u/JagexAyiza any news on when the next Gielinor Gazette is coming out, we didn't get one in Ocotber and November is almost over?
There should be one coming soon, but I can't give you an exact date sorry :(
u/JagexAyiza any news on when the next Gielinor Gazette is coming out, we didn't get one in Ocotber and November is almost over?
There should be one coming soon, but I can't give you an exact date sorry :(
ironmen instances should be free, not locked behind content and gp gated.
They're instances for everyone though, not just Ironmen :(
Thank you for considering player feedback. This is a great improvement on the GWD instance front.
Opening it (and other instances) to deaths coffers makes it far more accessible for ironmen.
It may still be a bit pricey, but I'm confident that can be re-examined any time in the future, so I'm not about to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Please don't throw the baby
That's ignoring the potential loot you get from killing the boss aside from the uniques, though.
According to the wiki without uniques you can expect to net ~38k/kill. This works out to ~30.5m in drops not including any duplicates you could sacrifice to Death's Coffers. If ironmen really only care about getting the uniques then it's more like 10m to complete the set (in your case).
You realize ironmen can't sell items on the grand exchange for gp, right... ?
But you can put them into Death's Coffer and there is a new question that was added to allow for the fees to be paid from there if you'd rather.
I hope you guys consider giving Ironmen seperate GWD rooms to mains, like Corp. Instances are definitely needed for mains with how packed bandos is, but it's unfair for ironmen imo.
For context, bandos alone took me 800kc to complete at 3 kc per trip, thats 40M GP just to get BIS melee armour... (and I have friends who went up to 1,300 KC to complete a BGS/bandos).
Are you taking into account the gold you would have earnt along the way if you end up going that dry? With a decent amount of kills per trip, you shouldn't ever really lose money. Appreciate that whilst learning, you might not get as many kills per trip though.
I saw the update about limited accounts being able to complete up to hard, but I still see the Dharoks task which is why I asked about the hard requirement of gear/stats.
"where possible we'd like to offer players an alternative option to completing a specific task that would otherwise be impossible"
This is what I was referring to! We'd just offer alternate gear options with lower requirements if that was the only limiting factor :)
These combat achievements would be great content for people like Xzact and Rendi to push the boundaries of what players think is possible similar to their 3cb fire cape series, Xzact’s 40 cb inferno, and Rendi’s lower the better series.
With that said please do not add hard combat level/gear requirements to tasks. Things like use Dharoks to kill Mole or base x combat stats locks these lower the better accounts out from completing a tier set. Tasks should all be “completable” as long as an account has access to the boss (slayer level, quest requirement, etc).
Have you read the updated blog? This exact point is pretty much covered in it :)
I've managed to break the news module, so you won't be able to access the link just yet... sorry about this lol
Edit: should be fixed now, really sorry about that!
u/JagexAyiza Will any Kill count obtained prior to the combat achievements be considered for completetion? So if I guess 100 jad KC would be a task and go ahead and do that would i be wasting my time? Also the same question for PB times. Thank you :O
The blog does say any previously earnt Kill Count will carry over into Combat Achievements and some speed completions will too :) I didn't make it very clear though, so sorry about that!
I've just checked in with the support team and been advised your name "Sir Acid" should have already been changed back. An unfortunate case of the name being incorrectly marked as offensive, sorry about that! Let me know if you don't already have the name back please!
I don't think I've seen this anywhere but will the tasks be retroactively completed or is everything a fresh start? I've got 5k Kraken KC with its collection log completed and I doubt I will ever want to go back
Yep any killcount tasks will be retroactively added, it does say it in the blog but maybe it wasn't clear enough (sorry!)
The stats listed are more a recommendation rather than hard requirements. There's definitely content you'd be able to complete in Combat Achievements as a limited account!
Will previous boss killcounts auto-complete their tasks? Or will each count task have to be done from scratch
Any killcount tasks will be retroactively added, I did add that into the blog but you're not the first to ask so maybe it wasn't clear enough (sorry!)
Whoever wrote this blog: it’s ecuMeNical, not ecuNeMical keys. Thought it was a typo but looks like every mention of the word is spelled the same. Kind of funny that whoever wrote this has been saying the word wrong this whole time lol
Oops, fixed that now thanks
jagex and forcing access to pve content through the wilderness, name a more iconic duo.
I don't mind paying a large amount of gp for an instance, but forcing keys for it, even with increased drop rates, is ridiculous in my opinion.
Heard this point loud and clear, I expect we'll be making some changes to this particular reward before the poll is live
Its kinda odd how the only combat related reward is melee only when many of the achievements are likely going to require mage/range to complete.
I don't think the off hand should just be given mage/range accuracy, but some sort of usable reward for mage/range is hopefully considered.
Will the slayer levels be hard reqs? or general suggested like def?
I really like the suggestion someone made about making the offhand a jack of all trades for all styles, but not being better at any one of them compared to other items. Kind of like an upgraded version of the Zammy book. Definite room to change that reward for sure :)
The Slayer levels are likely to be hard requirements whereas the others are recommended, purely because certain monsters require a Slayer level to kill.
very glad that there will be a second iteration before the poll goes live. If that is likely it might make sense to open the blog with that to avoid the nasty reactions from some people in the future. TY for following up on this and as others have said we are glad that y'all are working to improve the game.
You know what, that's a valid point. I used to always start the blogs off saying we'll upload an updated version before the poll. This time I just alluded to it at the bottom of the post. Thanks for reminding me :)
I agree there is good discussion happening, and I'm glad you're out here to take the feedback, sincerely. I just know for a lot of irons paying steep fees in both time and gp to do content that for main accounts is free and much easier is kind of a low blow. I hope you and the Oldschool team can maybe consider other options in a separate poll or blog, as it seems the rest of the blog is spectacular!
I can completely understand the low blow feeling! We'll edit this blog based on feedback and publish an updated version before the in-game poll goes live rather than having to do a separate one
I don't think it needs clarifying
Why on earth wouldn't this need clarifying? You specifically mention in the blog you've heard the player base talking about these issues recently. This would cause me to assume you've taken it into consideration. Not ignore it like it'll just go away like you have.
I'm sorry I must be mistaken, how are we ignoring it if its in the current blog? I was just addressing the comments I've been getting saying we're only offering the instances because of Trailblazer and that's not true. Yeah it'd definitely solidified our decision to keep it in the blog, but it's not a reactive thing?