

18 Jan


Originally posted by theladyplague

Thank you! Your artists are so talented and I cant wait to see how she ( whoever that was ) turns out! I am a fan of fashion/character design and did this purely for fun- having so little to go off of made for a great challenge! :)

Thats so nice of you!

Well, you did a great job, and such a great job that reddit might think that this is what we promised them a future god would look like.

So I have to go ahead and make sure people understand that we do not have a large-cloaked-bodiless-head-in-a-globe goddess planned. Even though it is quite a cool idea. Sorry for the disclaimers, keep up the great artwork!


We are glad you all enjoyed the god teaser video so much! I just wanted to let you know that all art pictured in that video is intended to be symbolic, and any god or goddess figures pictured are likely to look quite different in the final version. The goal is to get the major themes across without revealing how they actually look. I wont tell you what gods or goddesses are coming, but our planned characters do not look like this fanart (although it is quite awesome)

15 Jan


oh boy this one again, someone already linked my longer explanation - so feel free to read that - but a quick TLDR

YES - nearly all multiplayer pvp games try to get you to 50% winrate - this is done by dynamically adjusting the difficulty of your matches - you win - your MMR goes up - you get paired with higher MMR players next match

HOWEVER - people often use this term "force 50% winrate" incorrectly in order to justify their negative experiences. We do NOT ever "try to drag you bag down with bad teammates" - if your team has someone underperforming, its likely for normal reasons - theyre having a bad day/game, theyre on a god they dont know well, or possibly the MMR spread of the entire queue was hard to keep closer (but the enemy team should always have a close MMR spread to your team even in that situation)

Your experience is most likely coming from a combination of these features. The game does NOT "want you to win some and lose some" - it only strives...

Read more

14 Jan


Originally posted by yromarcoo

/u/HiRezIsiah /u/HiRezAjax any words on pple not earning viewer points since SWC? i tought viewer points were turned off during the SWC due to a bug and today it would come back.

they are still turned off. we are working on bringing them back asap, but cannot say exactly when that might be

08 Jan


Originally posted by BazingaAce93

I would assume 75% of total HP. They want the ult to still be able to kill, just not one shot people coming out of fountain.



Max Health


Jan 26th


Hun Batz is the reward for 75 wins in S7 - Launching in 8.1 all players who had the wins will get the skin

Janus is the reward for 75 wins in S8 - Launching in 8.1 - you will be able to unlock this skin as soon as you earn 75 wins, which could be as early as 8.1, or as late as the very end of S8 - whenever you get the wins done.

it will be the only skin reward for the entire year of S8 and from now on ranked skins will launch at the START of their season instead of the end.

So another one would launch in 9.1 for 75 wins in S9 to be earned anytime in S9


Originally posted by zferolie

Huh, I thought you were livestreaming, so wasn't expecting a responce so fast haha.

And Ok, I see the point of that list. I am glad they are getting skins, its just Its sad that some gods keep getting lots of skins but others are still so low. I admit, I am a bit biased as an Arachne main, and while I love each of her skins, still sad there are so few. And there are others still low that weren't mentiopned but they did get skins, so I hope they still get some more skins.

I know you don't want to spoil who or when, but it would be nice to know you plan to have other gods to catch up with the others.

And yeah, I know gods like Neith and Nu Wa get skins since they are so popular, and they sell well, and I get that.

She's getting one soon šŸ˜


This was specifically designed in response to a reddit thread that listed these exact gods where people were angry they didnt get a skin.

Its specifically gods who didnt get a skin in S7 - its not really meant to apply to "low skin count gods" as a whole - thats could have been written better on my part

we know the difference.

07 Jan


This fella looks soooooooooo good in game srsly


Janus is NOT being reworked, slight typo in the script.

Its more of a QoL overhaul like Xing Tian, Ne Zha, and Cu Chulainn had a year or so back. Sorry about that!


It means that we will be rotating in a lot more skins for shorter windows of time as we approach the end. This refers only to the 75k skins

Im not sure when this will start, but keep in mind the Viewer Store wont change until 8.2 - so we are 2 months away from the rollover.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Usually the god we choose for this exercise is one we know the community is interested in but not one we immediately plan to use. So no plans for Epona in SMITE yet. Anything can happen tho!


Thanks for posting this, Savvy!

06 Jan


Originally posted by Bozzkurt69

Will we see the map tomorrow?



Originally posted by [deleted]


im using a general term to avoid any spoilers. im not going to confirm anything today :)


This is an older/rougher image to establish more of the "mood" of the map

The assets seen here arent accurate to what the map will look like, specifically, many of the details and landmarks pictured here are NOT in the new map, or had significant visual changes.

This was similar to an image we intended to send out though, and it got mixed up on a few posts. The intended image shows more detail on the big blue fortress.

05 Jan


Originally posted by Deinonychus2012

Yeah I'd reckon it'd be an endeavor. We're up to what, around 115 gods now? But we could pin the final spreadsheet to the top of the subreddit to help settle the debate of which gods are most OP lol!

Danza's stats are interesting. The data seems to suggest that his kit has a bit of a learning curve, but that he can outperform most other gods once it is overcome.

I think itd be less interesting than it sounds. Launching "balanced" new gods is just a hard thing to do for a variety of reasons.

  1. our pushing for unique kits
  2. player perception not always matching actual data
  3. internal testing differing from live testing
  4. game design is more of an art than science

A LOT of gods in SMITE history have just kinda been at the very top or very bottom. And the community can probably tell who was in those slots.

The most interesting might be the gods who fall into point 2. For example: Thoth, Susano, King Arthur all were nearly dead last in win% - but players screamed OP