

25 Oct


Please share the URL to your Steam profile with me and I’ll check it out!


Have you completed Weave 1, with certainty? :slight_smile:

Otherwise, please send me the URL to your Steam profile and I’ll see if somebody can look in to this.

21 Oct


This is a known crash and will be addressed in our next patch. Apologies for the inconvenience!

18 Oct


It helps that you were the host, as I’ve been able to look up the crash and raise it to our database. I’m not completely confident all of your crashes are being reported to our internal crash reporter though, but it’s a step in the right direction.

15 Oct


Were you the host?

13 Oct


Your NVIDIA GTX 970 is not being detected, and instead Vermintide 2 is using the Microsoft Basic Render Driver which is resulting in your crashes. Please see:

Read more

11 Oct


There are no Weapon Illusions in this scenario, I believe you may be thinking of the ‘Champion of Ubersreik’ Hero Skins, awarded to owners of Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide in Vermintide 2?

08 Oct


We’re looking in to this and will be posting updates to our ‘Known Issues’ article: Known Issues – Fatshark

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience,


Nothing in the logs, only a non-descript ‘Access Violation’ crash which has a number of potential causes. Usually with RAM-related issues we see an issue where the installation will repeatedly become corrupted, bizarrely.

The BSOD error is of most relevance, although many articles online point to it being commonly driver-related there is also mention of it being RAM-related too.


We’re looking in to this and will be posting updates to our ‘Known Issues’ article: Known Issues – Fatshark

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience,


We’re looking in to this and will be posting updates to our ‘Known Issues’ article: Known Issues – Fatshark

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience,


We’re looking in to this and will be posting updates to our ‘Known Issues’ article: Known Issues – Fatshark

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience,


We’re looking in to this and will be posting updates to our ‘Known Issues’ article: Known Issues – Fatshark

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience,

06 Oct


Thank you for the logs. Forgot to ask in my original reply, but do you recall what the blue screen error was?

04 Oct


Could you share more information on when these errors occur (on launch, when attempting to connect to somebody, when loading in to a map, etc.)? It would also be helpful if you could screenshot the error being displayed. :slight_smile:


It does unfortunately appear that your GPU is crashing. We’re seeing more of these since the latest NVIDIA update, perhaps there’s a correlation - rolling back to an older driver version may be needed for the time being.

Otherwise, please see: [PC] How to Resolve GPU Crashes – Fatshark


Hello, I see you’ve mentioned logs but nothing appears to be attached. :slight_smile: Could you please upload your most recent console logs, or a crash report?: [PC] How to Provide a Crash Report or Console Log – Fatshark


Oops! Thank you for letting us know, it’s now in our database!


Hey Franz! The most recent player I spoke to with this issue identified that his PC had a virus. So, that’s worth looking in to.

It is also the expected behaviour to not be able to open chests or complete Okri’s Challenges in the ‘Modded’ realm, to prevent exploitation.

30 Sep


Sorry to hear that. There’s no obvious reason for this crash, does it happen regularly?