She does have some slight adjustment to sounds, but most skins are kept closer to base nowadays for clarity reasons.
She is supposed to have a special emote that seems to have a bug, we will be looking into this asap.
She does have some slight adjustment to sounds, but most skins are kept closer to base nowadays for clarity reasons.
She is supposed to have a special emote that seems to have a bug, we will be looking into this asap.
Yes, this was intentionally adjusted because they were too heavily processed and were hard to hear.
Other than the power creep that's happened with some of the recent gods (tiamat/tsuky) the god variety is great. Don't know what this man is spouting off about.
haha yes thank you! And I did do a long writeup on the concept of power creep and we are taking that feedback seriously, so SMITEs gods looking better than ever from my perspective!
Well I'm pretty biased, obviously, but I tend to disagree with the statement: "SMITE's gods lack skill expression"
From every season of SMITE, we have sought to create a diverse roster. This comes from visuals, cultural inspiration, class, role, and gameplay.
Over the years, we have created very few gods that are specifically "simple" or "easy" - And I think we have found a really great balance between kits that are accessible, yet offer a lot of deeper gameplay choices for more experienced players.
I also don't agree at all with the concept that "ability 1 should interact with ability 2" type example you gave for Hera - and I have written an entire article about this before.
Read moreRead moreHey Ajax! Thanks for stopping by. I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that we love to see Hirez interacting with Reddit posts. I appreciate you taking the time to make a lengthy response.
When I first read your response, I was a little slighted and felt like my concerns were being dismissed. My post is about bad matchmaking, and you literally say that it isn't. But on a second reading, I understand what you mean more.
I still think there's a disconnect between what I want to convey and what you took away from it. I've also had some thoughts come together after digesting the huge number of responses to my post. More on that in a moment...
I didn't come as quickly to reply here because what OP is describing is not really a matchmaking issue. Its a player behavior or playerbase culture issue.
In my title post, I mentioned that my teammates are level 140+ and some have Masters loading frames. I bring this up for t...
Thanks for the additional writeup, I'm doing my best to understand player concerns and take steps to solve them, and I'm glad that people are feeling that.
However, even after reading your most recent post, I still feel that you are using the term "matchmaking" incorrectly. Not just in regards to SMITE, but in regards to all multiplayer gaming.
My previous post already explained it, but i'll try to restate the most important parts.
MMR is determined entirely from wins and losses.
Matchmaking only cares about MMR and player level - we look to group players with the same experience and same skill level as closely as possible.
All of these factors you are describing have no direct impact on matchmaking. They could, however, have an indirect on matchmaking.
Higher player levels SHOULD know how to play their role and how to team fight
Higher MMR players SHOULD be able to hit their skil...
If you dont mind can I ask you 2 questions.
1) does ranked conquest affect your casual conquest matchmaking. E.g. my brother doesnt touch casual conquest and plays ranked only and is in high diamond levels. Does this mean high Is likely to get diamond players in casual or is this based in casual performances only?
2) if so, I play in gold 4 and him in diamond 2 When we queue casual together how does the game react. Does it match us with players in between that level?
1) no - they are entirely separate. If your brother only plays ranked, when he switches back to casual he will start by playing against 1500 MMR players
2) its an average - it doesnt use rank - it uses MMR - so if you queue as a 1500 player and a 2000 player - it counts you as 2x 1750 players - and the other 8 players will aim to be close to 1750
Your initial comment pretty much nailed it, so i didnt feel the need to reply right away. So id say your course of action was fine - you didnt say anything outside of normal player logic.
I havent gotten any messages or mentions, but the thread did continue to grow... mostly a place for people to vent it seems. But im not seeing any specific matchmaking information here.
Id still be happy to take a look into OPs history if they send me an IGN/Match ID - but i realize im late to the party so maybe wont get much response.
Thanks! The state of ranked West Coast
6am ranked conquest is going to be low population and can result in this type of match.
Id expect more normal hours to be much better though based on the populations we are seeing for NA-West
Also im not sure exactly how this game works but i do know some balance the matchmaking by giving a squad of 3 or 4 a lower tier players. because being in comms with teammates is far more advantageous than skill level.
If you had a 3 or 4 stack vs a group of solos at even skill level, the familiar group with comms wins every time.
