

16 Mar


Originally posted by slackestcat

This is still happening months later

I just got the game and can't talk with party in zombies or MP unless we are in the lobby.

No fix yet is unbelievable

We released some stability updates regarding voice chat on February 4th.

Can you share your party configuration and share additional details as to what you're experiencing.


Originally posted by AtticusNari

My ATVI ID is: GamingDominari according to Warzone

Thank you! I'll add it to our notes regarding the 2X Weapon XP tokens.


Originally posted by AtticusNari

Yep I did. Appreciate the information gathering Foxhound!

Can you share your ATVI ID with me? Feel free to DM if you care to keep it private.


Originally posted by AtticusNari

Yeah it's extremely upsetting. Put off the game till it's fixed because it was fine a couple weeks ago.

Curious: Did you have a 2X Weapon XP token activated?


Originally posted by IperBreach86

Hello, I know this doesn't have anything to do with the original post but I was wondering if you had any news on zombie mastery camos being added to warzone, I'd love being able to showcase them during my matches.

Hello, I know this doesn't have anything to do with the original post but I was wondering if you had any news on zombie mastery camos being added to warzone, I'd love being able to showcase them during my matches.

Did you read my comment? I don't speak for Warzone. I don't know the status of that.


Congrats! /r/codcompetitive is a location you could consider visiting but you might find more conversation about the teams in the CDL and various personalities than core game conversations.


Originally posted by ExternalNote

But i used a token a few days ago in warzone and leveled up the lc10 to level 41 in like 2 hours . It was working.

But i used a token a few days ago in warzone and leveled up the lc10 to level 41 in like 2 hours . It was working.

Thank you for sharing this experience.


Originally posted by D1ngdongurwrong

Hey u/FoxHoundFPS sorry if you’re sick of being barraged with questions but can we get a rough idea on what’s happening/ happened with this?

Hey u/FoxHoundFPS sorry if you’re sick of being barraged with questions but can we get a rough idea on what’s happening/ happened with this?

I'm unsure of the OP's claims that these have been "broken since launch" as some of your peers are, but I have spoke to the recent Double Weapon XP token issues on Twitter and Reddit. You can find ...

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13 Mar


Originally posted by bLazeni

This is happening with any of the weapons I’m using in Zombies while having a 2XP Weapon tokens activated.

Diamattis, M16.... both leveled up during gameplay, but at the end of the match we’re showing lower levels. Feels like my 2XP weapon tokens aren’t working or there’s some bug between levels?

After noticing it(lower leveling) happen with the diamattis, I tried a game with the M16 using a 2XP weapon token. Started at level 11, ended up at what should’ve been ~23 or 24 after exfil, and am now sitting at level 19.

I had read this thread and was pausing intermittently to check and make sure that the weapon level was corresponding with what was shown during gameplay.

I noticed that if I leveled the weapon near the end of a round, it would show the weapon level at what I’m assuming is the ‘weapon level without the 2XP token’ vs what I just saw on screen, ie. Weapon level 21 in game, but weapon level 17 in the pause menu.

After taking notice of ...

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I also appreciate this post and the details that went into it too. I've passed this comment and a few threads that /u/Bi9ode tagged me into.

The previous contact I had regarding the E-Tool noted that they were using 2X WXP tokens also. I'm going to step out of this thread for now until we have some updates.


Originally posted by sintaroactual

Hi, this glitch extends to the E-Tool as well. I was leveling it yesterday and here are some details:

  1. There would be a notification for leveling up the E-Tool to a certain level
  2. You could press start and go to the loadout and see that it matched the level the notification gave you
  3. Pressing start a few times and going in/out of the loadout a few times would then show the correct level of the weapon. it would show the incorrect, fabricated level a few times until you checked your loadout mid-game 2-3 times
  4. I believe the game is simply misrepresenting the true level of the weapon. I do not believe XP was lost or that the level reverted on itself. I hold this belief because of the par time it took me to level up melee weapons in zombies. It would take me approximately 45 minutes to level up a melee weapon from 1-30 in zombies. This was true for all 4 DLC Melee weapons (sledge, wakizashi, machete, e-tool). I """finished""" the E-tool at 33 minute...
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I appreciate the post and the detail that went into it. A player reached out to me on Twitter earlier today regarding the E-Tool.

My request for the ATVI ID is for our team to possibly look into their stats, not an indicator that I assume this to be isolated to a single person.

Investigations are ongoing.


Originally posted by WaterErmine862

Yo also weapon leveling is not tracking right I got machete to level 30 in zombies but after I exfiled I went to cac and its at level 23. Pls fix

Can you share your ATVI ID with me? Feel free to DM it if needed.


Originally posted by Substantial-Ad5628

/u/foxhoundfps tell us when you have news 😀

tell us when you have news 😀

News: We've released some fixes which should help alleviate players that are impacted by this. Players may need to restart their application.

We also have some additional fixes in the works for players who may see this after today's fixes.


Originally posted by DingDingDongDotJPG

Awesome! This clip was recorded at around 10:30 mountain time today. :)

The update went out about 11 am/MT then. We saw the issue yesterday and tracked the fix to today.


We actually fixed this issue with the Fara 83 + Diamondback Reflex earlier today, before your posting.


Thanks for flagging this. Our team is aware and will look to address this.

12 Mar


Originally posted by Undead_Artyom

I do this but play Big Iron

Rolling around the Mojave with the Big Iron on my hip was such a great time.


Well done!


Originally posted by Chadillac43701

u/foxhoundfps Im on a Series S here. It happened around 1am EST last night for me. I have also lost the progress in the battlepass, but WAIT there's more :D ...My League rank (including rank emblem) went from gold/silver rank 9 to a bronze lvl 1 scorpion.

I have cleared my reserved space on the internal hard drive. I have removed my profile completely off the console itself. I have uninstalled and reinstalled all addons (including data pack and HD textures) 3 separate times. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the game twice.

I have also checked all my Activision ID settings (in game and website). I have also checked my profile settings at Xbox's website. I can keep going with other things I have tried but I feel you get what im saying by now lol.

Bottom line idc about my season progress because I still have all the cosmetic/weapon rewards in my inventory. BUT my LEAGUE RANK reset is what reallllllyyy ruffles my feathers.

We are investigating both of these in parallel.

Thank you though for sharing all of these details. I'll pass them along too.


Originally posted by Saucy-Pesto

I fully close app but always boot from rest mode if that’s what you are referring to.

Was more so curious if you were resuming the game from a rest state. The rest state for the console is fine. So then you can confirm that this issue is persisting through playing matches and fully restarting the application?