

14 Dec


Originally posted by peanutmanak47

I would say this doesn't seem to be working as intended. I've had almost no suspects, on multiple maps, surrender from me yelling at them with my gun pointed in their direction. This doesn't matter if it's early or late in the map.

Only time I can get them to consistently surrender is from blowing a door open and they are close enough to get stunned or if I toss a stun into a room.

Outside of that, the suspects seem to be downright refusing to surrender just from yelling.

Do you find it easier to get them to surrender at the start of a match vs. the end? Are you alone getting enemies to surrender?


It’s planned to make each mode more unique, and we will continue to tweak the stuff that’s currently in. However, it is worth acknowledging that as you kill more enemies in a level, they will become less compliant and more resistant. This is intentional behavior, but at there isn't a point where they will not give up by any means. It just means instead of being able to yell you'll have to stun. The difficulty curve needs to move up if you're playing in such a fashion, that's our view right now at least.


Originally posted by specter800

I've been paying attention when this happens to me and I don't know for sure, but I think what's happening based on experience and patch notes is:

Enemies start with an inherent inaccuracy and unpreparedness to prevent the "instant crackhead headshot" that were so common before. Once an enemy "engages" you, their accuracy and readiness increases at a predetermined rate per level. If you "disengage", their accuracy and readiness don't decrease so the next time you see them they're totally capable of the "instant crackhead headshot". I'm guessing this guy either saw you earlier or being so close to a gunfight set him to "engaged" mode and he no-scoped you.

Their accuracy decreases if they lose sight of you unless this is bugged. Issue here is likely something else as he’s turning 90 degrees while moving instantly pointing to something else. Possibly was already targeting the player but he wasn’t strafing?

12 Dec


Originally posted by Teh_Compass

Been a while since I changed my bindings but does the game currently support combined/modifier keys or are there plans for it?

Elite Dangerous did bindings well. Every action could be bound to 2 inputs and you could use combined inputs for a different action. For example I could bind both keyboard right arrow and right on the dpad on my stick to divert power to a different module or hold the pinky trigger and press right on that same dpad to switch weapons. And just for fun holding the pinky trigger and pressing right arrow could be a completely different action I can bind.

If not don't be afraid to leave some limited use actions unbound by default with a menu/slider to adjust. If people want to bind it they can.

We did have this at one stage actually. Good point.


Originally posted by fly97 installed this mod last night and it’s made the swat ai so much better

[NuclearFireChicken] might have to be a cheat code in ron now


Originally posted by CyberK_121

Assuming this was a brightness issue, what do you guys think about implementing variable red dot brightness? That way there’s no need to consider the lighting of current maps and future maps as well.

We actually discussed this recently along with flashlight cone width adjustment stuff. It may happen, though the key bloat is real


Originally posted by Educational_Place457

You are doing gods work. I haven't seen other companies do this at least in a game like this. This game might be remembered for years to come for the AI alone.

I hope we do! The guys who have been working on the AI really deserve it all.


Originally posted by not_a_pancake6291

Is there any plans to have more modern or LAPD like ELS?

Seems sorta odd having the old spinning sirens meanwhile the teams are running in with very expensive gear

P.S. body cams would be cool to see on patrol officers too

Probably, though no word on when. But definitely would be good.

Team gear compared with the story we're telling is just ludonarrative dissonance plain and simple. But, it's more fun to be able to put on fancy optics and look like a modern SWAT officer than what the "real" LSPD would have (which is probably a sparse array of weapons and gear, all with similar configurations purchased in bulk for a discount price).


Something worth keeping in mind is that a lot of the dark levels were dark because we had to rush for an Early Access release. Didn't have time with the small team we had in December 2021 to apply art to all the levels we needed to. So night took over. Sometimes it was creatively driven, such as Farm being made night so players could have a "Sicario tunnels" level. That's now having its role filled with Coyote, coming in an update next year.

SWAT truck loading does need some love I'll agree. That said, it'll also likely be replaced with something else soon.

The suspect shadows is an odd one, it's because now we draw contact volumetric shadows for characters, which looks great when you're not right below them. This can be improved!

Ultimately the new lighting system allows for an easier time for us and great parity between levels that are built with the lighting. It's a much smaller pain in the ass to light new maps now. Existing ones however need to ge...

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Originally posted by Mini_Danger_Noodle

I think most maps look way better with the new lighting but I don't like Farm being daytime and I think the car dealership definitely took a major hit because of the new lighting.

Got the news for you, then! Farm is being reworked and Dealership is getting a nice juicy overhaul too.


Originally posted by Sheyvan

Both will be reworked and reintroduced at a later point. They likely want player to focus on playing and giving feedback on all the new ones. Think about it: It's the first time the game ONLY has textured Maps and no whiteboxes now. Gives a nice impression on youtube, when recent videos only feature finished looking maps. Farm is probably the roughest one too date, as it is the one most desperate for a remake. All 5 new ones look stellar.

Thanks for your words. And yes, Farm actually has a brand new whitebox that is just about ready for art.


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

Many of us were wrong on that, apparently.

Actually you guys were pretty close to being correct, it was right after 213. Unfortunately though even with the story it didn't fit well enough, so we took it to a different direction (Coyote).

Fast Food will likely come back after full release. We've got a good catalogue of levels planned. It'll obviously be free when released, in case I get asked.


Originally posted by THEKINGCRUMB

This area looks like the final gun battle location in the way of the gun

Heavily inspired by it ;)

Thanks for the video op, this issue is partially due to the directional light shadowcasting distance being too low. We will turn it up a bit higher and see how that goes.


Originally posted by resfan

I'm amazed they didn't fix that lol, posted that a couple months ago

Too funny to fix


Does this strictly happen in the lobby? Using any mods? I'll forward this to the team.


Strictly with this level it is an issue, we tried to solve it for a while and for some reason.. nada. It's totally unexplainable as to why from what we could tell! Port is gonna be receiving changes probably in an update or two anyway.


Using some old car mesh in that first one.. we have two very similar ones -- one needs deleting.

11 Dec

10 Dec


Originally posted by MattH665

I do love that you guys are aiming for enemies that create a challenge with intelligence and cunning. A nice change from battling dumb AI that swarms you with numbers or just has good aim+reflexes in other games.

I think it poses a great development challenge for the team which is really important for growth. Thanks for the kind words. We'll see how we go!


Have you got a video so we can have a look? Or at least the level this happened to you on in particular. You using mods etc as well?