

15 Jun


Originally posted by SpunkGargleWee

I'd love a toggle that allows you to hear your own character's low stamina heavy breathing for immersive purposes and to appreciate the voice acting

Hmm, could be interesting. - I'll make sure to bring this up, although it might be a pretty low-priority thing.

12 Jun


please pm me on how to do this so we can patch it, we don't want ballista shots coming from the underworld lol


Originally posted by majubass

Do you remember the name of the player? Because there are players that do shit like this (I personally have seen players named Goku and Violet doing it several times) - they play the attackers all game long and in the king phase they switch teams and chain beartrap the king (that is now on their team). They do the same with catas for example - if the enemy has the cata and is doing well with it they will switch the team to spawn near cata and destroy it and switch back to their original team afterwards. This is really anti-fun exploiting of the team switch and I recommend the team of such player to votekick said player after he is spotted doing such shit as it kinda ruins the experience for the players being king/ playing cata.

If you can report them to a mod on our discord - discord.gg/mordhau - and include the player's ids (type 'playerlist' into the console) we will happily ban them from officials for a while.

(We're also adding in-game reporting soon, starting with chat toxicity/racism)


Originally posted by BUTWHOWASBOW

Still don't understand the lack of thought that goes into some-things. Just make commanders stagger when standing in friendly traps instead of falling. That would prevent more extreme trolling while also making sure commanders can't just ignore them.

It seems like a really stupid oversight on our end, but there are hundreds of little random things we have to account for. Sometimes, we just don't think of all the possibilities that can occur and some issues slip through.


We've removed ragdoll on nobles from friendly beartraps - fixed internally, will be in the next update.

10 Jun


It's fixed internally, coming with our next update. :)

08 Jun



As always, we're happy to hear any feedback, concerns, criticisms, etc. that you all have! This week, we were focused on ongoing development, with a focus on optimization, map development and tech updates. You can read some of our meeting notes below:

  • Ambiance sounds have been created for The Pit.
  • We've also done an initial test of adding sound triggers for people approaching from behind/the side of the player.
  • A bit of SDK work is continuing, general networking development and some other misc. fixes and tweaks.
  • We're looking to tone down the catapult - at the moment it's a Mordhau drone strike - there's no risk in using it. What we're looking at doing is a reduction in range but an increase in movement speed, and also adding some restrictions on where you can use the catapult from. Having a catapult kill your entire team from inside a spawn protection zone isn't a good gameplay loop, and so that's what we're looking to fix....
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Originally posted by payl0ad

Can we please get some basic Global Illumination (with or without RTX acceleration) at some point in time? Low priority of course.

Proper lighting is a huge immersion factor. I didn't think it would have a huge impact before actually trying GI with infinite bounces (Metro Exodus in my case) but I have been wrong and changed my mind.

Reflections are negligible in Mordhau. But GI would be so super sweet to have.

GI is super dope but also kinda ruins performance. In a game like Mordhau, it's not that huge of a deal, what we care about is maximum FPS so you can actually read attacks and fight people. It's not entirely out of the question, but I'm not sure if it's a priority at the moment.


Originally posted by jrubolt

Please fix the bug with dying to a bear trap whilst on a ladder that prevents you from respawning. And fix resupplying ammo with the mule perk when item is in 4th slot.

if you can reproduce this bug, please let us know - we'll fix it!


Originally posted by BurgerKid

What could we actually expect from such an engine upgrade. I could imagine things like the weather and possibly some nvidia support features. But what are some nitty gritty features and tools available with the new engine. Like what’s a specific change that makes this upgrade significant for us as a user and what would it look like

Mostly, the engine upgrade will just let us work more efficiently. I'm not sure what your knowledge is on game dev stuff, so apologies if this is a bit basic:

An engine is pretty much like a tool belt for making games. You've got your hammer, saw, screwdriver etc. but just having those tools doesn't make anything, they're just tools. We use those tools to make Mordhau, and with the engine update we're now getting more tools that are more useful. The engine update doesn't exactly = more stuff, but what it does mean is that we will have more options and more efficient development going forwards.


