

04 Aug


Originally posted by VladdyD

Hello Ajax. I can confirm it has not been fixed yet. My MMR was 2k and reset to a flat 1500 today. Won 100 mmr after my first game. 57 on the next game. Im at 1657. Its been about.... 5 hours since the first game

Also interrsting note my Zeus was Plat bordered and i login today and its gold bordered but im on a 4 game win streak with him. So maybe something got errored there too.

can you send to me or reply here with the match ID of the most recent match you have played so i can look into this?


It looks like some sort of database error occurred which had this effect. We now believe that its been fixed. If you could check your MMR or play a ranked match and confirm the issue has been fixed - I would be very appreciative.

MMR was not intended to be reset last night


can you please share match IDs for the problem matches so I can have them investigated?


It looks like some sort of database error occurred which has this effect. We now believe that its been fixed. If you could check your MMR or play a ranked match and confirm the issue has been fixed - I would be very appreciative.

MMR was not intended to be reset last night

01 Aug


Originally posted by LittleIslander

Well, I'll just forward what Ajax said instead of playing telephone.

2 year old comments arent always the most accurate, we have done a lot of work in this regard and are now clearly re-releasing these skins at a specific pace.

That said, i think its still a bit unfair for players to just say - "thanks for this one, now do them all, right now"

Each one does have rigging and animation concerns. Loki has had ability reworks, Hels is a completely different Anim-set no current skin uses. Each one needs to be reconfigured in the engine and database, and priced in our live tools, marketing assets get made. There are extenuating circumstances to bringing these back. Its not like we just copy/paste them out of the recycle bin.

We will continue to keep making them as we can at a similar pace as we do now, as clearly a portion of our dedicated playerbase appreciates them

25 Jul


Reporting players for toxic actions absolutely works. Several Hundred players are banned each week through reporting. Could we still do more with this system? probably, and we are constantly working on the behind the scenes portions of it.

It isnt really practical or wise to do 100% of your player behavior moderation through reporting, as it can be unreliable (lots of players do not report) and it could be abusable if it was too easy to clog up the system through frivolous reports. It also can be a bad idea to overly explain in detail how the system works, as it can help toxic players to work around it. But we do rely on reporting for a solid chunk of our moderation, and every single report helps.

We added a feature back in Season 5 that was a big improvement to the reporting system. Now, when you report a player, we have a system that tracks message spam, non-combat time, afk time, KDA, VGS spam, and etc that multiplies the report. So if you report someone and t...

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13 Jul


Originally posted by Swinepits

Good to know ty

ive just learned its still bugged, will be fixed in bonus or if we do a hotfix. Sorry about that :( - A fix was attempted today but looks like it still had an issue


This should be fixed with today's mid season update

07 Jul


Originally posted by NugNugJuice

This is true but it can if we get enough of people begging for it. Ajax is quite active on this subreddit and maybe sometime down the line we’ll get it.

The chances are slim but there’s no harm in trying!

I am quite active here, and Ive also described a few times why we won't bring this one back.

Medusa's Deathmatch is not a mode we can just rotate in - it has a huge amount of extra rules and features that are required for it to work - specifically this refers to the 3 teams feature.

This affects the game's UI in many ways that are totally unique to this game mode, and won't necessary work if we just turn it back on. Its actually a lot of code implementation work to "bring this back" - any old adventure with a lot of specific extra rules like this are hard to bring back (dungeons, racer, CTF, deathmatch)

Modes that are just "maps" and mostly play like normal SMITE games - are much easier to bring back (classic joust, domination, corrupted arena)

30 Jun


Originally posted by scjithins

HEY THATS ME! Excited to join them as a broadcast producer!

Congrats! Glad to have you on the team!

17 Jun


Stomp! Clap! Stomp Stomp! Clap!

08 Jun


Originally posted by ShyJess

Holy snap I got a response from the man himself! xD

Fair enough. Is there any plans to free up some clan tags at least then? It's nearly impossible to get a good clan tag.

haha and your meme got removed oh no!

not something we have planned right now, no


Originally posted by ShyJess

I know they are planning to add the rewards and stuff later on, but what is the point of joining a clan until then? For a clan tag, if you can get one, since most have already been taken xD

Like, not even clan chat. People just gonna continue using discord.

People are going to continue using Discord either way. LoL just removed their clan system entirely with no intention to replace it, and many other games are following similar processes.

As communications apps are getting so much better, they are sustaining themselves and thriving and easily outcompeting built-in game systems.

The Clan system really isnt intended and shouldnt be intended to be a new communication app. I think its fair for us to admit that we cant provide a better service than discord on top of the entire game itself.

Being able to unite with other players under a clan tag, to show off your community (even if most of that socializing happens in discord) still has a lot of value in our opinion. Thats why we brought it back. We are seeing plenty of people today who are excited to have that aspect returned to them.

Its a free way to customize your in-game identity and form meaningful groups with other players.

In addition, we d...

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Originally posted by AstralEnding

Hi Ajax! Just trying to get a reply just cause

lol wut


Originally posted by hidden_fapping

Didn't expect Ajax to respond!

Thanks for the clarification dude.



Jungle camps have a spawn in animation that takes time, so for some older jungle camps, in order for them to be attacked at 1:00, they actually had to spawn in at 0:57

A common bug was that time wasnt accounted for, so things would "spawn" at 1:00 but not be hittable until 1:03

Newer jungle monsters are able to be attacked during that animation, so this is just clarifying that for the Classic Joust map - all buff monsters will be able to be attacked at the intended time which is 0:00

04 Jun


Originally posted by Wwolverine23

Out of curiosity, what was the scrapped Disco ult like?

its on the list here, if you want to read the official description but tldr: It made enemies play a minigame where they could silence/disarm each other to avoid the damage from her ult


This is a great list!

Even though I designed (and thus scrapped) many abilities on this list - I had definitely forgotten about a few of them until i saw the description.

Ya Terra used to have a Banish and Da Ji essentially had Tyr Fearless combo lol

The most common one i talk about when asked about scrapped abilities is Discordia Ult - interesting but terribly frustrating

Id also like to add that there are many more than in this list, as this requires there to have been game data for them. As we have changed our dev processes over the years, these are harder to get now. As you might notice there arent any gods on here past Season 5 or so. Still a super interesting list tho!

03 Jun


Hello, fellow jousters!

We on the dev team have a strong fondness for the Season 3 map as well, and as was mentioned in Update Notes - we will be looking to bring it back eventually. We cannot reveal exactly when, but its something we definitely plan to do.

However, we are well past the point of "instead" - as used in OP's Title

Classic Joust is going live with Morgan Le Fay in 8.6. The Update is all packaged up and shipped. Its happening. Its likely going to be the default for a few months.

The balance changes to Classic Joust are quite significant, and a lot of the complaints seem to be overlooking them. Many content creators have taken a look at the map and noticed the difference. XP/Gold gain feels way better, turtling is significantly harder.

good lick and have fun in your 3v3s and 1v1s, i might even get matched up against you :)


Originally posted by Malvodion

Not saying you borrowed from this kit, just that someone else must have also had the same idea to bring Guan's ult back before Amaterasu's kit was a thing.

Fair enough, I just had the information on that specific part of your comment so I felt compelled to clarify.

Id have to ask around some more to find out about this kit, I know the team was not satisfied with a few iterations of Nox before they ended up with the current one. You really have unearthed an interesting fossil here lol!