

11 Aug


Originally posted by akpommed

Reduction in royal fumble as the final mode!!

The main aim here is to remove the Fall Ball -> Royal Fumble predictability that we've seen cropping up. Ideally the next round should always be a bit of a mystery!


Originally posted by king_nothing_

Jump Showdown isn't exactly new, as it was in the second to last beta. I don't think we know why it was removed from launch.

Maybe we deliberately cut it to give the illusion that we're adding content quickly because we're an evil corporation.

Or maybe we're just a bit useless and accidentally removed it from rotation during a bad merge.

I guess you'll never know.


We're literally playtesting a new one in 30 minutes


Originally posted by Pandora_Y

Hello good sir, how do we go about opening a customer support ?

I've been having random deconnection for a while.


Originally posted by lilcosco

Is it possible that physics are desyncing amongst clients? (Exacerbating the latency issue)

I’ve played quite a few tail games with someone in the same room and we get the same grab issues

You wouldn’t happen to know the tickrate for physics interactions, would you ;)

I can't speak to the specifics but even if you're in the same room that interaction has to go via the server so you're likely to see latency there still.


Have forwarded this to QA, thanks for the thorough write up!


Originally posted by iAmTheHYPE-

Again, can /u/fallguysjoe or other devs respond in concerns to this supposed language-based bug for the Big Tease trophy? https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/i6dddz/big_tease_trophy_potentially_bugged_for_some/

I've seen a handful of people report back that changing their system language has worked fine, but if people don't know about the issue, they might think it's their PS4 acting up, and not the game. Can this bug please get some attention from higher-ups, as it's not going to affect English players, but may for other languages, such as German, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese.

Passing it on to QA!


Originally posted by GiantChiprel

Why would you make/keep tail tag a finale with this stuff being known, while removing others finales like the double spinning jump as alternatives?
I think I decided to quit the game tonight after getting tail tag finales so often, with too many games ending like this.

Hey! So we didn't deliberately take Jump Showdown out, that was accidental and due to some config issues at launch. Once that's in hopefully we should see less Royal Fumble finales, especially the meme-worthy fallball -> royal fumble flow that comes up too often.
We've also got plans for more final levels coming soon!

10 Aug


Originally posted by Kaldricus

when did this go into effect? yesterday my friends and I on PC all had the toucan and Grey color in the daily store

Today is the first day the store has become different for everyone. For context, we decided to hardcode the store for the first week to make sure everyone saw a really great selection of items.
Totally hear you all on the frustrations of not showing upper/lower selections together, I'll look into that!


Originally posted by Fedor1

Hey, thanks for the detailed response. Just a thought on your fourth point, instead of having the UI cluttered with 60 scores, each person could have their own score, as well as X amount behind first place, or X amount ahead of second place. That way, there would only be 1 score on the screen, but you could still know where you are in comparison to the rest of the lobby.

Yeah, you're right, we could totally figure it out! Ultimately this was just one of those things that we had to drop for launch due to time constraints but I'm sure we'll bring it back in some form one day.


Originally posted by niggidy

Hey Joe, somebody sent me a fix on this that I edited my post to include! Hopefully your team can look at this and figure out an easier fix for everyone.

Thanks! We're looking into it now.


We were all convinced this was fake this morning. Totally insane!


Originally posted by Alfiewoodland

Edit: I've now been told many, many times that some people are also experiencing issues grabbing tails as well as having them grabbed from a distance. I'm just describing my experience and hypothesising. Your experience might be different and I accept that.

I don't claim to know, but I assume this was a trade off that the developers made to deal with latency. Take the following with a huge grain of salt:

When you're grabbing the tail, it's based on the local state of your game - i.e. if it looks like you grabbed the tail, you grabbed the tail. That makes the game playable. It would be impossibly frustrating otherwise.

The issue is that, because of latency, everyone sees everyone else slightly behind their actual position. In effect that means when you're chasing, you appear closer than you actually are, but because the grab is based on your local game state, you can get the tail. When you're being chased, the reverse is true - you seem f...

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This is very accurate. We're looking into it but there's no quick fix unfortunately!


Originally posted by MacoDralfoy2

As an addition to this suggestion, I think it would be great to have a little UI under the Qualified/Eliminated section in the top right which lists your party members and has either a tick or a cross showing whether or not they have qualified. I find that me and my friends are constantly asking each other if we have qualified every round :)

great idea!

09 Aug


Originally posted by BauskeDestad

I love the responses from you guys! Shows you're a developer who cares.

I feel like a row of 15 straight across would be great, and limit Fall Mountain to only be chosen if the remaining players were 15 or less. Hex-A-Gone can support up to 20, and people really enjoy that mode, so limiting Fall Mountain to 15 would allow Hex-A-Gone to appear more if the final number were greater than 15.

Yeah I like this!
For context, anything that requires geometry changes is a much slower process for us getting the fix in - at least for now it's more likely for us to solve it with player count tweaks like you said.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yep, them too.


Originally posted by BicLightersOnly

Last chance on the Fall Guys X Hotline Miami Jacket collaboration- we like to think it will rotate back into the shop, but no official word one way or another yet. Snag it if you’re on the fence

All featured items will be back one day!