

01 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't know where you've seen this, but we don't see this at all.

One of the hardest data points you see, in ranked, is that more time = more skill for players. In most cases, if you were to map time invested:skill you would see a linear line for the community. The problem is the entire community is all getting better at the same time. So to rank up you not only need to get better, but you need to get better faster then the people at your rank.

I don't have hard data to argue more cheaters, trolls, new players, etc. But I will say more players are more likely to play the start of a new act/episode because of new content coming out. So if anything I would say you are more likely to run into those cases at the beginning of an Act/Episode then the end.

If you do have data to support this I'd love to see it tho!


Originally posted by Boryalyc

A. That still isn't how it thinks you should perform, performance only has an impact of 0-5 on your RR gain/loss from that game

B. The performance bonus is only for exceptional cases and 30 kills is not one of them.

Players will get 0-5 RR on average for a performance bonus, with 3-5 being average, and yes it's based on their average performance.

So if a player normally performs middle of the pack, with average ability usage and kills - if that player has a 30 kill game where they used their abilities effectively they would get a performance bonus. performance bonus can go above 5 tho, but it's very difficult too get it that high.


To start, I really like to avoid doing breakdowns of players match history if I can avoid it. There is a lot more intricate math going on, in the background, to determine your MMR/Rank/RR Gains. But I think this one is pretty easy to understand so I definitely wanted to put in my 2 cents.

If you look at your match history yes you have two games where you broke 30 kills. But you also have way more games where you only got around 10 kills. You also only have 0.9 kills a round. That means you are dying more then you are getting a kill in a round. You also have a win rate that is below 40%. Unfortunately that means you aren't performing at your Rank, and in fact are losing more then you are winning. In any ranked system that means you are probably ranked too high and you are on your way down.

Now that sucks, but you also haven't played A TON of games(but you've played a decent amount). It could just be a bad streak of games and if you had more time maybe you would start...

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21 Feb


Originally posted by TradingTomorrow

So after seeing this clip, is action going to be taken against that 4 stack?

I don't determine what is or is not punishable, I don't make the rules or enforce them. I just want to be honest because it isn't my job. There are also legalities in certain countries involving this kind of stuff. I just forward stuff like this to player support and if they've broken rules they know what punishment fits the crime and how to investigate the issue.

That being said I don't want to run into this type of behavior, also I know lots of us don't want this type of behavior in our game. This is pretty damning evidence they were being toxic, so take that however you will :)

Not all Rioters enforce, or make the rules. But collectively, as a whole, we our vocal about issues we run into. We also are aware, and vocal, about the issues the community brings up on social media and what is happening in game. My experience so far at Riot is that we are anything but quiet. We will make sure issues are heard and we don't stand for toxicity in our game. Every Rioter is e...

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Originally posted by TheAppleEater

The worst part is, I highly doubt my reports did anything against them and chances are not everyone on the enemy team reported them either.

Your reports do matter, and we have improved report features coming online soon:


Also there are plenty of Rioters that also forward these issues to player support, me being one of them. So even tho a Rioter doesn't say anything, you can guarentee if we see it on twitter, reddit, etc. we try to report it(If we have the time of course). This doesn't mean spam us with every issue, if we tried to be player support we just wouldn't have the time to do anything else. My first recommendation is still to report in game, and...

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20 Feb


Originally posted by giftmeosusupporter

since u out here answering questions and responding i wanted to ask: is losers/winners queue an actual thing in valorant? it's a popular theory in other riot games that riot likes to put you on win streaks or loss streaks instead of W/L/W/L/W for some weird psychological effect to keep u hooked, is this true for valorant?

This isn't the case for Valorant. I, personally, won't push to add anything like that and I only have minor changes I want to investigate for our MMR system currently. Now we are digging through data, as well as how the new Ranked Rating system is working, to plan changes for the future!


Originally posted by chuckit2yaboi

In shooters it's not uncommon for a player to have a really good game, and instantly have a bad game in their next one.

ahh yes. Me.

Same :(


Originally posted by MrVolT-

Hi EvrMoar, thank you for your responses!

