

25 Nov


But you're here now, why not post your feedback instead of memes :(


Originally posted by PM_ME_YER_GAINZ

Have I ever told you you’re my favorite

I am not sure, have you?


Originally posted by rimora

big impact on the long-term health of the game and benefits all players

Sigil prices are at an all time high. The ironmen instance had no effect. This is fear-mongering.

That was in relation to GWD instances, not the impact the corp changes had. Sorry it wasn't clear!


Originally posted by mazrrim

Personally yes and I feel would also cover a lot of ironman issues with having to use up value to go into bandos instances.

If for example ironmen could use anything on deaths coffers rather than just the limit, if you are not willing to just do free ironman instances it would be a good compromise giving ironmen a use for "value" they otherwise have wasting.

Thanks for your replies, it's been really helpful <3


Originally posted by EvenRatio

please explain what impact iron corp instances has had on the "long-term health of the game" when sigil prices have only gone up?

That part was in regards to the GWD instances specifically and not related to the Corp changes. There hasn't been an impact on the long-term health of the game with Corp, but there could be with GWD, which is why if we're able to, we'd rather avoid it!


Originally posted by mazrrim

This might be too specific but for example I have a stack of 15k magic longbow(u)s, these only alch for 768 compared to ge price of 1020.

I am already 99 magic and don't really want to alch those anyway , and collecting bowstring and stringing them would also be horrible fletching xp compared to other methods.

Currently there is no "efficient" reason for me to touch those 15k magic longbow(u)s , and there is sure as hell no for fun reason to want to do 15k alchs.

If I could chuck them all in the death coffer for ge price would be great.

This also applies to tons of other ironman supplies like glass orbs or gold bars that you have absolutely no use for the number you get from other standard training methods.

Given the context you provided, that's fair enough. I wouldn't want to alch 15k bows either, especially if I was interested in efficient gameplay.

That being said, does the Death's Coffer question cover the specific issue for you as you'd just be able to whack them all in there and have your fees covered for a pretty considerable amount of time?


Originally posted by tom2727

So just to be 1000% clear, having (or stats to equip) a set of full dharoks will not be required to complete any diary task?

Will any of these require defeating wilderness bosses?

Oh it might be required at some point. We're not able to make Combat Achievements open to absolutely every type of limited account, purely because you just cannot kill certain bosses without the requirements, but the blog states we'd be looking to make up to Hard completable by low Defence builds.

Wilderness bosses are included in Combat Achievements yes.


Originally posted by ROCK-KNIGHT

GWD bosses are a little more lucractive than the likes of Kraken, and instances there is a pretty huge change, so locking it behind some requirements to lessen the impact on the wider game and long-term health of the economy seems like a sensible decision to make.

So we punish lower level players that can maybe get 1-2 kills a trip with higher instance costs while higher level players can get in quicker and cheaper for multi kill trips?

GWD instances should exist as a separate thing with a static cost. Lets introduce these new players to PVM by actually making the instances usable rather than being higher than the profit they're going to make on a typical trip.

Do you not think if the higher level players are getting in quicker and cheaper, the overcrowding issues in non-instanced rooms would be better? If they were, you could always use those to practice until you're confident enough to pay the fee for a private room?


Originally posted by PatricianPirate

To be honest, I don't think having a fee is the issue. But I think the cost of it is.

End-game GP making methods on ironman such as corrupted gauntlet (which you'd do far after GWD tbh) are like 400 - 500k gp per hour. On the lower end you have slayer and ardy knights which can range from about 150 - 350k gp per hour depending on which task you have or what you're doing.

I think lowering the cost down a little more for ironmen would make the proposed instances more palatable. 100k w/ hard would be fair IMO, though some other irons seem to think there should be no fees at all which may be too forgiving

My ~1800 total HCIM has absolutely no issues with GP from just playing casually.

