

24 Mar


The game client itself is the same. If you are not seeing the WGC open on your screen (as in the screen shot) then you would need to dload it.




Let me address some of your concerns.

1: The WGC launcher has always allowed you to install it where you want, just like any other APP, I have it currently on my D drive verses my C drive.

2: You can have an account on every server if you want launch through the WGC, if you click in the top left where it shows your screen name, down at the bottom it says "Add Account" there you can select what region.

in the case of the PTS you have to download the PTS client in addition to the actual client but WGC makes adding your credentials easy because they are saved in the launcher

3: if you use the WGC, there really is no point in having your old launcher so I don't see a problem here, however, up to the removal of support for not launching through WGC you can have it installed and still launch the client on it's own, so I am not sure how it "breaks the function of the classic launcher" I would need more ...

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If you dload the launcher, whatever log in you utilize for logging into the game is what you would put into the launcher and your account will be loaded up.





GOOD MORNING FOLKS! I just wanted to say thank you SO much for all your support of this initiative with Stackup!

To date we have raised $98,628 of our $100,000 goal! This is AMAZING considering how early we still are in the campaign and considering our bundles will be for sale until May 5th!

Thank you so so so much for all your support, sincerely on behalf of all of us at Wargaming! Below I have reposted the link.






GOOD MORNING FOLKS! I just wanted to say thank you SO much for all your support of this initiative with Stackup!

To date we have raised $98,628 of our $100,000 goal! This is AMAZING considering how early we still are in the campaign and considering our bundles will be for sale until May 5th!

Thank you so so so much for all your support, sincerely on behalf of all of us at Wargaming! Below I have reposted the link.





If you look above, I said exactly what we're doing.

If you owned the Moskva at any time and you owned the camo or the UU, you will keep the camo and UU and get the Special version of Moskva.




If people are not playing properly, if they are having "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" send a ticket in WITH A REPLAY. I assure you after a few of you send them in, these people are dealt with. I can not ban someone purely off of conversation.

Also to EVERYONE, please refrain from posting screenshots with peoples screen names on them.

There are official chains to handle players that do not play accordingly, I need those used. Believe it or not I use them too, I don't just ad hoc ban people myself.




Apologies, you had have owned it as well!



Fique ligado para notícias mais emocionantes sobre o WGC. Não perca seu prêmio no jogo! Leia no portal


Estén pendiente de más noticias emocionantes sobre el WGC. ¡No se pierdan su premio en el juego! Leer en el portal


Stay tuned for more exciting news on the WGC. Don’t miss out on your in-game prize! Read it on the portal

23 Mar


Neither has been announced yet, so dunno.




Thank you to everyone that participated!

Congrats to @alfaboy95, @Player_5571625133 and @meowfficer for winning the week of premium!




Please check this thread if you are having issues and are on a Mac.




We have actually answered the question about why more sophisticated AI isn't put into the game.

And we have actually tried "smarter bots" but the feedback from the community was extremely negative and so they were reverted. Also, as we have stated, we do have assets dedicated to PVE content, but the focus of our development is more around PVP as the majority of the server populations globally are focused on that.

This is why changes and development of PVE content takes longer than PVP.



I mean, don't get me wrong, I was one of the people that admittedly used to game the system. Did I think it was broken at the time? Not when you're enjoying the labor of those grinds.

That being said EVERY time ANY FXP ship has come out I have instantly purchased them because I always seem to have a stockpile of FXP....

So yes, there is a problem right now in the market, in game, and to control it, is difficult. I bought Smaland and still have over 2mill FXP on pile.

My point? Reducing the economic changes assuming the reduction is reasonable (I say this because I do not know what the end values will be) is not going to break the game as some are implying.

As for the changes, they will always occur. This is nothing new.

I PROMISE, people are still going to farm and still going to figure out how to game the system.



They were pulled in Feb because the operation was crashing the client for a lot of players. That part was fixed. We have always talked about how the operations were being worked on, this is not new. Development and content changes don't just happen overnight. It takes months often to do major and often times minor changes to game mechanics. This too has been stated before.



What staff is "panicking or angry" from this? Also, this PTS is still in phase one, you will still have a phase two and then weeks before it goes live, if if goes live in the next update. We don't always communicate ALL the changes coming the moment we release an update, but the information IS released prior to updates.



And that is the thing that people aren't thinking about. When the operations first came out, I would run div's with my old clan, we would rotate duties and run them over the course of like 2 hours and you could come away with LITERALLY tens of thousands of FXP and MILLIONS of credits.... And I may be mistaken but this was before the "special" economic signals even were out...



Operations have ALWAYS given far too much for fighting bots, once you figure out the pattern they became very easy to farm

Yes, they WERE removed to fix bugs and technical issues. But when you consider that we are always looking at numbers globally (I mean the internal economy here), if a change is occurring to the economics from the operations it was more than likely needed.

I have said this in another post about this, and I will copy and paste here:

For the most part, you could almost ALWAYS pull more XP, FXP and credits than in PvP. NO, I am not saying ALWAYS, but if I needed FXP or credits, I would just play operations for a day... so overall? Yes.
