Yeah, straight up, if you disagree with this change, you're either one of the aforementioned ironman haters or don't actually understand the problem. Getting BIS melee on an ironman is de facto impossible because a level 3 bot going into the room with you and immediately dying crashes an ironman. Plus, the gear also gates a lot of content. Tbh this might make me play the game again because now I know I won't hit a wall in a few months where I can't advance at all.
You can argue that ironman get catered to a bit too much with stuff like giant seaweed and the sandstone quarry, but this isn't that kind of change. I'd also argue that those kind of changes are just fixing skills that were never designed to be trained with no trading, but that's not really relevant here.
/u/JagexAyiza , I would strongly consider implementing it in a way that you can actually see the room before entering rather than having to peek the room to see if it's free. I...