I have a question, when the matchmaking places you in a game where the majority of players have significantly lower MMR than yours (let's say, you are an Immortal and you have a team full of D2's), does it necessarily mean that the syst believes that you should have a lower rank than you have at the moment? Or it can place you in these situations just so it can find matches more easily, reducing the queue time for you and other players?

Thank you for all the great work you guys been doing!

You're best metric of if your rank is at your MMR is if you are gaining around the same amount of Ranked Rating per win as a loss. That means your Rank has converged with your MMR and you are at your rank you currently belong at.

That being said, some players are climbing up, some players are being pushed down, so everyone is on their own Ranked journey. So because you have a lower rank player in your game doesn't mean you are going down, it could mean they are on their way up.

I hope that helps, and thank you for the kind words!


Originally posted by Western_Condition376

I get what you're saying, but this change that you did to the ranking system created a new era of smurfs. It's a smurf village in low elo. I am hardstuck silver on my main, but plat 2 on my alternate account. The system is not working as intended.

Bring forth the downvotes!

We didn't change the match making system. You are getting the exact same matches as you would have last episode/act. In fact we didn't even touch players MMR.

So the only explanation, if you really feel like there are more smurfs, is not the match makers fault but realistically that more smurfs are being made. We are still refining how we find out who is smurfing in data, but right now it's actually a very small % of the playerbase.

I'll definitely get some flak for saying this, but I think there is a perception players are smurfing more then it's actually occurring. In shooters it's not uncommon for a player to have a really good game, and instantly have a bad game in their next one. Just because a player may have a lower rank, and do well, doesn't mean they are smurf. They could just be having a good game, or are in your match because they are actually climbing up rank. Players are on their own journey all the time, so players will climb up in rank. Everyone will ...

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Originally posted by Vbacv

I don’t think any players would be mad if you made players with the skill level of TenZ an immortal or diamond rank off the bat. What makes no sense is why TenZ, or a similar calibre player would ever be allocated a plat 3 rank in the first place when you blatantly know they’re not going to be as low as plat 3.

Can’t wrap my head around why you’d start players in plat and give them -10 losses and +45 wins instead of just placing them in diamond straight away?

Because players stop playing the game, and new players rise up. The top players are constantly shifting, even monthly. You need to soft reset to to clear out high ranks where a player may have stagnated at their rank, and may not really be engaging with Valorant or even a top player to begin with.

Creating a restriction where "You only have to play 1 game a week" or docking Rank can only get you so far. At the end of the day a player could coast, for multiple seasons, at the top rank without much effort if we didn't soft reset.

The other issue is cheaters. If we let people climb too fast, you could get an account onto the leaderboard. We need a few games to actually determine if you're cheating or not. We are good at detecting cheats but sometimes it takes some games.

Also if we let TenZ get the 1 spot, right off the bat, the leaderboard would literally be 10 people, and all of their alt-accounts, sitting in the top 250. Radiant would be full of alt-accounts...

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19 Feb


Originally posted by luchokoldo

you still have a issue, with this hard reset, I got radiant before the end of episode 1 and after the reset I was playing against the same players before, same MMR but in plat/diamond, same hard games as before but players with lower MMR climb faster to higher ranks in the first week w/o playing against old immortal/radiants and they got Radiant/Immortal; this show the rank tier worth nothing and are a "illusion"; instead of showing us a blank rank tier, why is not better to show your MMR and you set a number for that MMR for a specific rank tier because now, the rank tier dont mean anything

Rank is always an illusion until you put in enough games, even in the old system. You weren't Radiant, in any season, right off the bat. It took some games to get there. No matter what ranked system you play, you have to put in some games, to prove you belong at a rank and climb there.

While you may have been playing other Immortal/Radiant players, while being plat/diamond. You were getting +35-50 per win and only -10 for a loss. Do you think it's fair if we, after 1 game, just gave TenZ the #1 spot on the leaderboard just because we think he belongs there? Unfortunately every Elo/Rank system needs you to play games, to figure out where you belong. We can guess all we want, but until you actually give us enough matches to have a big enough sample size, we won't know your rank until you put in some games.

