

23 Mar


I can pass this feedback up, yes. I do not know what is coming in the future for these perma camo's however. Just FYI.



For the most part, you could almost ALWAYS pull more XP, FXP and credits than in PvP. NO, I am not saying ALWAYS, but if I needed FXP or credits, I would just play operations for a day... so overall? Yes.





How did we obfuscate the reasoning for the changes?

Almost all the operations had bugs that legitimately broke them with mechanics changes throughout the life of the game. This is why they were pulled. And attention is being put towards balancing them and fixing the bugs, we have been saying that for some time.

Have they occurred in the most expeditious manner? No, they have not. But they are occuring.

As for economic changes, I couldn't tell you what the final values are, because after the PTS round 1 is done, we will do a round 2 and re-evaluate. Many if not all the values that you have to or will get on the PTS are no where near what you will have on the live, because we want the testers to progress to test as much as a possible as far as possible.

The operations were originally a game mode put into the game to compliment not replace other game modes. And TBH, since the first release of the fir...

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If you researched the Moskva EVER (I say this because some have reset that line) you will get the SPECIAL (it will not be a premium FYSA) version of her. If you own the UU and/or the prema-camo the special version will have both still. This is the plan at this time.





As a DD main, TBH, CV's don't bother me too much. They are more a nuisance than anything.

What is important to remember with the EU DD's is that they should NOT be capping early game, nor should they be pushing forward way ahead of the force early game. Even with their AA (at later tiers). But TBH, this is true of ALL DD's, do not go straight to a cap, do not yolo away from your team mates.

Heading out from the group for spotting and screening is nice, but if you're all out on your own, it probably will not end well. I usually move up after most the enemy team has been spotted so you know the disposition or position of the enemy team and then decide from there. If you are in a battle with a CV they typically will spot a lot of the enemy team and you'll know this fairly early.

IMO the EU DD's are and can be extremely fun, but yes, if you potato then you will get clobbered (I did this while they were in testing wit...

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Standby for words from the Chief.

"March 24th 1919 USS Idaho (BB42) is commissioned. Idaho serves with the Pacific fleet, participating in gunfire support of the Aleution, Marianas, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa Campaigns, and is in Tokyo Bay on Sept 2nd 1945 when Japan formally surrenders."

Submit a screenshot of a full broadside being fired from any US BB in any game mode (example below) from March 23rd 18:00 UTC (1PM CST) and March 30th 14:00 UTC (8AM CST).

Three randomly selected winners will receive:

7 Days Warships Premium


5x Stars 'n Stripes Camofauge

That is all.




Everything you need to know about the spotting system of a ship, presented in an updated and extended episode! Read it on the portal


¡Todo lo que necesitan saber sobre el sistema de detección de un barco, presentado en un episodio actualizado y extendido! Leer en el portal


Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o sistema de detecção de um navio, apresentado em um episódio atualizado e estendido! Leia no portal


I am actually referring to the load of the client. We give you two options. "Standard" or "Ultra." "Ultra" loads a lot more information onto your PC. But yes, I would lower my graphix settings all the way down and then slowly bump them up to see if there is something that could be doing this before we tackle trying to reload the client. I do know that NVIDIA has had 2 updates in the last week. And the first one had to be patched by a second, it was effecting my FPS in multiple games.


22 Mar


Where did I say it WAS his problem? I never did, furthermore, I was asking for more information in order to figure the issue out.

The first thing I ALWAYS ask is a computers specs. ALWAYS. And as you can see my next question was about which version of the client he has loaded, standard or Ultra.




With current events being what they are in these trying times and so much information being thrown at you from news networks, speeches by officials and social media, we would like to ask you all to keep your posts about the current state of COVID-19 off this forum. In short, people should not be coming to the World of Warships forum for information about the current crisis. To be honest, this forum and World of Warships in general, should be a place to attempt to get away from the hardship and trying times we are in.

If you wish to have a discussion about COVID-19 do so in PM or on your own platforms, such as Discord for example.




In order to receive the end of season rewards such as a tier VI premium ship container you have to complete the personal missions for each test in a season (typically three test cycles).

As shown in the image below it says that, also in order to check to see if you have gotten ANY rewards make sure you hit the "Available Bonuses" button

This is not a change from how we have ever done the test server rewards.





So normally I surf the MISC topic and don't have a problem with most of what is being posted. It is MISC after all, however with current events being what they are in these trying times and so much information being thrown at you from news networks, speeches by officials and social media, we would like to ask you all to keep your posts about the current state of COVID-19 off this public forum. In short, people should not be coming to the World of Warships forum for information about the current crisis. To be honest, this forum and World of Warships in general, should be a place to attempt to get away from the hardship and trying times we are in.

If you wish to have a discussion about COVID-19 do so in PM or on your own platforms, such as Discord for example.




I wish I could add that, unfortunately because the way this campaign works when you purchase the bundle the money goes straight to Stack up, not us. In essence we just get notified of the purchase to add the digital content.


21 Mar


So believe it or not FireControlman means I used to start them... I worked on weapon systems and radars.



Well understand there is such thing a "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" we do have parameters we look for if someone is NOT playing the game in accordance with how they should. Can I talk about those parameters? NO.

We will always have people that don't necessarily understand how to play their ships or the game in general, getting better occurs with time.

If it's someone genuinely throwing their ship away always and not adding anything to a team and we get enough reports with replays and such, measures are taken to coax them to play differently. Again, can't really talk about what those are.

That being said, I have heard people say something about players like that, during a battle and then seen those players be actually above many of the players on their team because quite frankly as humans sometimes just because we don't see something means we think they aren't doing something....




If you see a player such as a CV and you repeatedly see them throw their ship away or not helping the team, you can send me the replay or you can put a ticket with the replay attached.

Please avoid posting screen names in here.




A Captain's hands-on guide to effectively helming the Tier VII U.S. cruiser. Read it on the portal