

23 Dec


Definitely apply with all your links, including your links in non-english languages, one of the benefits is that we do have staff around the world covering many languages, I'm sure we can find someone to review your content and determine if you are a fit for out program.



That looks like the old launcher, not the WGC.


Until December 26th :)


Sales and promotions do change seasonally, and just because we've offered something in the past, doesn't mean we will repeat it again the next time.

Unfortunately we don't release details of upcoming sales ahead of time, so theres not much more info I can give you on this at the moment.



Yes, they will be available through the end of 0.9.0.


outsiderwing.gmail.com @ transfer.loc

My ticket ID: 121076696

You will need to wait for support to answer you on this.

20 Dec


With the third round of testing beginning, we will close this thread and direct you to the new location of information for round 3:


We don't announce sales plans ahead of their release.

Nothing really more I can add on the matter right now.


19 Dec



All proceeds are being collected through Tiltify, which will then distribute them to the charity. The donations in no way, shape, manner, or form come through any Wargaming account.

Tiltify is a widely respected and trusted platform for streamers who are looking to fundraise for charities. Please look through the platform ToS found here, for more information on hos the process works.

The other day I made my $5 Donation for the flag and here is my PayPal receipt showing the donation going straight to StC:



You've all been waiting, and its finally time to submerge once more!

Round 3 of the Submarine Beta test starts today!


Round 3 testing will take place from December 20th - December 26th

The Beta Test client will be available daily between 12:00 to 20:00 (UTC) and 01:00 to 04:00 (UTC). This way, we can get the maximum number of real players together to reduce the number of bots in battles.

We have plans for Round 4 and, if necessary, subsequent rounds of testing. More details of subsequent sessions will be made available at a later date.

How to Join:

If you previously applied to test, you are in the line to get an invitation to participate and account details.

Invites will continue to be released in waves to ensure server stability while allowing the maximum number of participants at once.

If you received an announce in a previous wave, ...

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With round 3 of Submarine testing beginning, we'd firstly like remind you that: Submarines are currently in Beta testing and everything you will see is preliminary and subject to change.


While we know you are all interested in being involved with testing the new class, we want to ensure that the test server is loaded evenly. To achieve that, we're going to distribute the first batch of invitations among a random slice of players. New invitations will be sent out during the test so as to make the Beta Test accessible to all players who wish to participate.

Don’t worry If you don't find yourself in the first wave of Beta Test participants. As the test goes on, we'll be sending out more and more invitations so that every player who wishes to can eventually join the Beta Test!

Bugs, issues and feedback:

Therefore, we firstly ask you to remain patient, and secondly, provide f...

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18 Dec



To avoid confusion with the rewards we decided to deactivate them until we were a little closer to them being available during the charity stream tomorrow.

We were finding players were donating and believing that if they donated the amount this claimed the reward. They will all return within a few hours of their unlocking tomorrow.

So far we are blown away with the communities support of this initiative and hope to raise even more in the main 24h stream tomorrow.



Doubloons I believe.

Tiltify has assured us that it won't happen, but should it, we will cross that bridge when we get there.



I literally gave detailed like 10 minutes after I posted that lol:


From the original release notes:

Source: https://worldofwarships.com/en/content/update-notes-main/update-076/#mods-x

This is 100% the intention going forward. The design is not changing in this regard - they will benefit you in one area, but this will be at the expense of another area.

I do get it, that is why I'm here answering your questions and trying to clarify points as much as possible.

The use of "revamp" was a poor decision on our part, we should have phrased it as: "Today we're announcing a change to the means of distribution and expanding the offering of UUs"



You're reading a little too much into it. We realised the original NTC concept was bad. Thus why we changed it.

UU were always designed to be a trade off, you get something, but you give something. We have no intention to change this concept behind the UUs.

When it was mentioned about new upgrades, this refers to ships that currently do not have a unique upgrade like some of the newer T10s.

Some upgrades as we've discovered are also Must-haves, or never used - Yamato mod, Mino Mod, anyone? By revamping my understanding is ones like these may be changed.

I'm sure closer to the time we will release more details as to what exactly will change and how.



[Insert reminder about UU being "side grades" in that they remove qualities in one area while improving it in others to create a different playstyle for the ship]


Speaking of details:

Progress on specific missions wont be saved in a sense that you won't be able to complete them - they will be deprecated. But some sort of compensation for achieved progress will be there, (esp if you were really close to receiving one), the exact volume/procedure is still being discussed, and we will share the details as soon as they are finalized.


The term "Anchors Aweigh" is trademarked by the US Navy, thus we cannot use it.

The idea is "Away" indicating that the team is away from home station for the event.


Misinformation in this case, rollback was never on the table.

Only the removal of associated rewards.