Originally posted by VoevodaGorbunov

Oh, severing two limbs in one blow, super! And they said that the engine does not allow)

But it would be nice if this was only possible with heavy two-handed weapons.
Oh yes - will the body be (transversely) cut in half?

the engine didn't allow, now we're making it allow 🤔

we aren't doing splitting-in-two gore though, because it's a bit absurd and the armor isn't set up for that sort of gore.


Originally posted by proteinexe

Is there any timeframe to which we can expect this update? I feel like being in limbo with no dates is really demoralising, having (even a general) date which we can look forward would be enough to hook players back in, rather than a sudden ‘on the day’ release.

We can't really give dates at the moment, but we're trying to be as transparent as possible!


Originally posted by Lefty_Gamer

Sorry it isn't any specific reference images, been busy taking care of a sick post-surgery mom, but these sites, if the art team isn't already using them of course, have a bunch of awesome and useful visual resources that I've looked at for most of my prior suggestions. Dev snippets of cosmetics and map changes would be appreciated. I'm really eager to see how the redone maps and objectives work now in action rather than a little description. Love the game and thanks for it and the hard work you guys put into it as always. Just some other new suggestions from what I've seen and what you should be able to find, would be Phrygian style Nasal Helmets(Conic Facemask with a nasal bar instead of a faceplate), and mail sabatons with plates strapped over the top which served as precursors to full plate sabatons. Also little pet peeve of mine, but can we get a Brigandine with mail underneath/backing rather than the current one with cloth/padding like the newest coats of plates? It looks we...

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Wishing your mom a speedy recovery! <3
Thanks for the references.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Jbard808

Any one of those 15 cosmetics... surcoats?

Those are coming with the Eastern Invasion update, not this upcoming one. It's annoying that we're holding out on some specific content, but it will be worth it to have it all bundled into a specific theme. In the meantime, we'll still be adding content so everyone has new toys to play with :)


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

When are you guys planning on releasing the next update? like 4 months or a bit less?

Also can we get a sneak peek on that Chad armor ;)

And you guys are doing great work, keep it up!

Next update won't be too long, it's just another tech update with the engine upgrade. After that we'll be fully focused on the desert maps, etc. so that should be our main priority going forwards.

The super chad armor will be revealed before the update it's added in for ;)


Originally posted by Coom-guy

Can't wait. Please do some snippets. Also we need pauldrons like the footman pauldrons but in the shape of brigandine spaulders. Btw why does burgundian cuirass rivets change colour to team colour? please is it possible to fix?

We're adding some more arm/shoulder cosmetics soon :)

As for the second bit, yeah we can fix that. I'll take a note of it 👍


Originally posted by soobidoobi

It would be nice if you guys actually showed off some stuff.

We're planning (most likely) on another dev stream before the next update, and we'll show off quite a few upcoming cosmetics, the new animations we're adding, etc.

01 Jun


Hey all!
As usual, please let us know your thoughts, feedback, suggestions, comments or constructive critiques! This information is incredibly useful for us continuing development, and we'd like to be able to develop the game to make it more fun for you all :) Please keep things respectful in the comments, and avoid low-effort posts. Thanks a ton!
This week's meeting notes:

  • About 15ish or so cosmetics have been created which we'll be adding in with the next update - they're not themed items, but just some nice pieces we think you all will like.
  • The armory overhaul will not be in the next update, as the engine upgrade is the priority to fix quite a few bugs and issues - the engine update is actually going a lot faster than we planned, so we're going to patch that first and release the armory overhaul after.
  • Mountain peak is being opened up a little past the castle wall, since it was a bit cramped and awkward before. The new play ar...
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Originally posted by PacJeans

Will there be an option to toggle weapon modes on spawn in the armory? It would be a nice quality of life change to not have to hit R everytime I use the war hammer or spear.

we're thinking of making the game remember the last mode you used a weapon in, so you'll have to flip it once but after that you'll respawn with it automatically in that mode