

03 Jun


Originally posted by Malvodion

Not saying you borrowed from this kit, just that someone else must have also had the same idea to bring Guan's ult back before Amaterasu's kit was a thing.

Fair enough, I just had the information on that specific part of your comment so I felt compelled to clarify.

Id have to ask around some more to find out about this kit, I know the team was not satisfied with a few iterations of Nox before they ended up with the current one. You really have unearthed an interesting fossil here lol!

02 Jun


Originally posted by Malvodion

For those who don't know, Nox had to be reworked back in 2015 because her original kit was an absolute mess (how bad you ask? she had an ability that countered her own ultimate). After several tweaks and minor reworks, she eventually got a full rework.

What most people don't know is that before her current kit was finalized, there was a whole other kit that got scrapped and never saw the light of day.

These are all leftover tooltips of that scrapped rework. Her 2nd ability would have been her current 2 (the aoe that silences you if you stand in it).

Edit - Something I forgot to mention: Her ult sounds familiar right? That's because it is Amaterasu's ult, which was originally Guan Yu's ult back when he was a guardian. Nox rework was done in 2015 while Amaterasu was released in 2016. Had this guardian kit come out, Nox would have been the one that brought old guan's ult. back.

I designed Amaterasu's Ult and I have never seen this ability description in my life. I can assure you Ama's Ult was not inspired by Nox in any way, it was 100% only inspired by old Guan and any similarities are pure coincidence. The rest of the team really liked the pitch as a reference to old Guan, so I don't think this Nox kit was intended to look, feel, or reference old Guan.

I also don't know much about this whole nox rework phase, as I hadnt joined the team yet, so I dont have much else to share on it.

30 May


Morgan never really changed core kit direction or thematic direction during development. What OP is describing is a pretty common effect of working with characters with pre-established back stories and themes. Especially ones like Morgan with various different depictions across times and cultures.

Additionally, our community was getting so riled up about trying to discern every god months in advance, leading to a lot of negativity and in-fighting - so we came up with a new feature to preview all of the gods for the upcoming year. This trailer is intended to give just enough information so players can get an idea of who is coming up. It is not intended to convey playstyle or final visual design.

From day 1 on the game design team - we did not want to overdo the illusionist theme with Morgan Le Fay - we wanted her to be able to use a variety of magic types that fit to her themes and backstory.

She was often depicted with a sword, so I wanted her to wield on...

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28 May


Originally posted by CommodorNorrington

Ahh ok thank you. When it is up will it just update like normal or will I have to redownload PTS?

should update like normal

depending on when your steam settings allow updates you might have to manually start the update or reboot steam, but it should be easy


This just means you dont have the right version (which no one does because its not up yet)

You should see an update for it later today, then login with your live information and you should be good to go!


Originally posted by Phretik

I think the difficulty is you don't want to nerf what makes the item great but create a bit of a trade off by buying it. So bluestone for example. Great clear, great damage over time. But it's meant to be a item that makes you more at risk of ganks etc while keeping that damage, it's (meant to be) a high risk aggressive starter item. 20hp5, immediately at the start of the game doesn't make it risky at all. Especially if you're a god like Tyr or Guan who has self heal. So that's what you'd target for balancing.

Thanks for this comment and to many in this comment section! Its amazing to see the community sticking up for the balance team instead of piling on the hate. We have come such a long way with our balance process and community interaction is a HUGE part of that success. Working with players more on balance has resulted in a lot more positive player sentiment and positive game metrics.

Im sorry Duke didnt like the update, but I think the reasoning for all of the changes is sound.

High level players want aggression in the solo lane, but there needs to be a risk to it.

Crit is strong, but its mostly strong because of specific enablers. A lot of people seem to think that we didn't really nerf crit, but we actually hit the primary crit starter - arrow - extremely heavily. The other shifts were related to crit, but more intended to help shake up hunter build diversity and provide a wider variety of balanced/viable options instead of a few standounts.


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So ive shared this data a few times but never hurts to repeat

  • % Pen changes made tanking easier, not harder, and we have observed significant data after both changes to see tanks rising in win% and dropping in deaths after both the magical and physical changes. Previously a huge amount of % pen could be acquired in ONE ITEM - which is significantly easier to fit into a build than having it spread across many items. The fact that there are more than one item with % pen makes it look like its all over the place, but its significantly harder to reach cap pen.

  • Tank boots have been extremely strong for nearly 2 years, pros complain about it to me every day, but a huge amount of players still refuse to build them - i see it in the data still - even after a 4 man gank failed to kill a support in duo with only tank boots built the other week in the SPL. Are you building these? Tanks are stronger than ever in the early-mid

  • Crit - generally c...

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25 May


Originally posted by Sinisterniik

I hope I linked this correctly

This was one of his responses to my post talking about wildly different skills levels in my games.

It sounds like OPs play group should be using the report button more.

