 20 games the game still thinks I am higher but I cannot climb because I have 1 win to 2 losses (smurfs, afks, thrower and so on).

PS: I was G3 in the end of act 2 last season due to a massive loss streak but I was P3 at the start. I managed to climb back to P3 99RR in act 3 last season. I can also provide screenshots with my act ranks.

PPS: It doesn't really matter but if you see my stats (HS %, K/D/A and so on) you can't argue that I belong to G3. Sometimes I do bad, like every human but overall I try to play as good as possible, use my abilites properly and comm with...

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Well, maybe you can explain me why every match doesn't end up close. Then why is there in every game 1 player performing utterly bad. Why do I get matched with 2nd or 3rd accounts who doesn't take ranked seriously.

Lets look at your matches this act on this account: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Omen%23diff/matches?playlist=competitive

You've played 25 matches 19 out of 25 matches ended in 13-6 or higher. That means only 6 of your matches, out of 25, would have been considered "One Sided"(by how we measure games internally).

Even if you increase that to 13-8, 12 of your matches ended at or above...

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Originally posted by criiisp2020

Well, maybe you can explain me why every match doesn't end up close. Then why is there in every game 1 player performing utterly bad. Why do I get matched with 2nd or 3rd accounts who doesn't take ranked seriously.

I don't have a problem being Gold or Platinum but I do have a problem facing same skilled players who were Diamond/Immortal before. Tell me how one is supposed to climb while facing same level opponents with a 50% winrate or even lower.

The system in season 1 was good but you destroyed it to season 2 and it isn't better now.

I know a lot of people who find this system awful (Diamond and Immortal players). Your system tries to push every player down. What is your goal? 50% of the player base to be in Bronze? This feels just terrible.

If you say we were getting matched against same level of MMR but my visual rank differs up to 3-4 ranks, why do we even have a visual rank then?

To your last paragraph: ah, yes. My skill is dropping out...

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I'm really busy today, but I want to get back to this with a good answer.

Could you link your tracker.gg, I want to talk about your matches specifically because "My matches don't end up close" does not paint a proper picture of your match history. I can't talk about facts when I don't know your matches.


Originally posted by criiisp2020

You had luck then. I was Diamond last season, got placed to Gold 3 but still facing Diamond opponents after 20 games (13 losses) and can't manage to climb into Platinum. Even if I do well and carry my shit mates I only receive +18. If the system think I belong to Gold then don't give me f**king ex Immo and Diamond opponents...

This system is so broken right now.

@evrmoar I hope you read this. YOUR system sucks.


Jk, if you can't take criticism game design is probably not the place to be. Honestly, it sucks you may be having a bad experience but if a ranked system doesn't have any complaints your system probably isn't working right.

At the end of the day, the system isn't here to give you easy matches, it's suppose to test you against around your skill (at, below, and above). I would be surprised if you are truly going against Diamond opponents, instead of people who were diamond and have fallen to lower ranks. Just because someone diamond before does not mean they deserve diamond now, nor is it a reflection of that player's current skill.

We made changes that made the match maker more accurate, for lots of people that means if you were truly hard stuck or felt like you had unfair matches the system should feel better. Unfortunately, for people who may have been higher rank than they should have been those people are more likely to get pushed down. Since we made...

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25 Jun


Originally posted by pFe1FF

How does this RR loss from afking impact my mmr?

I remember from old days in league where someone dodged promotion games and dodged many games so his rank was silver but his mmr was diamond, because the rp loss from dodges had no effect to his mmr.

Is this the same or does every loss gain in rr effect the mmr?

Doesn't effect MMR, only RR.


We updated AFK penalties this patch: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-3-0/


Increased maximum AFK penalty to -12 RR

Minimum AFK penalty at -8RR

AFK Rank Rating penalty can still go above the -30 RR Loss barrier, allowing you to lose over -30 RR if you AFK and lose a match

AFK penalties start at 3 rounds and escalate for each round you are AFK, for up to 6 rounds

If you are AFK for 6 or more rounds, and your team wins, you gain no RR for the win and are penalized the maximum -12 RR

We agree, it feels bad to carry an AFK player and have them...

