

01 Feb


Patch 28.4.2 is a small server-side hotfix patch rolling out now with the following bug fixes:

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Therazane’s Deathrattle didn’t properly work when triggered multiple times.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Corrupted Tickatus would remove 10 cards instead of 5 with its effect.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Cultist S’Thara summoned the minion that was destroyed by Archlich Kel’Thuzad (in addition to being the wrong gameplay effect, this bug caused server desyncs, resulting in players seeing different combat results).

12 Dec


Patch 28.2.2 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out now with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

General Updates

We have adjusted turn times to be slightly shorter in the early game to minimize idle playtime and to be slightly longer in the late game to account for the current metagame. We will keep an eye on these and continue to iterate on them in the future.

Armor Updates

The following heroes now have less Armor:

  • Lich Baz’hial has 5 Armor.

  • Snake Eyes and Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher have 6 Armor.

The following heroes now have more Armor:

  • Infinite Toki now has 13 Armor.

  • Lord Barov now has 14 Armor at higher ranked lobbies, still has 19 Armor at lower ranked lobbies.

  • Kurtrus Ashfallen, Deathspeaker Blackthorn, and Vol’jin now have 15 Armor at all ranks.

  • ...
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05 Dec


After a short delay, Patch 28.2 is now live on all devices. Come celebrate Battlegrounds Season 6 in the Spellslinger’s Saloon, a new Shop layout, and more!

The following are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Shop] Some players are reporting that they see a notification in the shop that they can’t dismiss if they already purchased all products from that section.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Some players are reporting that Greedy Partner did not work for them if they Shadowstepped and replayed it. Update 2: This issue applies to all the “Partner” cards. We’ve released a small server patch that included a bug fix for Greedy Partner. The other Partners are to be fixed in another patch, coming soon.
  • [Progression] Players who were in a match when the “Wanted, Dead or Alive!” event ended may be missing the Journal icon in the main hub. A client restart after the end of the event should resolve this issue.
  • [Reso...
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17 Nov


In the 28.0 Patch Notes, we announced that Twist would be going on hiatus for the December and January seasons, to return for the February season. We’ve seen your disappointment with that announcement, so we’ve decided to update our plans.

We’re pleased to see that Twist has some very passionate fans, and that players are enjoying the current November season (Wonders + Un’Goro). Instead of disabling Twist for December, we’re going to keep the current format going for one more season. Twist will still be taking a break for the January season and returning with a different format in February.

Why have a break at all? We want Twist to be a sandbox-like mode...

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Patch 28.0.2 is a server-side patch rolling out today with the following updates and bug fixes:

Hearthstone Updates

Dev Comment: It’s been a fun few days since the launch of Showdown in the Badlands. We’ve heard a lot of yeehaws, but we’ve also seen one clear sentiment outlier for players: there’s a snake in their boots! It’s still early, so we’re not at our balance window for the set yet, but we know we want to adjust this negative play experience regardless of where the power lands, so we’ve decided to do a temporary adjustment now, ahead of our scheduled balance patch, coming soon.

However, there are limits to what we can do a server-side hotfix. First, we can only adjust the “big numbers” like stats and cost. Stats are not the problem on this card, so we’re increasing the cost here. This is NOT the change we plan to eventually land on. When we get to our balance patch, our plan is to revert this mana cost change and make a diff...

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10 Nov


Patch 28.0.1 is a server-side hotfix patch rolling out now with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

The following heroes are now banned from the following Anomalies:

  • Anomalous Twin: Rakanishu, King Mukla

  • Anomalous Bribe: Sneed, E.T.C. Band Manager, Chenvaala

  • What Are the Odds?: Patches the Pirate, Cap’n Hoggarr, Dinotamer Brann, Rock Master Voone, Ysera

  • How to Even??: Millificent Manastorm, C’Thun, Ragnaros the Firelord, Overlord Saurfang, Onyxia, Millhouse Manastorm, Lich Baz’hial

    • This Anomaly also will not appear in games with Mechs
  • Deep Blue Sooner: Kael’thas Sunstrider, Cariel Roame, Captain Hooktusk, Al’Akir, George the Fallen, Chenvaala, Alexstrasza, Lord Jaraxxus

    • This Anomaly also will not appear in games with Demons or Dragons
  • Valuation Inflation: Infinite Toki, Y’Shaarj, Galakrond, Guff Run...

