

12 Mar


Originally posted by ProctoX

u/foxhoundfps help us, a lot of ppl had battlepass reseted and locked on 0

Is this persisting through you restarting your application and playing a match?


Originally posted by Substantial-Ad5628

For me it inst fixed. Played a lot :(

Have you rebooted your console/application since playing?


Originally posted by Substantial-Ad5628

u/foxhoundfps any news about it? Dev team is looking?

Our team looked into it and it appears that the issue was likely a result of some server issues. Players resuming from a rest state also saw the issue, but it was alleviated by restarting the application and playing a new match.

I see that /u/Saucy-Pesto reports being reset every time that they log on? Are you experiencing this too? Saucy, are you resuming from rest states?

10 Mar


You could! Makes me happy to see others in here knowing this too. :)

09 Mar


Originally posted by aiden22304

Thanks for the answer! I really do appreciate the work you community managers do!

NP! Thanks for being chill. :)


Originally posted by aiden22304

I appreciate the humor! Any word on if and/or when you guys are going to further improve server stability?

I'm not going to get into specifics, but we investigated and sorted the variable that resulted in today's issues. The previous incident was a datacenter issue that was out of our control and had downstream effects on multiple COD products.

There's a lot of "LOL JUST BUY BETTER SERVERS" that doesn't really apply most of the time.


Originally posted by FoxhoundFPS

We're investigating the issue.

Obviously, the potatoes didn't work. I suggested citrus fruits, better acidity to create more reactions, and that isn't working either apparently.

We're investigating the issue.

Looks like our stability issues have resolved. We're monitoring as per normal.


We're investigating the issue.

Obviously, the potatoes didn't work. I suggested citrus fruits, better acidity to create more reactions, and that isn't working either apparently.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Mundoschristmas

Shared this with the team.


Originally posted by Timbishop123

Mw3 had small/medium sized maps. Cross road strike could work. Personally I'd love for the 2 free faceoff maps to be remastered. Here is some gameplay from them

I don't really play moshpit games, only really if I'm with friends. I mostly play dropkick and search for multi (have less than 2 days tbh). I mostly play zombies. It still shows I have the trial version of the game.

I remember those maps. What did you play in MW primarily? Mostly the gunfight?


Originally posted by Metridium_Fields

Hey, dude, I played Outbreak during the free week and now I’m going to buy your game. Well done to you. I hope that particular mode sticks around because I adore it.

Outbreak is indeed sticking around for Black Ops Cold War. :)

05 Mar


Originally posted by Newsthief2

Great, thanks. Awesome game by the way.

We released a fix for this about an hour and 40 minutes ago from the time of this post.


Originally posted by Timbishop123

As long as I have you here, any plans to add Cyber Attack and non gunfight maps into faceoff? Or atleast adding the strike maps into faceoff? MW3 faceoff maps were small maps with varied spaces and not having that in mw2019 and CW face off sucks tbh.

We're at an impasse in regards to how Cold War would be seen if released years ago. I do agree with your point about older games having faults, specifically blops 2. Many on reddit and YouTube will paint a revisionist history about how the game was perceived and pretend it was insta GOATed instead of reality in which it was seen as better than mw3, but only became a GOAT after later CODs like Ghosts and AW weren't received as well. CODs many times age like wine. Many will forget bad parts of the game and insist it was better than it was. I've seen this recently for BO3 and WWII. Maybe Cold War will be the same and instead of a lack of launch content and bad connections the game will be remembered as a true return to classic boo...

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Apologies for the delayed response. Today has been quite busy.

Nothing to share regarding Cyber Attack or a style of mode similar to it. I've seen the feedback for it, however. As for adding strike maps to Face Off, no promises on that but I'll at the minimum pass it along. You don't feel that these would be too big?

It is my hope that your "COD Cycle Summary" is accurate. It would be nice for Black Ops Cold War to be recognized as the signature Treyarch mix of gameplay. Time will tell.

Would you say that our new Rapid Fire Moshpit mode is a step in the right direction for a player like you?

04 Mar


Originally posted by Newsthief2

Hi Foxhound are you aware of issues with Maxis bundle?

Hi Foxhound are you aware of issues with Maxis bundle?



Originally posted by Shyn_48

To round it all out: What would you change? Remove stability/crash issues aside, what would make Black Ops Cold War better? Let it rip

Hey foxhound I don't know if this question was to be answered by the OP only or anybody else could also answer it but I'm gonna give you some feedback. Bugs and crashes aside what could make Black Ops cold war a better game is content. I completely agree that this game is on par with the new era Call of Duty but the amount of content we are getting on a seasonal basis would only be enough if there was at least Black Ops 4 level of content at launch. I mean, BO4 had more content without any of the dlc maps than what we have now. I know the dev cycle of this game was messed up due to the pandemic but let's be real here, the single 6v6 map we got this season has been in the game files since before season 1. Zombies is getting some good love tho and I am thankful for that but we are 4 months into this game's lifecycle...

