

04 Oct


Hi @vincible,

Sorry to hear this. Could you please share your complete console log and launcher log files so we can take a look?

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I’ll pass this info on internally, thanks!


Hey all!

After combing through the code and some testing we’ve still been unsuccessful in reproducing this bug :sweat:

That said, we’ll be implementing some prints in our console logs with the Necromancer release that should hopefully help us track this down.

Post-Necromancer update, when anyone runs into this issue if you can please provide your console logs from the culprit sessions it would be much appreciated!

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03 Oct


Hi @Billicus,

Can you please try the following -

Reinstall your GPU drivers:

Remove the ‘Fatshark’ %appdata% folder (please note, by doing this all of your cu...

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19 Sep

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18 Sep


@CallMeCC @BtheLee

We’ve been unable to reproduce this internally. Our developer investigating this has asked if you could please try the following -

  • Verify Integrity of Game Files
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15 Sep


Please uninstall your existing C++ Redistributable, restart your PC and then reinstall it from the Microsoft website.

As for which link, it’ll depend on your system. You’ll want either the X86 or X64. You can determine which one by:

  1. Open your PC Start Menu
  2. Type “System” and select “System Information”
  3. In your systems list, find “System Type”
  4. Check if your PC System Type is X64 based or X86 based
  5. Download the appropriate C++ version

Please let me know how it goes.


Hi @Gaath,

Sorry to hear this.

As the problematic file is vcruntime140.dll, I recommend reinstalling your Visual C++ Redistributables, and trying other potential solutions, here:

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14 Sep


Hm, so this issue hasn’t been widely reported and we’ve been unsuccessful in reproducing it so far.

If you could capture a video the next time you encounter this, and provide your console log from the session it happens that would be very useful for us to see.

Thanks in advance!

11 Sep


We are aware of an issue currently affecting Offline mode console players, whereby owned cosmetics are disappearing.

We have identified the cause of this issue and a fix is in the works.

In the meantime, please avoid claiming the Daily Login Reward from Lohner’s Emporium, as claiming this reward is causing owned cosmetics to be reset.


Принял к сведению, спасибо за разъяснения. Я уведомил нашу команду по локализации, чтобы она проверила это. Очень признателен!


Привет @LazyDemon,

Пыль можно конвертировать 1:1 в более низкий уровень и нельзя улучшить до более высокого уровня.

Есть ли плохой перевод? Если да, то какая строка неверна и что должен правильно сказать перевод?

Спасибо за доклад

06 Sep


Hi @focofoco,

We’ve looked into this and found that your account had become corrupted in the backend. One of our backend developers has fixed the issue for your account and has also implemented a fix to prevent this specific error from occurring again in the future.

Please try signing in to your account again now and let me know if there’s any issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

04 Sep


Hi @Slider,

I can see you’re at 971 inventory items (with 1000 being the current max), which will be why you’re experiencing some issues with opening chests.

You have 166 deeds in your inventory, which you can delete as mentioned above :slight_smile:


Hi @Darth_Coffee,

I appreciate it’s concerning to see your Shillings balance disappear! Not to worry though, as this is an uncommon issue which can occur if an account becomes temporarily desynced with the backend.

Your Shillings balance will always remain correct in the backend, and restarting Vermintide 2 (possibly a couple of times) should resolve this and display your balance correctly again.

The only other thing that can cause Shillings to disappear would be the removal of DLC. For example, if you refund a DLC then the Shillings granted with the purchase of that will be deducted from your available balance. If you own any DLC it may be worth checking that these are installed and active.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

31 Aug


@Kayla, could you please provide me with your Xbox Gamertag and I’ll take a look at this for you. Thanks!

28 Aug


Hi @bifties,

Steam Deck is not currently officially supported by us and I can’t make any guarantees of future support at this time, but I have passed your feedback on internally for discussion. Thank you!

25 Aug


@Frostysir, I queried this internally and we suspect this is due to environment lighting (most likely not intentional).

Here is a comparison of two locations in the same level


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18 Aug


Hrmm okay! Could you please provide your most recent console log and launcher log if possible. I appreciate that the game isn’t booting up past the launcher but I am hoping that the logs may still be being generated with some helpful information in :crossed_fingers:

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17 Aug


Hi @Lexxxielove,

Sorry to hear this.

Firstly, please try running through our launch-related solutions here:

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