

25 Sep


Are you referring to the changes made by Steam in 2018, or have they made more recent changes? If I recall correctly, Steam did eventually resolve the issues referenced in that post.

Which country are you playing from and what is your ‘Download Region’ set to?


Any chance you could upload the associated console log too please? :blush:

21 Sep


So it will reach the screen with the spinning V, and then the whole PC proceeds to lose responsiveness? Is that right?


Your best bet would be to reach out to a local hardware expert for assistance, or to the vendor of the PC if it was purchased pre-built. It sounds like you’ve already tried most of what we would recommend in this situation, but there may be some other ideas here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360038965013--PC-How-to-Resolve-PC-Crashes-Loss-of-Responsiveness-or-Blue-Screens-BSOD-

17 Sep


Pinging the brains - ...

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16 Sep


This confused, actually still confuses me too. But I’m looking at a similar issue I had raised in our database, and it was verified that this is the intended behaviour. :frowning:


Sorry for the delay @Maskian. I think the best option here would be to contact your ISP (referencing https://5107.playfabapi.com/). They will ultimately be best suited to assist with this.

There are some solutions you could try here, but I think your issue is beyond that: ...

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15 Sep


It’s an unfortunate side-effect of the underlying issue. :frowning: Our Backend Engineers have implemented additional logging in our backend to identify and, hopefully, resolve it sooner rather than later.

14 Sep

11 Sep


Is this solved for you after a restart, @Stolpillret? :slight_smile:


Is this still an issue for you @ChilledMoods?


Working on it! Apologies for the inconvenience.

10 Sep


I see that you were able to log in eventually, is everything okay now?