

23 Nov


Originally posted by phalec

Ayiza this update was supposed to help address concerns for Ironmen, correct? So it makes 0 sense to lock 99.999% of HCIM out of it. Multi combat is fundamentally broken for accounts that risk so much. It's not a "high" entry fee, it is a complete barrier to entry for these accounts. Most UIMS won't use it either.

Even if Ecu keys were 100% drops this would still make it worthless for 2/3 ironman modes.

I've definitely noted this feedback as many others have said the same thing. Thank you!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is that a problem? I think the Myths Cape is currently only really used with crush weapons (and mostly for DWH specs) and there doesn't seem to be a problem with that? Just trying to understand your point a bit more :)


Originally posted by Thanorpheus

but there is a clear gap in melee accuracy for the offhand slot

But why do you not consider Defenders to fill this?

Oh I completely do agree Defenders already fill this, but does that mean something else can't fill a niche and be better in some places vs vs always being best everywhere?


Originally posted by globety1

I think some of the rewards need to be rebalanced, but overall happy

  • Why do people get teleports, even just 3, to the Godwards Dungeon upon completing just the easy combat diary while it takes completion of the ELITE diary to get to Mor-Ul-Rek, arguably an easier place to reach with a fairy ring next to it?
  • Offhand melee weapon seems a bit weird considering we already have defenders, no love for range/magic?
  • Scaling on the requirements for the achievements is kinda weird too. Medium requires Monkey Madness 2? Elite requires Song of the Elves, which is only slightly harder than MM2 and DS2? The easy achievement requires 60+ combat and 50 slayer to access even though current easy diaries require usually only about lvl 20 or below in most stats? I think the easy combat achievements could be a bit more accessible, especially with 6 tiers.

I think the thought behind the teleports is most players will be wanting to face against the likes of GWD bosses, so it makes sense to make those teleports more accessible vs a teleport to the inferno. They're just meant to be nice additions for getting to those particular bosses. The requirements, or locations are all subject to change based on feedback.

I hear you about the range/magic offhand as an alternative, but there is a clear gap in melee accuracy for the offhand slot which is why we suggested this. There has been a fair few ranged and mage offhand recently whereas the defender has just always stayed a staple for 1h melee.Again, it can be something entirely different if it doesn't seem fitting.

The requirements are more of a "this is what kind of level we'd expect people to be at to complete these tasks" rather than a strict requirement.


Seeing the majority of feedback is surrounding the GWD instances and their cost so I'll use this thread to keep everything regarding that in one place.

  • I don't think it needs clarifying but I'll do it anyway. The idea for this as a reward was actually decided way before the Trailblazer league started, and isn't a result of the recent feedback we've been having now many of you have experienced the issues with overcrowding and crashing there.

  • The cost to entry is high, but we'd rather propose something too high and scale it back based on feedback rather than the other way around. Open to your suggestions here on what seems fitting.

  • Lots of talk around removing the Ecumenical key requirement. We hear you. I assume even with the increased drop rate as you complete the tiers you still think its too much?

22 Nov


Originally posted by Lolcatfiretruck

/u/JagexAyiza any chance you could look into this? You actually reply to tags and seem to appreciate the community.

Hey, I've been pretty much focused on getting comms out for updates and writing blogs for upcoming content we'd like to poll so I'm not entirely up to speed with everything we have in the works right now but if Sween has said its something he'd like to resolve, then I can assure you it's still the case!

I'll see if there's anything we can share in the near future.


You'll be seeing a new blog for the Fishing skill boss before the end of this year :)

21 Nov


I'll bring this up with the team when we're all back in the virtual office on Monday.

I would assume because it's technically a bug to allow the Relic to teleport past 30 Wilderness, it was fixed to no longer work that way. Honestly it seems pretty harmless leaving it how it was to me, especially giving how far in we are now... and we should have absolutely communicated such a change.

Sorry it'll take a few days but please leave it with me.

EDIT (Monday 23rd at ~17:30 GMT): It's looking likely that we'll be reverting the silent hotfix with this week's game update. Thank you for your patience whilst I raised your concerns with the team.

20 Nov


Here's my current Barrows collection

on my HCIM :)

It's fine, I'm not upset. I don't want Ahrim's anyway :)

19 Nov


Originally posted by Astatos159

I already unlocked the relic. They we're all freshly opened from boxes I collected beforehand.

Edit: Welcome back =)

Thanks, I've let the team know and they're currently investigating. I'll reply here when I know more!


We saw a report of this a moment ago and the team are currently investigating the cause. I'll reply here when I know more!

Edit: A comment from Husky "This should now be fixed for everyone, if you had the treasure seeker relic unlocked you should no longer be getting clues longer than the minimum amount.

We apologise for any inconveniences caused by this.

If however you are (for example) currently on step 5 of a hard clue you will still need to complete just one more step to get your reward unfortunately"


Thanks for raising this. Did you get this clue before selecting Treasure Seeker or did you already unlock that Relic and then complete the 4 steps?

Edit: Please see Husky's comment - this should now be resolved


Originally posted by D2agonSlayer

Honestly the biggest shock was when I realised how long it had been since you left... I swear I "just came back to Runescape after a long break" and now I've been playing OSRS (albeit with some breaks) for longer than any stint in any other version of the game since I first played it in the school library in 2001/2.

Ah an absolute classic. You take a long break and realise you can never truly quit this game :D But yeah it's crazy to think it was almost 2 years ago now... Feels like yesterday I was still in the office with the team! It's a bit different now with everything being virtual, but it feels so good to be back.

Hope you're enjoying your time playing!

18 Nov


Originally posted by _Ross-

Wait, Ayiza is back? MY MAN.

Hello :)


Originally posted by Snape_Grass

Is there any plans to fix the "collect resources from kingdom with 100% favour" task?

It seems to only proc for certain players. I have been at 100% favour everyday and collecting and nothing happens u/JagexAyiza

I believe this should be fixed in next week's game update, sorry for the time it's taken!


Originally posted by sirkms

If I could get a kiss/crying emote next to me in game we would be square no cap

Meet me at the G.E, you pick the world. I'll be on my personal account but it's the least I can do.


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

'least impactful'.

You mean the one that'll help the content creators and their followers more? Let's be real. Jagex stuck to their guns until streamers started complaining on their streams about clues a week ago.

This basically negates ANY reason for taking TS and if we hadn't been told time and time again by mods that NOTHING would change and completely lied to, I would never have even considered taking TS over the now vastly superior US.

Jagex gave the Slayer Relic a clue buff. Why can't they give the Clue Relic a slayer buff? Literally give everyone with TS a 1:25 chance of spawning a superior on task and you would have ZERO complaints from anyone.

As it stands, even getting 200Mil Slayer XP with the TS relic won't get us 50 superiors killed task. That's broken and should be fixed as much as clues.

I actually haven't had chance to catch many streams since the League released, but I can appreciate why you'd think that way. We've spent a lot of time gathering feedback from multiple sources to validate if a change needs to be made, which is why we've been so focused on talking about it with you all.

A lot of things could have been done differently this League, our stance on clues being one of them. All I can do is apologise to all of the TS users that feel they've pulled the short straw with this. We will do better for the next League, especially regarding Relic imbalance.