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08 Nov


They’re actually going live with the expansion–I’ll add a note.

07 Nov


Good call, it looks like that wasn’t updated. I’ll pass along to the team.


When the expansion launches:
"The decks awarded to new and returning players will be updated with the launch of Showdown in the Badlands on November 14! "


Patch 28.0 is now live, and Showdown in the Badlands is on the horizon! As we ride towards glory, we’ve picked up a few bandits (bugs) that we’re tracking here.

The following are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Arena] Flint Firearm’s Battlecry isn’t working in Arena.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Wicked Whispers isn’t counting as a “discard” effect.
  • [Added 11/7] [Progression] The Catch-Up Packs login reward will be granted upon login after expansion launch, not patch launch.
  • [Resolved] [Shop] The team is investigating reports of Runestone purchases not working in the Battlegrounds Shop. Battlegrounds personalized offers have been disabled while this is investigated.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The team is digging into reports that Stick Up is able to give Rogue Drilly the Kid.
  • [Added 11/8] [Arena] Some cards are again able to Discover/generate other versions of themsel...
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The decks awarded to new and returning players will be updated with the launch of Showdown in the Badlands on November 14! New players are eligible for their free deck after completing the tutorial, the Starter Quest chain, graduating from the New Player Ranks (Ranks 40-1), and then returning to the main menu. Returning players who have been away for 90 or more days are eligible for a free deck just for logging in. Returning players can claim these returning decks each time they are eligible.

Players borrow all these decks for one week following their eligibility, so they can try them out before making their choice. It’s possible players may not see their chosen deck in their deck lists if they do not have an open deck slot when they choose their free deck. The cards in the deck (aside from the Core Set cards) will still be added to their Collections. They can clear a deck slot use the deck codes below to construct the decks.

Each deck includes the cards listed, except...

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23 Oct


As mentioned in last week’s hotfix patch, we’re getting these out earlier due to the upcoming Masters Tour. Getting them out earlier means they come in forum post form, like the server-side patches do.

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Patch 27.6.2 is a data-only patch, launching on October 26, with the following updates:

Hearthstone Updates

Card Updates

Dev Comment: There were two clear meta offenders that we wanted to address in this patch: Yogg-Saron and the Druid class. Recent additions from the mini-set made for overly-powerful neutral board control tools that were warping the meta. These, combined with stand-out Druid cards, made for a Druid shell that was able to cover its class weaknesses and utilize any number of “finishers” to end the game. These changes focus on weakening the Druid shell that facilitated these powerful finishers, while also removing negative play experiences that we believe are causing more pain than fun. After those adjustments, the Jailer and Tony are out on probation, but we’ll be keeping an eye on them, and the rest of the meta, as we head into the Showdown in the Badlands.

Embrace of Nature

  • Old:...

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20 Oct


Patch 27.6.1 is a server-side patch going live today with the following updates:

Dev Comment: There are no Traditional Hearthstone balance changes in this patch. The reason is a bit technical, but the short of it is that the types of balance changes we’d want to make—and you’d want us to make—have to go into a different type of hotfix patch. We know that players are eager to see balance changes and are disappointed with the timeline they’re coming in, and we want you to know that they’re coming soon.

In fact, in light of the upcoming Masters Tour, we wanted to let you know that the balance hotfix is scheduled for next week, October 26. The main targets of that patch will be Yogg-Saron, Unleashed and Druid. Instead of our usual balance teaser and patch notes blog, we plan to get the changes finalized and the patch notes out on the forums as soon as possible, by early next week. We’re looking forward to seeing what you think of the upcoming changes, and what...

