

07 Feb


Originally posted by Melon-Dog

Could you please give some more details about the scimitar tweaks?

Not yet, crush is still tinkering to find a good balance on it. With weapon/balance tweaks, there's often a lot of different approaches we take to try to find a good spot for that weapon. Because of this, I don't usually like saying exactly what that change is since it can quickly become outdated.


Originally posted by Igor369

How hard is actually just reverting the servers to let us choose team again? It is pretty clear the games are way more enjoyable with freedom of team choice, i see no reason not to hotfix it...

We're past the hotfix window - when we release a patch, we have a few weeks that we reserve for fixing any potential issues that rise up. During those weeks, we hold off on adding anything to the development branch, so we can do a quick hotfix and then add next patch's content on top.

We were still monitoring feedback on the team select stuff and we weren't exactly sure what we were doing with it, but after a certain point we had to start introducing content for the next patch. We can't really revert stuff, since that would slow down development for future updates (and we want to get the next map out ASAP).


Originally posted by DiscoVeridisQuo

Add team switching now (hotfix)

Make servers not laggy

Make beartrap ragdoll hitboxes work

We're past the hotfix window, but we are aware of these issues.


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

Bring back team select for brawl, removing this mechanic without implementing an autobalance system was already an awful decision on your team's part, but why does brawl have to be included in this? Smaller modes are the one place where players organically switch the most to ensure balance, now players are much quicker to leave the match because there's no way to balance out team sizes on our own.

There was no need for brawl's team selection change (at least, the community never actually expressed a need for it in any real capacity) and promising an autobalance system that may or may not arrive at some vague point in the future doesn't really inspire confidence, considering how infrequent content updates have become since launch.

Seriously though, was stacking in Frontline and Invasion THAT much of a problem? I've only rarely noticed clans stacking and I don't think every player should be barred from team choice because a bunch of romans or croosaders or whatever w...

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We're aware of issues with this, and we're looking to remedy the wonkiness that team select removal has caused.

03 Feb


Originally posted by MrSquakie

What I would have said has been said by others. I just have some questions for your beautiful self Jax:

1 - Why hasn't the team balance discussion been acknowledged by anyone? If there is a new system in the works thats cool, but the main sentiment from the community is that we would like some more transparency.

2 - Has there been discussions of dev logs to help the overall community opinion? It really is more of a PR thing than anything else.

3 - Dataminers have confirmed some female models already in game with floating eyes, is the main set back just the voice acting?

4 - When can we expect the second part of the eastern invasion update?

Love yall, thanks <3

  1. We've acknowledged it a bunch - past few posts have said that we're aware it's not popular, and we're looking to fix it. I'll try to be more clear about this going forwards, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  2. Yeah, the issue for us is that since we don't have a ton of content always coming out, when we show stuff off it will release ~ 6 months later. We've done one dev stream and it ended up having more of a negative effect in the long term.
  3. The floating eyes female models are from ~2018, they were an extremely early proof of concept that we didn't develop further. The new models, voices, etc. haven't been developed yet; there's been a little work, but the main priorities for the artists has been on maps.
  4. The main priority for the second part of EI is the map Arid, which is kind of an all-hands-on deck thing right now; it's our main focus as we need it to actually release the update. As for when, it's hard to say - but we'll try to keep everyone in the...
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01 Feb


Hey everyone,

You know the drill - we're happy to answer any questions you might have, and if you've got any feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. we'd love to hear them; they're incredibly helpful for us to work better and develop the game in line for what you all want to play. Please keep things civil and be constructive, thanks!

In terms of a general overview, this week was a little slower; a few people were out sick due to COVID, but they're doing alright. That being said, progress is still marching on at a steady pace with Arid, a new Armory (with folders), as well as additional content as our main development priorities.

As for our meeting notes:

  • For some longer term stuff, we're still working on console releases - we have a developer who's main role is to work on that, so it's not affecting other progress.
  • Work continues on mod quality of life improvements, as well as some small tweaks to admin tools.
  • Crush has been doi...
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Originally posted by UrMumGai

I and others would love VC in the game cus of the stupidness of this community. Reminds me a lot of TF2. Though, it should be turned off by default and there should be an easy way to mute / report. Is VC ever going to be considered? I know modded servers will add it sooner or later.

We're not considering VOIP, unfortunately the amount of abuse with it would be astronomical.


Originally posted by not_consistent

This game is sturdy. Ded gaem? Nah. Content drought? So? Toxic playerbase? Not really if you can hang. "Animation abuse"? Well there's a heated debate about that but here we are.