Also Casual is supposed to be a mode to be enjoyed and relax a bit, chat with your friends and try new things out or practise. & Honestly If your not having fun because u and ur friends determine teammates are losing all your games, then MOBAs may not be your thing. Try Arena or Joust or a battle royale.
SMITE does not stack lower MMR players with parties.
The matchmaker will aim to get the entire 10 players within the closest MMR and level of each other as it would for any other match.
This is often complicated when players create parties with wide MMR or level differences within the party, though.
Usually the easiest way to contact me is when i reply in the thread asking for IDs, which I havent done here yet. Thanks for linking the previous post!
I didn't come as quickly to reply here because what OP is describing is not really a matchmaking issue. Its a player behavior or playerbase culture issue.
SMITE matchmaking is built off wins and losses, there is no individual performance factor (for good reason)
SMITE behavior moderation includes lots of auto detection for issues like feeding, afking, refusing to fight, refusing to play role, and similar issues. This is all tracked and included with the report. See here: ...
Read moreShort Answer: it shouldnt
Long Answer:
Seems you already know this, but it can happen if the queue size is really low, or it could be from somewhat rare or unintended bugs. Most of the complaints ive seen regarding this come from the early morning hours, where there are not that many people queueing. But i still like to check and make sure.
If you can provide a match ID, or a smiteguru link to the match, or anything I can look into it and confirm.
Lots of people using this thread to kinda dogpile on SMITE matchmaking, but matchmaking is pretty simple:
The Queue Pops - matchmaker takes the top 10 MMR players in the entire queue - makes that match - then balances the teams by average MMR for those 10 players only - then repeat for players 11-20, 21-30, etc.
If the top 10 happens to include a huge range of MMR (because not enough people are in the queue at that time) - the result can be these type of matches, like OP described, but th...
Read moreIm in cali and the west coast server work great. 50-60 ping. However i seem to be getting placed into the east coast servers for half of my matches.
Half of my matches are at 60 ping, the other half is at 210 ping.
Really wish I could que west coast only
can you provide the match IDs of the high ping matches whenever you get a chance so we can look into it?
those who experienced issues on Wcoast can you reply to me with some match IDs of the matches in question? thanks!
There is currently a bug causing the Ability 2 and Ability 4 to use default visual FX instead of the skins FX. This is not intended and will be fixed as soon as possible.
Yeah I get that too sometimes it just randomly kicks me out of the lobby
can you provide match IDs for the bad matches?
did you have some good west coast games before some bad ones occurred? Or were they all problematic?
Where are you playing from?
Ill be asleep soon but this info will help our team review tomorrow. thanks!
Cant you also add the abbrevations people use for those words to the system? So that it doesnt get send in the first place and those people are instantly getting flagged?
I have no Idea how the system works or if thats possible but if it is possible wouldnt that be the easiest and fastest way to do it?
yes we can, but its a specific text string detection. Meaning that if those letters are part of a normal word, typing the normal word could also get you flagged.
Its a lot harder than it sounds to have a program detect these with no context, while humans see it very obviously. We have a LONG list of dissallowed words/phrases, that is always increasing, but certain things cant be due to the high chance of false positives.
Its absolutely not allowed and we have tech in place to prevent it. If you try to type these words it will not send to anyone, it will instantly flag you for report/investigation, and it will possibly restrict all usage of chat on that account - automatically.
People who are doing this are using special characters, spaces, or other such things to break up the string so that they arent actually typing the slur, but it reads as the slur.
This is an insta perma ban if we receive a report about this, and any reports/screenshots we see of this on social media are taken seriously and investigated quickly - very likely leading to bans.
We are actively looking into more tech to help detect this, but its not an easy concept. We are talking machine learning and more complicated algorithms that would be needed to help detect this on such a massive scale with less false positives.
Isis is now eset... are they re-recording all her voice lines?
Yes we did. It was 2 voice lines.
If we missed any uses of the name please let us know! :)
Edit: i mean there are THREE lines.. lol Yes we had the original actress re-voice the goddesses lines, we will just shorten/keep the Osiris line without the name
if you can share with me some match IDs where you saw this issue occur that would be helpful to us looking into and confirming the issue.
Its possible this is just a visual issue and all TP/MMR is being counted but not displayed properly. But id like to be sure and id need match IDs to do that, thanks!
i got a lot of reports in PMs, thanks everyone! Ill take this to the team now