

08 May


Originally posted by Front-Pick3134

Will the new ragdoll system be featured in the may update?

Yep. Partially. We’re working on some new states that will influence second stage ragdoll anims.

07 May


Originally posted by Magnumx70

Somebody give this dude a medal please

Gotta honor him with an in game Easter egg at this point.


Dev here, it’s totally up to you and if you’re interested in buying a game that’s still a work in progress. You’d be buying into a product that we attempt to improve drastically every single major update, and we try our best to engage in our communities as much as we can! But if you wanna wait then go for it. But I do think it’s a lot of fun now, especially with friends :)


Originally posted by Nitro84635

Ooo alright thanks !!

We actually just overhauled the ancient code that was written for ragdoll. With the new support it should be really cool once we’re done. Wont say anything yet though.. gotta leave some surprises to show and not tell!!


Originally posted by Raventek

Someone has never done drugs before lol

It’s “video game” extreme but I’ve definitely seen some weird sh*t on the streets of LA when it comes to people not taking care of themselves. So maybe not strictly related to the methamphetamine use, but these people in particular live in a meth den. They’re not right by any means.


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

Not sure yet.

Devs might touch on it.

Yes. Planned!


Originally posted by Yankees-snapback

Got on them loafers

Upon closer inspection these appear to be loafers

06 May


Originally posted by Whatsupgamers1738

Ah ok, forgive me for the harsh tone am just really excited and was a little disappointed haha. Looking forward to seeing them for AI

Ah totally understandable. I post a lot of these in our work chat as during weekends I want to "work", but I don't want to be stuck doing what I usually do through the week (narrative, mgmt, etc.).

Usually I'll explore some new content implementation (for this one, the goal was to make the game feel more interactive at very little cost) and then send it to everyone to get em a little more hyped!

Just so turns out that a lot of the time i haven't got the latest files in a while, or not all code is pushed to editor, so on. In this case it's just old and probably taken between some changes in the animation department.


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Excited to see the new animations!

I'm excited to see them shared! There's a lot to do! hah


Originally posted by Whatsupgamers1738

Are those the new SWAT anims they were talking about in the may patch? They dont look very good

wasn't set up in the video here (old footage) but was for the players -- that's why you see sliding and stuff

27 Apr


Originally posted by DaStosha

May I ask a question? I am not a gun specialist or LEO expert, but aren't MP5/10 - FBI exclusive like FBI HRT and FBI SWAT? So, shouldn't it be a supporter edition exclusive reskin of something like UMP40?

Perhaps but in this case it's a lot easier to just give it to everyone. Plus they're cool weapons, that alone is worth giving to all!

26 Apr


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Motion matching animations (mocap) for movement (Note: they still use motion capture for other stuff like disabling traps, lock checking, door kicking, throwing nades, mirroring the door, plan C2, etc. they just remove the mocap for the movement in general) and opening doors incrementally are confirmed to not come back.

-But the rest is either confirmed to come back:

Planning phase:

Read more

Most of our animations are motion captured. Motion matching which is an animation system, not an animation method. We absolutely use motion capture for animations, and weve put a lot of hours into it. :)

As for OP, these things weren’t necessarily working perfectly, they might have been functional but with old code and old ideas — we overextended our feature set (back in what, 2018?) as new game developers and had to scale back our EA release goal if we ever wanted a shot at releasing something stable as a small team. Now that the game is out, we’ve been planning on re-creating a lot of content to fit our games design, not just cramming it in there because it sounds like it would work.

I’ll help you: we’re missing drones, ladders, vaulting, being able to select multiple different grenades on your kit, sniper support, entry selection. Some of these are planned to come back, some of these won’t come back. If they don’t fit the game then they won’t be included :)

... Read more

Originally posted by CommunicationTasty48

I'm trying to get in touch with you guys about a collaboration with ChimeraXR 🤙 @controlledpairs is a fan of both of our products

I'll DM you. :)


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

Imagine if that mechanic was used on some of the Hotel suspects. Would really keep us on our toes.

This will likely be added to club with suspects hiding amongst the dead.


Originally posted by jeffuhwee


Good to see some new stuff - I wish though they would add more maps and more things to each map in terms of dynamic gameplay. I don't follow the dev stuff too much but ... would be nice in any event.

These will be added to all maps so that second part of your wish will be fulfilled. New update will also included a finished Valley and Club map.


Originally posted by muh-stopping-power45

I swear if this motherf**ker has his dick out in the map i'm equipping a shotgun

he will

25 Apr


Originally posted by adiyo011

Just a small question on the communications front, is there a particular reason why void names the updates based on months?

In a previous comment, you guys mentioned that Ghost ship games was one of your early access inspirations. One thing I think they did well was naming their updates after numbers (i.e. update 36) with loose time frames.

As a fan of RoN, and someone who also works in software, I understand and support you guys taking as long as you need to maintain your outstanding level of polish thus far.

I feel like on a communication tone, it sets up less potential disappointment from fans when they hear the April update was pushed to May versus hearing update 23 (for example) will take two additional weeks. Internally, you can still aim to maintain the same cadence of monthly releases but from an optics point, I think it's easier for people to swallow through the different nomenclature.

My two cents and keep up the great work!

Great thoughts and something we're discussing internally!


Originally posted by nuclearfish010

Yeah I've been thinking about mods. I just always think mods are filled with malware and shit

We're working on covering all bases with official mod support and systems so you would never be at risk, but the sites that support mods (nexus for example) are usually pretty safe as far as I know.