

03 Dec


Originally posted by AndreaBubbles

Could be a nice update yeah.
Will UIM's be able to take out fish at the bank too?

I forgot to add the UIM questions back into this blog, I'll get them put back in tomorrow!


Originally posted by RekNepZ

If you're adding a new town to the desert, maybe perhaps there should also be a small quest added to compliment it? I find quests to be one of the best ways to make new areas feel less stale.

I really love when we add small quests to introduce new areas. I'll ask to see if there is any scope to do something similar here!


Originally posted by Jamflex_CEO

Desert potentially getting content. Big if true!

I wonder what else we could do in the Desert... Maybe some of the NPCs around the new ruins might have something to say...


Originally posted by BigUpYourChest

Oh, as in the use of "increased" and going from a bigger fraction to a smaller one? yeah fair enough.

Yeah reading your comments about this now makes complete sense how that can be worded better. I think I'll just change it tomorrow to say "the rate of obtaining the Angler's Outfit would be changed from 1/8 to 1/12" to avoid any further confusion.

Thanks for educating me!


Originally posted by bknight2

Its not a safe death. Its no death. You don’t take damage

As /u/bknight2 said, there isn't any actual damage dealt to you during the Tempoross encounter so it'd be pretty darn hard to die there. The blog kind of covers why we decided this was best, but essentially looking at unique mechanics rather than having to focus on eating food seemed like a better design choice.


Originally posted by Mount10Lion

Rewards should compliment traditional Fishing.

Which rewards are going around and saying nice things about fishing?



Originally posted by Bucksbanana

Ahh yes the infamous budget wintertodt

Have you read the blog and still think that's the case or are we just memeing?

02 Dec


Originally posted by Future_Cake

Dang, I change settings FREQUENTLY as part of disability issues (1 vs 2 mouse buttons, zooming in/out on graphics with the settings bar, House settings) and this will damage my gameplay to open and navigate a big-ass multi-tiered menu every time instead of each one being easily right at hand :/

I'll raise this with the team and see if there are any plans for additional support to help with this. Thanks for raising it and apologies the new interface is going to negatively impact your gameplay, that definitely isn't the intention!


Originally posted by KyleStanley3

I haven't been on in a while, do you still do a Q&A on Wednesdays?

They're on a Thursday now instead :)


Happy birthday :D Awesome cake, its 9am and I'm hungry for cake now!!

27 Nov


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Rather than making Ironman-only versions of the boss chambers, could you do it for the god encampments? So when an Ironman opens the door for bandos, jumps the bridge at zammy, grapples the gap at Arma, or goes down the second rope at sara, they are put in the Ironman-only version. This means they'd be able to see who is in the boss room from outside rather than seeing a main inside and needing to peek and see if an ironman is inside like the current version seems to suggest. The peek option could still be there too, but it would be helpful to see the room the player would be entering.

As for the unnamed offhand, I picture it being bigger than a Defender (Parrying Dagger) so perhaps a shortsword like a Gladius? Anyway, I am still concerned about this one. There are two potential issues. The first is that it starts pretty strong with +15 for easy, which is hard to judge without knowing how early game it will end up being but it could be quite strong. The second is that Pures...

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I just wanted to apologise for never properly replying to your comments and let you know the main reason behind it is because a lot of what you say is just basically on point that I can't add much other than say thank you! Please keep providing feedback in the way you do, it's really really helpful and I appreciate it a lot :)


Originally posted by afkw11

Very nice updates! So when do you guys think this will be done?

Good question and one I can't answer right away, but likely the changes will start being developed once the poll has ended next week :)


Originally posted by Tabarrok

Theres a little typo in the update saying offfhand, while we re at it

Good spot thank you, I've fixed that now!


Originally posted by Nodedotsj

How about listening to pkers next? All you do is avoid avoid avoid after jeddy boy went on the lam. We will never see any updates.

I can't share much at the moment but I'm hopeful that PvP will be a big focus of mine for 2021


Originally posted by xSoles

Hugely appreciate that you listened to the iron community. Couldn’t have asked for better changes, I think this is the best game for player-developer communication out there.

You may stand alone in-game, but we work together regardless <3

And I fully agree! It's a big reason why I wanted to work here in the first place :)


Originally posted by vehirongaming

Upon completion of the respective Cobmat Achievements tier, you would be rewarded your first offhand for free. Should you wish to obtain multiple of these, or reclaim one that was lost in combat, there would be a small fee to pay.

What is these cobmat achievments?

A new secret update tied to my inability to spell


Originally posted by Trencha

The section on the accuracy based offhand looks like it's only been partially updated. It says "In PvP death this would convert to" but doesn't say what it converts to.

I did a bad copy/paste and missed it off, but I've updated it now. Thanks for raising!


Originally posted by RoseofThorns

Page is showing as unavailable for me :/

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