

03 Dec


Thanks for the report, would it be possible for you to screen capture this and post the video so I can share with the team to help them look into the issue.

02 Dec


Thanks for the report, we are looking into it.


Also for your info the team is looking into this now. But this video is helpful!



Thanks for the video! If you lower those numbers down to the lowest settings, are they still really fast like they currently are? Ill be sure to share this with the team to look into.


Originally posted by L8_destroyer

Are you able to screen capture this in any way and share the video?


Originally posted by Darcia_69

Sir I can't ready up in creative mode and battle lab mode please fix it My epic : FLC_Darcia69 Device: honor play

When you say Battle Bus mode do you mean solo? Is it possible to screen record and share the video so i can take a look?

Hey All,

Experiencing an issue on Switch or Mobile? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments. This thread will be updated with any additional threads and important links through this current patch.

Known Issues:

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01 Dec

Status: Galactus defeated! Thanks for your efforts. Fortnite is currently in a prep state for Chapter 2 - Season 5 (v15.00). Server downtime for the update begins December 2 at 12 AM ET (05:00 UTC) and is expected to run until approx. 4 AM ET (09:00 UTC). Stay tuned for updates.[yellow_clock.jpg]Threaded

During this prep state, you'll be unable to play Fortnite prior to server downtime. Stay tuned for the adventures that await in Chapter 2 - Season 5!

Note: With the launch of the new Season, patch sizes will be larger than normal on Nintendo Switch and PC.

External link →

21 Nov

19 Nov


Thanks Huntcaller, this type of post is always very helpful in providing information so they can look into these issues.

18 Nov


Thanks for the video and clear explaination of the issue, i will pass this along to the team for further investigation.

16 Nov


The current voice chat issue that players have been experiencing is still being investigated. We have included a few fixes in the latest update that should have helped some players. We also included a way to capture logs of the voice chat issue a bit better so we can fully resolve the issue. I know this issue is taking a while to fix, but the team is continuing to work on this issue. Thank you for your patience.


Thanks for the report, this is something we are looking into!

04 Nov


Thanks for the report, i will pass this along to the team!

31 Oct


Originally posted by PokeFan1036

Oh heeey Freight, nice to see you again.


Hey thanks for the report. Currently, boats are disabled in the Fortnitemare playlist. Players can complete this challenge either in Team Rumble or the Squads (non-fortnitemare) playlist.

27 Oct


Good luck to all those who are participating! Enjoy your Bricks!

26 Oct

23 Oct


Originally posted by Huntcaller

Yeah there's tons of clipping issues. The potion on Victoria Saint's hip sometimes disappears into her waist entirely. Loserfruit's ponytail goes into her shoulder. Almost every girl with a skirt has some sort of clipping issue, Fable and Heidi's legs move through the front, Antheia's buttcheeks clip through the back. Clutch has issues with her coat.

From what I understand about physics and collision detection, realtime calculations of colliding objects take a massive amount of CPU resources. I believe there's some basic functionality implemented, but not enough to make everything work flawlessly. There's also the fact that technical animators don't work with fully textured models when implementing physics, but instead work with low poly models or even skeletons, to animate a skin's parts. They don't actually see the full model.

I hope they keep working on these issues, they've been slowly fixing issues so far, but once an issue gets identified it will take a coupl...

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I will pass this along and see if the team is able to do anything on these cosmetics.