Makes for an interesting time trying to make feedback changes that's for sure
Makes for an interesting time trying to make feedback changes that's for sure
Read moreHonest answer?
Elo system. This game NEEDS it. I saw it on the roadmap somewhere or we it's called and it's absolutely crucial to integrate into the game.
Leaderboards, competitive 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, clan v clan. It's all dependant on a proper elo system. Monthly elo leaderboards and top 1000 get progressive rewards or something like that. Clans to capture territories that accumulate resources like kingdom does. Something for everyone.
Barrier of entry would be much lower when you'd be way more often paired against people of similar skill level. I have years and thousands of hours in this game, I was great at 05-06 pvp and it was a lot of fun, came back in 2018. A month ago or so I tried lms and beat maybe one or two actual players in first 2 hours. It just isn't fun at all when you get your face bashed in again and again and again. And all this skill, rewards, mechanics and training aside, no one wants to do something that's simply not fun (insert runecrafting ...
I agree. It's something I designed and pitched as part of my initial interview back in 2017! The Colleseum is what I called it, placed within Varlamore :)
Ayiza, We can’t handle anymore “trying” and “next year” stuff please... it’s just frankly unbelievable at this point.
And not that I even WANT to feel that way, because it’s absolutely the latter.
I'm sorry but it's literally the best I can do and say right now. I joined the team late in the year when the content plans were already set. Going into 2021 we already have a dedicated slot in the development schedule for Wilderness changes, which was mentioned in the Gazette, and I'm expecting to be finished with the poll blogs for this year sometime next week. Once that happens I'll have a chance to actually get stuck in and start getting feedback on changes again - we already have a list of things we want to try and tackle early next year, it just requires getting more information and that's where I will hopefully come in :)
I replied on Twitter about this but as some of you might not see it, I'll share my reply here too:
Some fair points raised here. I personally would love to see "quick fix" suggestions that don't just revolve around enticing non-PvP minded players into the Wilderness. I get the whole risk vs reward and it being a choice, but I don't think its the best way to try fix PvP.
I'd also love to see something like Bounty Hunter come back. PvP in general has always been a passion of mine even though I don't partake in it. I do want to try and get it sorted next year, truly.
Have you thought about locking it behind something? It kind of devalues camulet and especially the hard desert diary which gives you the ability to teleport outside the cave.
Do you think it devalues it that much given you'd need to get to Al Kharid first and take a boat from there first? I believe the rowboats will be near the bank.
I really think the damage buff % should be 50 and not 20...even with 50% the water spells will hit less than fire, sadly don't think the Tome will be used anywhere on normal spellbook
The Tome of Water isn't intended to make Water spells better than the damage of Fire spells. Fire spells are much higher level than Water spells so wouldn't it be kind of wrong for them to suddenly be higher damage even when the Tome of Fire is equipped?
i think challenge mode should be an unlock after a certain amount of kills, where you get an untradeable item you can show to someone and then they let you fight the boss solo in an instance with better drop chances on uniques and more fish. as for how to actually make it harder, i think the easiest way to do so is by making things actually deal damage to you
We've had some really interesting ideas sent our way and Mod Squid has started his own design too. Definite potential for it!
Ayiza what is the transport sign on the port?
It's for ferrying to and from the rowboats in Al Kharid :)
Link doesn't work :(
Edit: works now. Not sure why it wasn't directing me properly earlier. Thank you for the help :)
It seems okay for me, but try this one just in case
See the changelog for the recent edits that have been made. Hopefully that covers much of what was raised since the first blog was released :)
I know there was a lot of support for a quest to introduce Tempoross but we're not in a position to include this with the poll (we'd need to design it!) so if anyone was wondering, we're definitely in favour of it, but don't want to delay the potential dev time we could spend on Tempoross should it pass!
Wow, can't believe he has time for OSRS. Didn't expect him to be so involved with a clan either!
Excited for the Wilderness boss rework! I really hope the project is given the time and effort it deserves
I think it'll be a project I try and fight the other CM's to take lead on :)
It might be "just a beta" but it still feels very bad from a player perspective that i have to pay to a different subscription to be able to play on a beta world.
I completely get why players might be annoyed at this. The Gazette does touch on how we're just experimenting with different partnership opportunities and we want to make sure you're happy with what we're doing. If it doesn't work out, I doubt we'd do it again!
Bruh. You have got to understand by now how this looks to us. All of these points have been "worked on" for literal years now, and they are the worst they have ever been
Oh believe me when I say I understand. I see the same issues and experience the same problems as a player of the game too. There seems to be more of a focus on OSRS within Jagex than there has ever been before, so I'm hopeful we'll see more positive change.
u/jagexayiza regarding soul wars island, will it be located in a similar place to rs3? I recently received the map desk mat and it reminded me that soul wars would be coming
The actual island is going to be located just west of the Feldip Hills :)
Hope you like the desk mat!
Ah gotcha, missed that.
We could have done things a lot better with the event as a whole, one of those being how we communicated things. That's probably why you missed it!
Combat achievements are coming a lot quicker than I expected, thats great to see.
So I know in the past we've had biannual large updates, typically around January and July. Is the clan update going to be the big update for January or are you kind of restructuring how you're doing things?
Loving the transparency by the way
In the Gazette it shows a snippet of our roadmap. You can see Clans listed there nice and early in the year but that's showing the continued development of it. We'll hopefully have more to share about a potential release date early next year!
Wait how did lms event work well? Didn't it not even happen?
We had to re-run it due to some issues on our end with getting the invites out, but the re-run went very well (technically)
From Tuesday December 15th until Tuesday January 5th you'll be able to try out Soul Wars in its current state. You'll need to claim with Prime Gaming, and it'll be on special Prime Gaming worlds.
f**k that.
We pay probably more than any other players out there for any other subscription based game. OSRS is NOT a cheap game and now I need to pay another company just to play shit in OSRS?
I understand your frustration, but just to confirm that it's only the "beta" period which is a Prime Gaming-exclusive, and it happens on no-save worlds so doesn't actually provide any in-game benefit. The full release in January will be open to all members.