Also we are pretty generous in letting you move upward, and even increased how fast you can increase within a patch of the initial new ranked system launch.


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Originally posted by EvrMoar

I read this before you changed it and I wanted to give my opinion, just because I'm the designer of it.

So I understand that you feel like it's not about personal skill, but we actually have two MMR's that make your singular MMR. A performance based MMR and a Win/Loss MMR.

In lower ranks performance has a bigger impact on your MMR. This is because it's very easy to see who is probably not Iron based on how well they are aiming, how often they win duals, how they use their skills, etc. Players are usually at low ranks because they aren't consistent, and part of that reason is because they don't know every map, every call out, how to play multiple agents etc. As you climb in ranks the difference in aim ability, reaction time, agent usage, etc. starts to shrink. At the highest levels, team play and game sense become the main factor in winning a match, and that's when you are solely being rated based on your wins/losses.

Just to be clear, your performance MMR ex...

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I read this before you changed it and I wanted to give my opinion, just because I'm the designer of it.

So I understand that you feel like it's not about personal skill, but we actually have two MMR's that make your singular MMR. A performance based MMR and a Win/Loss MMR.

In lower ranks performance has a bigger impact on your MMR. This is because it's very easy to see who is probably not Iron based on how well they are aiming, how often they win duals, how they use their skills, etc. Players are usually at low ranks because they aren't consistent, and part of that reason is because they don't know every map, every call out, how to play multiple agents etc. As you climb in ranks the difference in aim ability, reaction time, agent usage, etc. starts to shrink. At the highest levels, team play and game sense become the main factor in winning a match, and that's when you are solely being rated based on your wins/losses.

Just to be clear, your performance MMR ex...

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Originally posted by iiteBud

I just don't understand why MMR drives RR instead of vice versa. Like if in a higher stress environment I play better - that should reflect in my general rating. However, as it currently stands - your general rating which is derived from both casual and competitive environments drives your competitive rank. It's like pulling a oil tanker with a Smart Car (MMR doesn't move easily) - when it should be like pulling a single-axle trailer with a Peterbuilt (RR drives MMR).

This is dead ass backwards.

Simply, your MMR > Opponent's MMR. And you lost to them... Pathetic.

Theoretically this is correct. In games like Rocket League this holds true. However, since the update there has not been one game where I've gained more RR than I lost on a prior loss - NOT A SINGLE ONE. If what you say is true, somewhere towards the end of a 6 game win streak you will eventually get paired against a team that is at or above your level. Alas, +20 ...

I think I understand where you are coming from, wanting RR to drive MMR, but the whole point of Ranked Rating was to smooth your Rank swings and give you an easy to understand point system.

You aren't matched based on Ranked Rating, and I sometimes see the argument where you should be.

"I want to beat silvers, then golds, then plats, etc. to get to my actual rank."

In concept, and not diving deep, that seems like an okay idea. But there is a reason this isn't used in most games. Things like Microsoft developing their True Skill Elo System(which most big games use and license), as well as the Elo system in chess. The reason being is that by beating a Silver player, it does not mean you are actually Plat or wherever you think you belong. It only means you can beat a silver player. Could you imagine us throwing the whole player based into Iron/Bronze and giving them the same RR per win/loss and matching them based on their RR to climb? You would have teams of ...

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16 Feb


Originally posted by BefondofjohnYT

I appreciate the response, but that curve, while technically no it's not a linear curve and is a bell curve, that is still a significant amount of players in the lower tiers wouldn't you think? There's almost as many iron players as bronze, almost as many bronze as silver, around 60% of the player base are in the bottom 3 ranks out of 8.

Driving a stake in it as you say, kinda looks closer to high bronze low silver as "average" here. Wouldn't it be healthier for the game, and community for progressing purposes, be to shift that curve more to the right? That's a staggering amount of people considered the "worst rank". This to me really does look like an invitation for highly varying match integerity, and since mmr plays a pretty significant role, wouldn't this feel even worse as your mmr increases, due to the high skill disparity, it doesn't matter, you're still in the lowest ranks?

Why not drive that stake high silver/gold, right in the middle of the 8 ranks? Wou...

