

27 Nov


@CallMeCC It’s possible a couple things have been tweaked. I’d wager to do with…
“Bots should now drop Grimoires if instructed to.”

…but full fix hopefully to come soon! :grin:


@CallMeCC, the recent patch didn’t include a fix for this particular issue yet - but we’re working on it!


@mook31213 are there any other errors being displayed on screen at the time?

If so, could you please provide screenshots of any/all errors

26 Nov


@Mephaisto Not just yet unfortunately - it’s with our development team and still being worked on.


Hi @mook31213

I can see from your crash report that you’re encountering a GPU-related crash.

I’d recommend running through the solutions here:

Let me know how you get on!

25 Nov


@CommissarTyr The timing window is intended, but the crosshair shouldn’t be changing. Thanks for the report!


I am unsure whether this is a bug but it certainly is odd behaviour.
The crank gun has a certain accuracy. Moving doesn’t seem to alter it. Crouching improves it minutely.
But crouching and walking blows up the crosshair considerably.

Shouldn’t it be the opposite between walking and crouch-walking ?

@Saryk I’ve queried this internally.

Or maybe we can get @FatsharkLev to find out for us with promises of feet pics…


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24 Nov


@Esteyma We’re still working on it. Apologies for the inconvenience for now!


HI @bcna, this particular crash is known and on our radar at the moment. We’re working on it!

23 Nov


Appreciate the info! I’ve passed it along to our QA team to investigate.


Just to update here, there’s a known bug with this challenge being awarded incorrectly. It’s in our database and we’re investigating!

As to the question of how distant is distant? Really, I can only advise that it is quite far.


Thanks! One more question if I may - did you get progress when playing as a client?


@Licious-D chasing this up now for you - quick question please, which level 30 talent are you using?

21 Nov


Hi @Licious-D

I’ll query the challenge criteria and get back to you on this. It may not be immediate, given that it’s the weekend. I’ll update you here when I can though!


Hi @Test5251432,

I’ll query the challenge criteria and get back to you on this. It may not be immediate, given that it’s the weekend. I’ll update you here when I can though!


Just play the game with an engineer, it will crash. Haven’t completed one match out of four without a crash.

Please provide your crash reports! We can investigate then :grin:

20 Nov


Great, hopefully it’ll do the trick - definitely keep us updated.

You can reply here, and either me or Julia will get eyes on it when we can!


If an error is being displayed referencing that a later update is already installed, you can download and run the .NET Framework Repair Tool from the MS website here:

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Im sorry but like i said in the main post i dont get crash logs when it happens, that folder has files/logs in it but not files/logs for the days/times that any of my crashes happened.

Unfortunately with no console logs it’s hard for us to determine what could be causing this.

You could try repairing your .NET Framework installation:

Windows 10 (.NET Framework 4.7): https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-framework-runtime/net47
Windows 7 (.NET Framework 4.5.2): ...

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As Harridas has mentioned above, if you can provide us with your most recent console logs so we can take a look, that would be great!