

15 Aug


yep, just like we designed it...


These are all great ideas and we're looking to implement them soon! Some will be coming quickly, others are going to take us a little while longer.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I feel physically ill looking at it. Great job OP.

14 Aug


Originally posted by DrBob666

Sorry to necro this post but i just found this subreddit. Glad to see the devs are here, first of all.

Is there plans to make this drop screen between rounds consistent and the same for everyone? Right now its randomized every round and client side so everyones screen is different.

It's in the backlog!


what is wrong with you people


Originally posted by XYcritic

Is there maybe any hopes of getting an option on PC to change the language, even if it's only via config? There are multiple reports from people that the game detects a language that is different from the OS language which makes you stuck with the wrong language (or maybe an official word where the API gets its localization cues from if it's not from system language).

This is in our backlog now!


Originally posted by Lainilly

I imagine you'd want your whole team to cross the line!

Another thing there could be would be an internal timer where the start area, and subsequent checkpoints shake - and then drop!

It would take some time, so everyone gets a fair chance.

That's kind of what I like about this is that, if you do have someone struggling behind, it's good for a better player to show the straggler how it's done.

This especially comes up since the path does stop glowing, so you wanna make sure nobody forgets how to get through!

Awesome idea!

The win condition problem is why we've not done any 'team races' so far. If you wait for the last player AFKers/Trolls ruin the experience, but if you go via the 'first' player then the vast majority of people don't get the satisfaction of crossing the finish line. You also start to get into weird territory where trying to get the last player on your team d/c'd in some way becomes a viable strategy, which obviously isn't good either. You might play with your mates, see a friend struggling and them ask them to quit, which would make your team win.

Ultimately you need a middle ground but it's hard to do without getting into complex 'scoring' territory. That's kind of why we went with things like Rock n Roll as a 'team race'. The ball represents 'team effort' really well and no single player can win or lose by themselves.

13 Aug


How do I delete someone else's post


Originally posted by Julez1234

I'm not really sure where the best place to report this is; but I noticed in Roll Out, the team that gets first place gets a silver medal and the second place team gets a gold medal.

weird! Will look into it


Really nice ideas! I especially like the 'beginner crowns' one, it's a very 'Fall Guys' way of doing things for new/ inexperienced players.

12 Aug


Originally posted by NOOO_GOD_NOOO

u/fallguysjoe incase he hasnt seen this thread

Mentioning me isn't going to sort these out! We have systems in place to find and deal with hackers at this point.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're on it but the turnaround for these things can be a bit slow. Won't be in the patch today but hopefully we can squash this soon.


Originally posted by HopeReddit

Oh wow, an actual respond! Can you maybe get behind the reason why there is a bias for me to end up in the yellow team?
I suspect it’s because I’m playing solo and your sorting algorithm has a fixed order (red>blue>yellow>green) and starts to fill the teams with the biggest parties and ends with solo players, hence I end up statistic significantly more often in the yellow team.
If that is the case, you can simply fix this by iterating through the teams (So instead of party 1,2,3 -> red, it goes party 1 -> red, party 2 -> blue, party 3 -> yellow, etc.). I don’t really mind it but getting a different color without having to team up would improve my experience :)

Honestly I have absolutely no idea why this happens but I can definitely look into it, you've got me curious now!


Originally posted by theharber

speaking of Mystery...

Any chance of adding some randomization into the gate timing/speeds of Gate Crash?

I find myself defaulting to a certain path each round, so the only time I'm 'engaged' is timing the last slide & jump.

On our list!


This is super impressive and matches what we've been seeing internally- Yellow Team sucking is a myth people, go get those eggs/balls/tails etc.

11 Aug


Originally posted by FuzzyChops

Can we fix Fall Ball starting with Odd players? I've had it three times today with lopsided teams and it's super disheartening.

Congrats on the successful launch though I'm having a blast otherwise

Fix is in testing currently!


Originally posted by parmesan22

in my opinion, fall mountain should be the culmination of all the skills you've "learned" in the other race stages. epic and "multi-staged", like the aggrocrag from Nickelodeon Guts or The Eliminator from American Gladiators. it should reward knowledge of game mechanics, like how to avoid losing speed after a big jump that might stumble you, how to use diving to get that little extra bit of distance. throw in some of the obstacles from slime climb, like the yellow tube/cylinders that you can fall off of, so that the player sees them and thinks "i know how to handle these now". there needs to be more obstacles that the player can either choose to go through slowly for low risk or fast for high risk high reward. more things you have to balance on are good.

yeah totally agree on this one! I've mentioned this before but Fall Mountain was probably the...3rd Round we made internally I think?

Ultimately what happened was that we reached the end of development and realised that Fall Mountain was no longer the epic finale it was to begin with - we're working on upping the ante a bit but it's probably going to be a while before players really see the fruits of this.


Originally posted by NarstyHobbitses

I just wish the mountain was more difficult, which I think is a change they said they're looking at.

As soon as you breakaway from the group you're kinda home-free for the most part. I wish it was a longer map with more obstacles to really punch home that final round feeling.

That being said I prefer the mountain to Hex-a-gon though because that one just totally nerve-wracking and panic inducing when it lasts too long.

Can confirm, we're looking at it!