The conversation was nuanced. I pressed him specifically on this issue for clarification. He was very specific about how to report:

As for reporting -use the "did not play assigned role" option - or use "intentional feeding" or "afk" if they are dying/ignoring fights to a detriment.

I expressed my displeasure with giving someone a ban over being a "bad player", but he didn't respond.

I did not intend to "encourage you to report bad players" And in, fact you should not report people who are trying their best but struggling.

You should report people who are not playing their role, or AFKing, not fighting, spamming taunting following you instead, etc - i said this pretty clearly in one of my responses too.

My main point of all the these lengthy responses to you is - people are inconsistent and going to have bad games - that doesnt mean matchmaking is broken - it also does not mean you should report them either tho.

You seem to be misinterpreting just the very short phrase i used in the very first response to you (sounds like OPs playgroup should use the report button more) - and that was intended just to clarify that you have that option when people arent even trying to play the game, but it sounds like you always thought they were even in some of your more egregious examples? Which i guess is my mistake.

I even looked up multiple g...

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18 May


Originally posted by LongestNameRightHere

I really want them to make a statement, as it's really disrespectful that despite stating that it's available to everyone, we have countless messages from Europe that they do not have it. I can understand why it's not there (probably outside of America in general), but I can't understand why won't they confirm it already.

The button is most likely bugged (so we should not get it after the match), I've had this as well.


this was described here under the "free rewards" section

The rewards are 100% in the control of a 3rd party company who can choose which regions get targetted and which dont. It seems like they are still struggling to get clients for other countries.

The button showing up at end of lobby when no rewards are present will be fixed next patch.

12 May


Alternate timeline + jormungandr bug

will be fixed next update after monstercat

29 Apr


Could you comment here with some Match IDs where you experienced the issue or DM them to me so I can have our team take a look?

23 Apr


Originally posted by Citharae_

Not to be a whiny b*tch Ajax, but my ranked games have been totally busted since this week. I have dropped from High 2300 mmr to 1691 because the players in my lobbies actually said they were either new at ranked or were high Gold low Plat. That shouldn’t be the case in Diamond games. I think something is up with the matchmaker and it’s making a lot of higher Elo players frustrated as heck

Need match IDs plz


Originally posted by Alive-In-Tuscon

Hi Ajax, match ID was 1150707391.

yup i found it from the info you gave me before, ill check up on it. thanks!


Originally posted by Burnt-Toast5001

Honestly good looks for a hi rez employee responding

I replied to another large post about this, We reply quite often...

Every single queue I have looked into so far regarding bad matchmaking was indeed a match that happened in a low pop region at low pop times. essentially - it was the only match option available.

Gonna keep looking tho just in case we find any bugs. We also just increased Normal Conquest queue time from 2m to 3m which seems to have improved MM a lot! so thats cool


This HAS to be a case where these were the only 10 people in queue. Plz share the match ID or the time/date/region so I can double check though.

You're right, it shouldn't exist. But we had to design the system to eventually give you a match, in some regions and at some times you would literally never get to play ranked unless this was the case.

21 Apr


Originally posted by kamicorp

I thank you for your answer and explanation Ajax! However, I must ask, why did some of Hera skins have the voice lines recorded (for 1-3 ability), if they were not going to be used? I managed to hear them in a voice pack video on YT. Isnt it quite sad to let Hera be silent in all of her skins, especially in comparison with other talkative gods.

for design clarity we want to keep nonverbal abilities nonverbal

It was just a mistake that we wrote/recorded them, they were never intended to be used.


Originally posted by Get_Rawur

Brute Minion somehow became invincible in conquest I think something to do with Gilgamesh or Persephone

It died after around 20 seconds for no real reason tbh but it had 1hp remaining and every hit said Immune

Edit: https://twitter.com/PhoenixDive/status/1384549741363613702

Looking into this one, it seems related to Gilgamesh. Thanks!


Originally posted by xCussion

Why is it that we can't search for starter items in the shop? It's so annoying to have to go all the way to the starter items tab and then scroll to look for the starter you want. I already know what I want, let me type the damn thing in and buy it for f**ks sake.

This will be fixed in the next patch and covered on the next update show.


Originally posted by kamicorp

My usual pet peeve to this threads: Gambit Queen and Lilac Bloom Hera are still missing voice lines for basic abilities. Maddame Darkness Nox has default grunts for AA. - I was told all this will be fixed, but still isnt.

Additionally - Fanart Hera and Pixel Danzaburou global emotes do not work properly.

Ah Puch´s zombies are still targeted by jungle camps (at least in siege).

Hera and all of her skins are not intended to have voice lines on ability 1, ability 2, or ability 3.

Hera has nonverbals on her basic attacks and VO Lines on her ult. This should be currently working as intended in the game already.

The nox, ah puch, and emotes issues are bugs we will look into though, thanks!

20 Apr


Originally posted by Educational_Fun1431

Ah I’m on switch too

The team is aware of this issue occurring specifically on Nintendo Switch and is still currently looking into it.