

21 Mar


Una guía práctica del Capitán para dirigir de forma efectiva al crucero estadounidense de Nivel VII. Leer en el portal


Guia prático do Capitão para comandar efetivamente o cruzador Nível VII dos EUA. Leia no portal

20 Mar


Do you know if you loaded the "Ultra" version of the client or regular?



This is a global initiative. All servers all realms.



De nada, lo siento, hablo muy poco español, ¡pero estoy tratando de volver a aprender para poder hablar con todos ustedes más!



Well, I am in Austin... but I know that pretty much everyone at WeeGee is doing what a lot of the world is and thats staying home.



¡De nada y esperamos que se mantenga sano y salvo!



Is there a reason you don't trust the platform? Just curious. Twitch has been around for quite some time. And we wouldn't be using the platform if there were issues in trust with them, as is truth with any sites or associations you can connect to your WeeGee account.





Been working at home since Monday now. And it isn't as fun as one would think.

As an introverted extrovert, it is nice to have human in person interactions at times.

I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy!




¡Reclamen sus 14 días gratis de cuenta Premium en World of Warships y manténganse a salvo! Lean el artículo completo para conocer todos los detalles. Leer en el portal


Reivindique seus 14 dias gratuitos de Conta Premium do World of Warships e fique seguro! Leia o artigo completo para obter todos os detalhes. Leia no portal



You learn over time when to and not to fire AP in a DD (I know, I know "duh" however, common sense is not common) .

Pretty much, if you're close, and something has lower than norm armor (DD, light cruisers, etc) AP can work very effectively, or even broad BB's, dumping AP into superstructure can work VERY well.

For me usually what I do, if I am smoked up and something is broad, I will fire away with HE till I see a fire start, then switch to AP until the fire is out then back to HE to start another fire.

DD vs DD, AP can be fickle, from angles to overpens, but with the reload of DD guns, often times I will hit the "2" key, full salvo, hit the "1" key fire a full salvo and rinse and repeat.

Now all that being said.... when you are in something like a Kleber (or Marceau when she comes out), wait till you see a broadside parked ship like a Smolensk, lay some AP into them center of mass and watch th...

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Just wondering what your computer specs are? Any number of things can lower your FPS depending on your computer, but we can start there.





Appreciate the feedback! Definitely something I know I myself have been asking for, for years.





Hey folks, come join @Kalvothe and I on the official Twitch World of Warships channel!

Make sure you have your twitch account linked to your Wargaming account to enable Twitch drops in game! See below for details!





To celebrate this milestone Season, we've prepared loads of exciting stuff for its participants and viewers! Read it on the portal


Standby for Words from the Chief.


During the release of 0.9.2 bugs were identified which were isolated to certain players, we have finalized a list of all players affected and we will be awarding compensation to them directly this weekend.

Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

That is all.





Claim your FREE 14 days of World of Warships Premium Account and fight for victory from the safety of your home! Read the full article for all details.

Read it on the portal




Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. Any final information will be published on our official portal.

We adjusted the parameters of ships based on testing results.

European destroyer Orkan, Tier VIII:

Detectability range by ships increased from 7.0 to 7.5 km. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly.

Soviet cruiser Petropavlovsk, Tier X:

"Surveillance Radar" consumable action time increased from 10 to 15 s;

The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for AP shells is reduced from 55 to 50 degrees;

Detectability range by ships increased from 14.4 to 14.9 km. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly;

Fixed an issue which caused the citadel torpedo bulkhead plating (40 mm) to duplicate.

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