I'm not sure where this lack of Ironman GP everyone else is experiencing comes from honestly. I'd love to be enlightened because I am absolutely stumped lol


Originally posted by reddit_bige

Not an ironman so maybe I am missing something, but don't irons already get Corp beast instances for free? I don't see why they need to pay GP at all for GWD when that free instance precedent has already been set. It does devalue the combat achievements for them a little I guess, but they can still go for unlocking the teleports and reduced KC which are fantastic rewards on their own already.

Much happier with the current costs for mains now though. If you get a Jad/Zuk task to kill 2-3 of them, does each kill in that task get the increased pet drop rate?

The Corporeal beast situation is a little unique. Because the only way to solo it is to reduce the stats with special attacks, and stats get reset each time you leave and enter a new instance, a private instance (which already existed there) wasn't feasible.

We have the opportunity to approach this in a different way, one that won't have as big an impact on the long-term health of the game and benefits all players.

And the increased Jad/Zuk tasks would act the exact same as the current one does :)


Originally posted by mazrrim

I still think instances should be free for ironman.

Or at least expand what we can put in the coffer to pay for this, I guess I can suffer the cost more if I can put in my redwood shields and magic bow(u)s

Forgive my ignorance here but could you not just alch your Redwood shields and Magic bow(u)'s for the gold and then use that to pay the fee?


Originally posted by Administration_Admin

Will you have achievements for killing bosses unarmed? I've always thought it would be the fremennik way to kill vorkath by bashing its skull in with my fists and I'd love to get a achievement for something like that!

Maybe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by ATCQ_

Instances changes are fine, encourages longer trip methods and the death coffer thing makes it super easy (drop dupes in there -> pay for Bandos trips)

Thanks Ayiza



Originally posted by jamflext

Thank you for listening to the community on liquid gp and death's coffer regarding GWD instances! Very pleased with the changes.

I'm glad you're happy with the changes!


Originally posted by BoomerDisqusPoster

3 zuks in one task i think i just busted in my pants

I hope you had some tissues close by


Originally posted by ROCK-KNIGHT

This all just feels like pointless busy work to me honestly. Why do we need a separate achievement list for PVM to clog up the interface?

Is PVM so unpopular that we need a diary to incentivize people to do it?

Why are we locking things that should just simply exist already like GWD instances behind this? Why must GWD instances be ~unlocked~ but anyone and their mum can do kraken instances?

I don't think introducing new players into PvM and giving long-term goals for all players that want them is pointless, but that's the beauty of opinions I guess. We all have them but don't have to agree :)

GWD bosses are a little more lucractive than the likes of Kraken, and instances there is a pretty huge change, so locking it behind some requirements to lessen the impact on the wider game and long-term health of the economy seems like a sensible decision to make.


Originally posted by PatricianPirate

I saw that, I think that's a somewhat fair compromise. However can I ask why there's a precedent being set where an almost uniquely ironman problem is being solved by punishing us with a fee? You guys handled the corp one perfectly, why not give us the same thing?

Do you still feel like having the ability to pay instance fees with Death's Coffer is too punishing?

Edit: I should also add that the change to Corp is a little unique here, as we all know the only way you can solo that is by reducing the defence with special attacks, something that's not possible to do with an instance as the stats reset once you leave and re-enter.


Originally posted by tomw2308

u/JagexAyiza any news on when the next Gielinor Gazette is coming out, we didn't get one in Ocotber and November is almost over?

There should be one coming soon, but I can't give you an exact date sorry :(


Originally posted by BigTrev8

ironmen instances should be free, not locked behind content and gp gated.

They're instances for everyone though, not just Ironmen :(


Originally posted by Cthulhu2027

Thank you for considering player feedback. This is a great improvement on the GWD instance front.

Opening it (and other instances) to deaths coffers makes it far more accessible for ironmen.

It may still be a bit pricey, but I'm confident that can be re-examined any time in the future, so I'm not about to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Please don't throw the baby