Not to mention this game carries the spirit of pre live service multiplayer gaming and its absolutely glorious.

we're the toyota hilux of games - not the prettiest, but we keep on trucking


Originally posted by Defter343

Could we please get loadout folders

Planned for next patch!


Originally posted by aquilaPUR

Can you spill some numbers on the DLC cosmetics? Are they well received and brought in some revenue? I got both and would absolutely buy more of this stuff (in reasonable quantities) to support you guys

Can't say numbers, but seems like people have been pretty cool about it. I'd like to think they're a pretty good value and seeing as they're coming alongside other free content, seems like a win-win.


Originally posted by Doom454

Do you have any plans to review the current state of engineers?

The new spawn point system is a great adjustment to the class, however it can become very powerful, especially with multiple engineers. It gets to the point where invasion matches can get locked down in simply trying to root out spawns. There's effectively no cooldown on building them other than the cost, so engineers can instantly rebuild spawns provided they're near a resupply chest or they themselves have respawned.

I say all this as someone who has been actively using them, especially on offense. They auto-build quickly, and often I can just drop one somewhere inconspicuous, rush off, die, respawn at my point, and build one a little closer each time. I'm regularly ousting top players on my team (score wise) just from the sheer # of people using my spawnpoints.

There are quite a few maps where the map spawns are distanced enough from the objective for defense (or offense) that it seems it was...

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We're aware of some balance issues with them, and we're looking at ways to make them a bit less insane :)


Originally posted by GayDadExplosion

Big fan of the emotes, in combination with the voicelines they're great for communication. Honestly I doubt the game would be as popular without them.

Is there any intent to make the emote menu consistent across loadouts? When I have a shield equipped I very often dance when I intend to cheer, as I'm used to xx1 being cheer.

Yeah, we've talked about this a few times - it's on our ever-growing list of things we gotta do :D


Originally posted by philihp

Good day to you! Please consider the perks mentioned in this thread for future perk additions. Thank you!

They sound fun, but most of them seem unbalanced or not viable due to technical reasons :(


Originally posted by Carbs_are_the_devil

scimitar nerf when

We've been monitoring feedback on the scimitar for a while now, we're aware of the community's opinion on it. We'll see what happens with the next update.


Originally posted by OnlyDerpa


We plan on some tutorial rework stuff, plus training scenarios. It's not the #1 priority (next part of the EI update is) but we plan on getting some improvements at some point in the future.


Originally posted by venomtail

Hope you rework objectives on Noria. They're overwhelmingly placed in favour of the invaders.

  • The water wheels are closer to attackers spawns than defender spawns. Even worse, they can be hit from the other side of the river by attackers.
  • The shops in the marker have torch spawns right next to them. What happened to having to defend the torch carrier like on Mountain Peak and gunpowder carrier like on Camp?
  • Catapults instantly save objective progress when held down. There needs to be a windup like on the gate bash at Mountain Peak, or how payload gamemodes in other games have a short start up perdiod before payload starts moving again.
  • Defending the nobles is too far spread out for the defenders. This makes defenders not even attempt to defend the furthest 2 rooms in the corners, only defending the main one in the middle. Could at least give defenders a chance at repairing ...
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This is great feedback, thanks a ton. I'll bring it up tomorrow!


Originally posted by Sharps__

When can we load cabbage into the catapult?

ah yes the most important priority for the team to develop


Originally posted by dduem

Hi, I am an actor in NY who also loves this game on some free time. How do I audition for the voice acting? Legit, I would love to send something your way.

Shoot me a DM on discord - Jax#0553 - and I'll see if we can work something out :)

31 Jan


I don't get the tactics in a 1 v 1. If I parry, they seem to be able to queue up attacks and I never get a swing back. If I attack, they parry and somehow hit me first on the return.

Seems like you're not activating the riposte window - when you parry, you get a sped-up attack as long as you input the attack quickly enough. Once their weapon hits your parry, input and they won't be able to hit you first.

Also, chambering is kinda cool and it has some uses, but the people that tell you that chambering is the best thing ever are straight up wrong; the "optimal" defense is to have giga brain reaction times and hard read every attack to see if it's a feint or not. That's virtually impossible, so if you panic a bit you can use chambers to kind of get around reading an attack a little, but the stam drain and timing does make it a little difficult to learn.

Overall, just keep playing - don't expect to be god tier yet, but if you keep putt...

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29 Jan