I do hope you bring back the ability to write a summary for reports. It is certainly missed on PS4.
That is fixed for 8.2 and i believe noted in patch notes already?
I do hope you bring back the ability to write a summary for reports. It is certainly missed on PS4.
That is fixed for 8.2 and i believe noted in patch notes already?
Not trying to disagree with you in any way, and we certainly can do better in regards to these (and are actively working toward it)
But most of what you suggested already exists. I dont think more categories of report is going to help. we should be focusing on making sure people use the report button at all. We still get extremely toxic screenshots sent to us and when players are investigated they have very few reports.
see here: https://smite.gamepedia.com/SMIT...
Read moreI don't recall us ever saying this. I'm not saying you need to prove it or anything, this feedback is still valid. But we didn't ever agree on this internally and don't currently have any plans to add this.
I'll look into it, but some gods (like Ullr or Thor) might be nearly impossible to add these to due to the nature of their techincal setup, and additional animations are unlikely regardless of how we might be able to implement this.
3 Sunders, a Sprint and a Curse where it was Baskin vs Envy was a prophecy and I won't accept no for an answer
better than 10x bumbas tho?
Sunder meta
There is a bug with certain ranks ofthe S7 loading frame that will be fixed in 8.2
You can read about it here: https://smitegame.com/news/goddess-of-the-salt-sea-8-2-update-notes/
in the "Bug Fixes - UI" section
All frames should be properly distributed on 8.2 launch day
this and more PTS notes/fixes coming by the end of the week!
PTS will go up sometime today, usually in afternoon in US Eastern time (1pm to 5pm ish)
Its always the Friday after update notes, this was said on update notes.
The specific time of day depends on how our QA process is going
Very kind of you, but please, direct your love to the SMITE team. Im just a small part of it all.
Huge efforts from people all over our engineering, UI, and art teams! Thanks to them!
It's been an exciting, yet incredibly rough and disappointing week for us. The 8.1 launch has generated a huge amount of hype for SMITE - leading us to break our top record multiple times for Steam players (even beating our Avatar and Cthulhu launches). However, we also had widespread technical issues that prevented a lot of people from playing the game.
We, as a dev team, are all feeling terrible about this. Internally, no one is ignoring it, no one is downplaying it. We have had our top engineers and leads (including Stew, the CEO) in discord nonstop throughout the week monitoring the issues, making adjustments to our systems. We took immediate action and continuous action.
There are a lot of complex technical issues, and we are going to try to explain them best we can from non-technical people to a non-technical audience.
We still have one more set of loading frame fixes to send out. It is a known issue and will be fixed soon. Sorry for the delay but obviously there's a lot going on right now.
We are doing very short maintenance early in the morning (US eastern time) to apply hotfixes that fix bugs and improve server performance.
These maintenances have been very successful for players this week, as the game is looking more stable with each update.
Im sorry that this seems to coincide with your available play hours, but this early morning eastern time is the best time we can do this from Atlanta while affecting the least amount of people we can.
MMR resets only apply to ranked modes, and always have only applied to ranked modes.
Likely what youre feeling is a large influx of returning players
Ajax I swear to the almighty, if I don’t get my gm joust border I’m coming to Alpharetta
we will fix it dont worry!
I’ve enabled it on Xbox and the only thing that ever shows up in the match is it highlights jungle bosses on the mini map late game(tested both on mid and carry). Other than that it provides no other information for the whole match.
Since there wasn’t a demo of it in the patchnotes show I’m not sure what else should be happening but I’m confident it should be doing more.
ok thanks ill have QA and level design check it again
I understand the thought process here, but the concept we have shown is final.
When we remodel gods we keep the general size/shape the same so that theyre still clearly recognizable and match their skins.
We are likely never going to change Sobek in a way like OP is describing. He would look like an entirely different character who happens to also be a humanoid crocodile.
youll need to enable them in the "guides" section of the settings
WOW this is awesome. You always do amazing work but this one just feels like a step up even more.
great job and thank you for sharing!
we see it, we will take a look, thanks! :)