

01 Dec


Good things to know would be the guns and attachments you're using too. We had a bug before release where if you had a suppressor on, the AI couldn't see you!


Originally posted by WrappingRaptor

u/Gruntr Please allow Gerald to obey the laws of physics (Love the game, but thought this was hilarious)

Is he floating above the staircase? I can see a foot when he shoots you at first.. wondering if the dude clipped through a wall by accident or something.


Originally posted by tomoki_here

genuine question here since I don't quite understand how AI is built, why was AI back then so much more advanced? I'm watching the playlist and I'm like.. wow.

Are things nowadays harder to build? Is that why AI for RoN is so different?

All the geniuses got mopped up by software development companies at some point in the early 2000's, that's my theory. Thankfully we've got our own geniuses :)


Ridgeline is an interesting one because it's a way to challenge ourselves in a way -- if we can make fighting two suspects in a house engaging and drawn-out, it paves the way for a lot of interesting future levels. Definitely will add more suspects if it ends up being just too plain, at the very least for Raid. We're introducing some fixes (for some reason Gerard was invincible to damn near everything). Thanks for the feedback!

30 Nov


Originally posted by Whatsupgamers1738

Thanks for answering, the update is great and im really enjoying it. With the new AI systems being easier to update, we will see new features sooner for AI? and general tweaks to perfect them.

I'm also hoping we get some kind of SWAT AI update very soon, this update has made them even worse :(

Yep. We haven’t defined how we’re going to release AI updates but new behaviours are a lot easier to add.

And me too. The SWAT AI is gonna be a bit of a behemoth, but will be well worth it. We’ve got some tricks up our sleeves don’t you worry!


Too much grain (and sharpening, noticed that too -- looks as if it was upscaled). Totally my bad! Will be fixed asap.


Yeah eventually. It's hardly a large feature though compared to all of the other things that have been added or improved in this update. But you can't add everything at once, or the update would never release! So we'll keep working on it. But yes, very true. We have lines for this, but seems like they don't play.

29 Nov


Originally posted by autopencil

I think maybe there's a bug or something that codes some of the doctors in the hospital mission as enemies. But for a second I thought my teammates had finally just snapped from the stress of being sent of suicide missions 24/7.

There is a suspect that is dressed as a doctor. There are two actually. One is a lot more obvious than the other. ;)


The launchers are gonna get some love next major update or the one following to align with our ammunition select system that already exists in game. Sorry about the wait, your time will come!


Originally posted by towelsrnothats

I had an awful frame rate drop to about 5 fps while playing hospital, and some choppiness when using the helmet cams display but besides that it’s been fine. Epic settings with a pretty high end rig

Did the drop happen to occur while arresting a female civilian with hair? Also to OP, we removed working mirrors from the game which was contributing to a 15-20% reduction in framerates. Along with a lot of optimization of lighting in levels, but there'll still be a fair bit of polish and fixing that will need to happen just naturally through December.


Originally posted by Many_Cup_1408

Also shelves on post office map are see through. Am always shot through them

Thanks for that. Will have a look.


Originally posted by ThatDude292

Just wanted to reply to this since it's directly on topic but I've had a few scenarios where the lean still allows you to be "invisible" to AI if your centered camera is behind cover, both for the Alt lean and normal. I threw a clip in the discord bug reports earlier

I'll have to have a look at that. In our testing the lean made it very hard for AI to miss you when peeking. Damn shame if so! Thanks for logging a report.


We will probably add Fast Food back post 1.0, because we actually didn't really have a place for it in the level threads -- always felt a bit outside the scope I guess. But it'll come back: just later on.


Eli is going to be very upset you think his character model is ugly


Originally posted by Merc8ninE

Or, no offence to this guy...but don't balance the game to their expectations.

This is a SWAT game, it shouldn't be a super twitch shooter.

Intelligent, dynamic, unpredictable AI. Main priorities to bring order to the chaos snd save lives. If twitch shooters need a challenge we already have a million twitch shooters.

This should be different.

Hopefully you like this update then! :)


The original lean was actually 40 degrees on the camera, and the players spine would only bend 20 degrees. So you would run into issues where you could lean around a corner and an AI would be looking right at you, but technically you'd be totally hidden. It made 'em look really stupid and also gave you a massive advantage.

So, if you increase the spine, you run into really strange issues where the player bends unnaturally. Thankfully, there's a solve: use your free-lean. It's been slowed down and polished so it can be more useful + less janky when you need to lean wider! :)

You'll still be slightly safer leaning and clearing around a corner, and we still have some improvements to make (the lean being diminished while moving will be removed).


Ahh yes, the "LIGHTNIN MEGALODON" from ready or not


There are still some errant issues, but we will be working on it to make sure they surrender more where natural.