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Thank you for taking the time to share this and your experiences. The conversation of "love here versus love there" gets interesting and I wish we could have a candid conversation about how this pandemic interfered with a lot of things. Maybe one day.


Originally posted by DonutsNoSprinkles

Just wanna say if you're still watching this thread Foxhound, I f**king love zombies rn Keep up good zombies stuff!

The team will love to hear this. Thanks for the kind note.


Originally posted by Timbishop123

The biggest thing past technicals would be a general lack of content. I know you guys are adding more, but on launch it was a little sparse. We're sitting on 14 6v6 maps (technically 13 since one is just a nuketown varient) nearly a third into the game's life cycle. Games used to launch with about that many maps. I get that you all need to make fire team maps and gunfight maps, but it's just a little jarring. To speak further on that much of the s1 content should have been on the game at launch. Past that it's really just the crashes and other technicals, this game's zombies are shaping up to be best in the series but if literally 40% of my games end due to lobby crashes then what's the point?

In regards to the mobile comments typically mobile games are seen as lesser experiences because you aren't spending AAA price tags or playing on crazy hardware. I respect mobile games since they led to society being more accepting of games. I unironically believe angry birds and fru...

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Thank you again for the feedback, and I appreciate the notes regarding core 6v6 versus other content forms. Delivering new experiences and then iterating on them often results in this interpretation, but I appreciate that you at least acknowledge this. We certainly have more 6v6 centric maps and iterations coming. I think you'll dig Miami Strike later this season, but understand at the end of the day, "this isn't a brand new map." It plays unlike expected Miami and delivers a much more different experience, though.

COD Mobile is excellent, and I encourage you to try it out if your hardware can handle it. I unironically believe your thoughts on Angry Bird and Fruit Ninja too. Talk about blowing up the mobile scene and getting everyone into it, and we've come a long way from Nokia Snake. I believe the landscape of how much Mobile devs spend and the horizon of hardware they are on are continually changing, and I hold that soon it will be hard to equate things to mobile as "bad...

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Originally posted by Timbishop123

Hey man, thanks for responding didn't really expect it since the last time I reached out to COD Community Managers during the Ghosts era they went radio silent for a full year.

It's just a general comment, every time myself or my friends play the game crashes, or lobbys crash, or we can't hear each other or we can't invite each other, etc. I understand you hear this shit from people alot but I've been playing Cod since COD 3 back when Treyarch was the B team and Cold War stands as probably the worst COD from a technical level. It isn't just crashes or game breaking host migrations happening once in a blue moon and getting angry about it, it's literally a daily occurrence. Like I play multi for an hour and then I get kicked out, or I get to round 35 on zombies and get kicked out (plenty of people on the sub have shown higher rounds and getting booted). I'm sure you guys are fixing bugs with the game but for me the crashes have been getting more frequent, heck the game think...

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Understandable that it was a comment born of frustration. You're correct that we saw an increase in issues that drove disconnects or crashes, limiting progression during that period. We've addressed a number of those issues and are continuing to manage them. Given your history with our products and gaming in general, you know that these can sometimes be easy to ID and fix, and unfortunately, sometimes they aren't. And you're right that some issues are just outside our control (platform-specific or that's-just-networking as an example). We are ultimately fixing them or working with our partners to improve items that can be.

When you highlight voicing your opinion because of my title, I'm just glad you can exercise restraint. As you point out, many seem to believe that the "job responsibility of hearing feedback" or payment for a product translates into a right to be cruel or hateful. Luckily our social platforms let me excise that kind of content from my feeds and spaces—al...

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Originally posted by Timbishop123

Please fix your game. Consistent bugs and connection issues. Doesn't happen with other games.

Edit:instead of downvoting defend the game you all like. I can defend my claims and opinions why can't you? Big respect to the community manager for actually answering and talking to me.

Please fix your game. Consistent bugs and connection issues. Doesn't happen with other games.

What does someone really want to hear when you post like this? We're absolutely fixing issues. This entire page is a testament to that. Is this just a cathartic post?

I'm glad you don't have issues in other games. Gaming is effectively a Schrodinger's box situation. Players are simultaneously having the best and worst times, allegedly, and anecdotal experiences are expected to be taken as undeniable states of entire games. Was a response all you needed? Did you mistake my fun engagement as a wholes...

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