Do you have any plans to review the current state of engineers?
The new spawn point system is a great adjustment to the class, however it can become very powerful, especially with multiple engineers. It gets to the point where invasion matches can get locked down in simply trying to root out spawns. There's effectively no cooldown on building them other than the cost, so engineers can instantly rebuild spawns provided they're near a resupply chest or they themselves have respawned.
I say all this as someone who has been actively using them, especially on offense. They auto-build quickly, and often I can just drop one somewhere inconspicuous, rush off, die, respawn at my point, and build one a little closer each time. I'm regularly ousting top players on my team (score wise) just from the sheer # of people using my spawnpoints.
There are quite a few maps where the map spawns are distanced enough from the objective for defense (or offense) that it seems it was...