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24 Jun


Originally posted by aaronsteing

there also needs to be more loss forgiveness when someone on your team disconnects. you’re up by 6 rounds then boom, someone disconnects & all of a sudden you’re down 21RR. If someone on your team disconnects & you lose, the amount of RR that you lose needs to be reduced by at least a half of what it originally would be, if not more.

This is asked for a lot but it's something we can't do because it causes RR manipulation and toxicity.

People would make alt accounts to AFK for a friend to help them not lose as much. Alternatively people would dog pile on players to get them to AFK, especially if they were low on the leaderboard. So lots of players would turn toxic to try and force a player to leave the match, so they wouldn't lose as much RR.

Leaving the match, or dc'ing needs to not be incentivized so you need to target the action directly. Our penalties do escalate and AFK'ing once may be a low penalty, but there are plenty of people with multi-week bans from playing competitive for AFK'ing(Trust me I get lots of twitter DM's asking to get penalties lifted). Also the system will remember if you are a habitual AFK'er even if you just served your punishment. It requires you to not AFK in order to play ranked, otherwise the penalty just becomes insane.

We also no longer award you Ranked Ra...

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My biggest advice is to play the game and get comfortable first.

There are some great videos on basic mechanics, and some of the things you should probably be doing. Watching an intro guide on youtube, or beginners guide, should probably give you all the info you need.

Don't overwhelm yourself, or worry about the details. Go get comfortable with how the game feels, and just play it and have fun. I've worked on a lot of shooters and the one thing we always see, in terms of measuring skill, is that players improve and get better at the game by playing the game more. So more time played = getting better at the game.

Yes there will be a time where you can min/max and try to learn all the fancy details about the game. But I wouldn't sweat it early on. Maybe watch a skill capped video once and a while after you are done playing each day.

Good luck :)

23 Jun


Placements let your MMR flux up/down more then normal. If you tank your placements you lower your MMR, which will make it harder to climb in the long run. If you do well on your placements you will raise your MMR and make it easier to climb.

22 Jun


maybe we increased our fair matchmaking too much😎


Originally posted by Pigeon_EUNE

Wait,is the current system in Valorant working that way (rank impact based on who you kill)? I know Counter Strike has such a system,and i really think its a good one,especially in games that can actually end in a draw,that way you can actually have means to get some Elo/MMR out of it.

There are two MMR's that make up your whole MMR. Part of it is encounter/skill the other is win/loss :)

21 Jun


Originally posted by Dxrules90

Incorrect. Let's say the winrate work as intended. Which they don't. Its still flawed. No system can determine where you belong. Algorithms just aren't that advanced. There is way to many variables.

They need a flat win loss. No hidden algorithm.

Performance doesnt work. Instalock duelists would be an issue.

But overall it doesn't effect me anyway negatively it's just principle.

They implemented this system which is exactly what they promised not to do when project a when is announced. If you promise a system. Use that system.

You would actually be surprsied with how far match makers have come with predictability/knowing your skill.

Matchmakers know your skill because it's you compared to all the other players in the game. I highly suggest watching this talk from Josh Menke to understand matchmakers better: https://youtu.be/-pglxege-gU

Also, interlocking duelists, or playing to slay, does not work in MMR systems that take into account skill/encounter(well if done correctly). Because it's not about dropping a 30 bomb, it's who you kill that matters. Killing TenZ would give you way more rank movement than killing a gol...

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01 Jun


Originally posted by 4THOT

I feel like Nirvana Fallacy is a very Riot Games thing.

You don't need to get rid of smurfing, just like 70% of smurfing and most people would be pretty happy.

I mean, I've only been at Riot 7 months, and with almost a decade of game dev I would say it hasn't substantially changed the way I work or think of game design.

We just want to make sure we get the best bang for our buck. Why would we implement SMS Verification if we have a different solution that takes less time to make while also having a better impact?

Again, I'm not saying we are or are not doing SMS, we just have to make sure we know our options, how long they take to implement, and the other side effects they may create from implementing them. I would argue it's just being smart about your decision-making process.

I've never said we can remove all smurfs, I don't think anyone on the team believes that. We agree that whatever we do will only reduce it, and we want to make sure that we choose the best solution.

If there was a verification type system, remember some players that aren't smurfs will be blocked by it.

If there is a system th...

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