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That curve is before I changed distribution. I don't have an image of after unfortunately. Now the highest points are in silver, and curved down both ways from there. Instead of having an insane amount of players in iron.


Originally posted by BefondofjohnYT

First off thanks for the reply!

But is it really? Because it honestly feels a lot like beta again which was very clearly a linear distribution as you said. Bell curve was very noticeable and felt really good. If I had to compare how they feel, by my games and watching others, it feels a lot closer to beta.

So you're saying the rank distribution was changed more in favor of a bell curve this act? I thought the previous act was pretty good distribution wise, I never felt I was in an unfair game once I hit plat 2 imo.

And I'm not frustrated at all. But the skill disparity is there. With my placement being a red flag to me, and looking at 3rd party tools indicating a linear trend, since it's all I have to go off of, I don't think you guys have released any stats. Allowing me to place silver 3 yet I'm able to keep up with gold+, I see the effort when I'm being matched with higher ranks and gaining 45+ rr. But I can still play with down to bronze 3 and potential...

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Here is a great example of what the curve was like before Episode 2/December:


I can't confirm if that's the exact, correct, data from december/early Jan but it looks close. Maybe at some point I can get the okay to release what it is now vs what it was, but we are going to be making adjustments each act so I don't want people to focus on it too much.

My goal for distribution was...

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Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

If you got this far, good on you, that was a ton to type and I'm assuming a ton to read.

the least I could do was read it. thanks for taking the time.

I'd like to know what you and the matchmaking system consider a fair match though, because I feel that's where our disagreement comes from. this is one of my recent matches, highlighting how unfair they can get - in my favour for once, but I've been on the receiving end of that pretty often too and usually at the hand of one single very obvious smurf whereas the match in that screenshot is 100% the matchmaking system's responsibility. note that I didn't do anything exceptionally well in that one match, the entire opposing team just had incredibly bad aim for their rank. the next two matches were 8-13 defeats at the hands of people whose aim was very obviously much much better than my entire team, who ended up with a 2+ kda. you have my riot name here...

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Our match maker is actually pretty good in match making, of course that's just data. I think part of the problem is FPS games can be very unpredictable. Having a bad match, where you are just not landing shots, can really throw the fairness of a match. So while we expect you to perform at a certain level, sometimes people have bad days. The same can be said about people having good days.

I've seen the feedback on Russian comm's, just so you know the team is aware of it. It will take time but I think we are on a good place and only will get better. Thanks again for reading and you have definitely been heard.


Originally posted by AsianNudleSoop

Not OP, but I really really appreciate you taking the time to type all this out, and explaining it so well. Coming from other games, this kind of frequent quality communication is mind-blowing. Lots of people are frustrated with ranked rn, so thanks for explaining it so well.

Thanks for reading! I don't expect a ton of people to really want, or need, to know the inner workings of ranked. But I think it's important to have discussions, because it helps find the real problems. If you are frustrated, on top of not knowing why, it creates a huge barrier between you and the dev team in finding a solution.

Thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by replace_

i mean i keep losing most my games but still get more rank ratings than losses is that because i mainly get match mvp with a lot of first bloods or because of my last act rank?

You can say your last act rank, but really it's just your MMR. Your MMR is how the game finds your matches, and what it uses to weigh you against other players. The game will push you to your MMR, so the better you do the more you raise your MMR and the more RR you will gain per win.

You will start to catch up with your MMR, and then your win/loss amounts will even out.


Originally posted by replace_

i was plat last act and now gold for some reason idk probably because i dont devote alot of time to the game, and i get 28-35 rr on a win and lose 19ish on a loss so does that mean the game thinks i deserve a higher rank so it is trying to push me up to my real rank?

Yes! Right now you are being tested at a higher rank. So when you win a game at that rank you earn more, and if you lose you will lose less.

If you keep winning, you'll climb to that rank. If you were to lose more then you win, the system will start to test you lower and you will climb to a rank slightly below the one you are currently being tested at.

After placements your first 20-30 games will be testing you to find your true rank, after that you have to keep improving and climbing the old fashioned way :)