Rather than making Ironman-only versions of the boss chambers, could you do it for the god encampments? So when an Ironman opens the door for bandos, jumps the bridge at zammy, grapples the gap at Arma, or goes down the second rope at sara, they are put in the Ironman-only version. This means they'd be able to see who is in the boss room from outside rather than seeing a main inside and needing to peek and see if an ironman is inside like the current version seems to suggest. The peek option could still be there too, but it would be helpful to see the room the player would be entering.
As for the unnamed offhand, I picture it being bigger than a Defender (Parrying Dagger) so perhaps a shortsword like a Gladius? Anyway, I am still concerned about this one. There are two potential issues. The first is that it starts pretty strong with +15 for easy, which is hard to judge without knowing how early game it will end up being but it could be quite strong. The second is that Pures...