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18 Oct


Hey there, sorry for the confusion. For mobile, it doesn’t work if you just long-tap the packs where they are. You need to first “grab” the pack and move it slightly off of where it is. Then it will start adding packs to the stack as you continue to hold. Then you can move it over to the pack opening area to open all of them.

17 Oct


Patch 27.6 is now live, bringing with it a bonanza of updates, like pre-purchase for our next, rootin’ tootin’ expansion: Showdown in the Badlands!

The following are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [General] With the launch of Patch 27.6, some players were inadvertently shown a surprise planned for BlizzCon that we’re not ready to reveal yet. We’ll catch you up on all the details soon.
  • [General] The team is aware of an error causing crashes in the tutorial. We’re working on a server-side hotfix to resolve the issue.
  • [Hearthstone] Players have reported that moving pack piles while Mass Pack Opening can cause one big cluster of overlapping packs or other pack spacing issues. Leaving the pack opening screen and coming back seems to resolve this issue. We’re working on a more permanent bug fix for the next major patch. Until then, remember: if your pack stacks get whack, just evac and come back.
  • [Hearths...
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10 Oct


Back in August, we gave you an update on our increased actions against bots this year. As promised, we’ve kept up that fight, and we wanted to give you a quick update on how it’s going.

In August and September, we banned 66,945 more bot accounts. That number is just the accounts banned for bot activity, not including other actions like inappropriate names or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these types of unauthorized bots, and will continue taking regular ac...

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03 Oct


Patch 27.4.3 is a server-side hotfix patch rolling out today with the following updates and bug fixes.

Hearthstone Update

  • The Jailer has been temporarily banned from Standard and Wild

Dev Comment: We’re putting The Jailer in jail for his crimes against the meta. When we made our last set of changes, Druid was still developing as a class following the Mini-Set. After our changes were locked in, Tony Druid appeared as a top archetype in Standard. We know that we want to adjust something in that deck in our next balance window, and we also know we don’t want this deck to warp the meta in the meantime, so we’re temporarily banning The Jailer until our next scheduled balance patch.

The Jailer will be released on bail (unbanned) in our next scheduled balance patch. At that time, we’ll make other adjustments to address Tony Druid and anything else that needs tweaking.

Battlegrounds Updates

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22 Sep


27.4.1 is a hotfix server patch rolling out today with the following updates:

Hearthstone Updates

  • The Unimaginable Horrors (new Hero Power) and Twist Reality (shuffle cards played back into deck) Anomalies have been removed from the Anomaly pool. They may be reworked and returned to the pool in a future update.

Battlegrounds Updates
The following Anomalies will appear less frequently:

  • Anti-Gravity Stadium
  • Might of Khaz’goroth
  • Fortitude of Khaz’goroth
  • Blood of Sargeras
  • Little League
  • Wisdom of Ulduar
  • Finicky Hourglass (at higher ranks only)

The following Anomalies will appear more frequently:

  • False Idols
  • Transient Treasures (at lower ranks only)
  • Bring in the Buddies (at lower ranks only)
  • Finicky Hourglass (at lower ranks only)


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06 Sep


Patch 27.2.3 is a server-side hotfix patch launching today with the following game updates and bug fixes:

Battlegrounds Updates

Anomaly Adjustments:

  • Anti-Gravity Stadium has been returned to the Anomaly pool
  • Might of Khaz’goroth and Fortitude of Khaz’goroth now have lower appearance rates

Several heroes are now banned when certain anomalies are active:

  • Little League: Dinotamer Brann and Thorim, Stormlord (corrected)
  • Money Match: Infinite Toki; E.T.C., Band Manager; and Professor Putricide
  • Packed Stands: Millhouse Manastorm
  • The Golden Arena: E.T.C., Band Manager and Shudderwock
  • Several low-performing heroes have been removed from various Anomalies

Bug Fixes

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Sword Eater was playable in Twist, even though it is not in one of the legal expansions for this season.
  • [Hearth...
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