

09 Jun


Where'd you get this?

08 Jun


Is this like a survival mode or something god damn


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

I erronously believed that this was from Ridgeline.

Thankfully, /u/Gruntr corrected me; from now on, I'll be more diligent when looking at mini-devs.

All is forgiven! I appreciate the clarity though. :)


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

His voicelines

Edit: Gruntr posted this Rambo gif as well; he also responded "No" to someone asking if this was Gerard. Looks too muddy to be the meth tunnels, though. Also, he doesn't look like any of the new meth characters.

Edit 2: In case this isn't Gerard, this might be his accomplice; a simple methhead would just dig a hole and hide in it; this guy actually has webbing over his head.

This is one of the new meth characters, and while he looks like gerard, it aint! You wouldn't even be able to see gerard there if we get ridgeline how I want it. you'd have to watch and wait to see subtle movement.


Originally posted by FoxtrotNineteen

cool!!! are we ever gonna get a full hotel tho? just for funsies 🥺🥺🥺

The hotel you see now is likely going to be entirely replaced, it’s just too big :( but we will see.


Originally posted by _Apprehensive_Fish_

Hey Gruntr, quick question. Is the Halligan bar, shown few months ago, bar coming in this update too?

Not yet


No expansions on any levels, if anything we've tightened things up. Bit of a rundown:

Valley is the same as it was before but a lot prettier with a tonne of environmental storytelling and other work. That house in your image is cut content, it used to be where the key suspect's daughter lived, but we moved that to be inside the house. Valley used to be a lot larger with a huge tunnel that connected the two places and a greenhouse even lower than that.

Dealer has seen some new routes added but structurally it's the same, again if not tightened up for more narrow CQB combat. It's a work-in-progress however.

Gas has also been tightened up with more narrow spaces and a few new doorways for alternative entries and flanks. (one new doorway outside, one new doorway inside)

Meth has also seen the same sort of treatment. The tunnels have been replaced entirely (area-wise it's less than the one that's out in the playable build, but gameplay wise it should be ...

Read more

SWAT will be getting a lot of love in the future.


Originally posted by Quickkiller28800

Honestly, just let us ADS and shoot in the main areas. You can already grab a shield, go to the range, ADS, then walk out while still aiming, and you can still shoot.

Friendly fire is disabled out of the designated shooting areas anyways. That way we can see our sights, and hear our gunshots.

we won't do this but we will improve the overall usability because yeah, it can be nice to check your gun out and know what the optics are like. all in due time. :)


Originally posted by PlantsAreAliveToo

Armor piercing 7.62? Isn't that a little overkill in these close quarter ranges?

Edit: my bad, SR-16 is 5.56.

you should see how many surfaces that sh*t can punch through on penthouse, it's absurd

06 Jun


Originally posted by kyyyIe

You'd think that with interviewing real SWAT/HRT/SFOD operators they would realize that pretty much anyone runs a Level 3 Safariland holster.

We have a new holster being modeled

04 Jun


Originally posted by Voxination

Anyone tested if it works on the beanbag domed suspects to see if it counts as restrained?


31 May


Originally posted by devin13132

Why though? Like they're already down

oh are they? ;)

27 May


Originally posted by BathroomSecurity

Such is the Void way

Last time we name an update after a month, that's for sure!

11 May


Originally posted by resfan

does that mean they won't randomly vanish past 30ft?



Originally posted by Mean_Attempt751

Hoping they brighten up the red dots as well so they don't wash out so badly

Do you have an example of this? Wash out over distance? Because this aims to resolve that (bit of cheeky material magic to get it right!)

10 May


I love being an indie developer with no strings to any company outside of my own, but man seeing the Valve logo officially pop up on some co-developed game in the future would be a dreeeeam.